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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Fri, Feb 22 2008
9 reasons why Michael Jackson masterpiece remains a 'Thriller' !!
Topic: Main News


There are two ways to listen to Michael Jackson's "Thriller," 25 years after its release. Scandal addicts will find trace evidence of the obsessions that would sink the greatest pop star of his generation into Hollywood Babylon: the repressed, explosive sexuality in his breathy vocals; the racial ambivalence he would encode on his body, evident in genre-busting songs such as "Beat It"; the innocence fetish that made ballads such as "Human Nature" sparkle but led the singer into a shadowy life among paid-off children in his own Neverland.

The dirty stuff is all there. But so is wonder, pure and complex, and some willful forgetting can bring you back to it. Put aside jackson, the tragic example. Return to Michael, the musical prodigy who filtered a host of cross-cultural and intergenerational influences through his own weird radar to create music as surprising as it was definitive.

Enjoy that Michael, at play in the fields of new technology with producer Quincy Jones and the best team of studio pros since Brian Wilson roped in the Wrecking Crew. At 24, that Michael embodied the vertiginous power of being young -- his love songs were all longing and playful innuendo, his angry songs half bluster and half nightmare. That Michael believed that pop songs could have the effect that classic tales have on kids, coloring their dreams and staying forever in their memories. "Thriller" was the first Neverland he built -- the one he'll never lose in bankruptcy court.

The just-issued 25th anniversary of "Thriller" includes remixes by and Kanye West and guest appearances from Fergie and Akon. But the classic content is what still resonates, even if younger listeners need to be lured in by names they associate with the Hot 100. Here, nine Los Angeles Times staff writers and contributors offer their views of the album's original tracks.

? "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' ": Hot as Jackson was after the quantum leap that 1979's "Off the Wall" brought his solo career, few expected him to match, much less dramatically surpass, those heights so quickly. But "Thriller's" leadoff track immediately established the new album as another giant step forward. It connected to "Off the Wall" with an irresistible Afro-Caribbean funk, dance-floor pulse and peppery horn accents akin to "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," then rocketed to new heights with even more sinewy bass and guitar lines propelling his impossibly nimble vocals. If "Off the Wall" demonstrated that Jackson was a kid no more, "Somethin' " signaled the full maturity of his musical acumen. All the more impressive for a song built on just two chords. (Randy Lewis)

? "Baby Be Mine": Imagine if this weren't the better of the two non-singles from a monster album but a one-shot single by an unknown artist. The sweet midtempo glide of "Baby Be Mine" probably would have bubbled into the R&B Top 20 and gotten lots of roller-skate play, been included on recent mix CDs by cutting-edge European DJs and been remade as a slow jam at least three times. We would have wondered at the bionic singer, the effervescent synth arrangements, the popping groove. In short, it would sound like the hidden classic it remains, even in plain sight. (Michaelangelo Matos)

? "The Girl Is Mine": Treacly, insipid, weak, embarrassing -- that's how detractors describe Jackson's gentle sparring match with his then-favorite Beatle, Paul McCartney. Borne forward on a beat light as hair mousse and synth flourishes supplied by the guys from Toto, it's a long way from the paranoid funk of "Billie Jean." But its spun-sugar vocal line is like the G-rated version of "Unchained Melody," and the cornball lyrics (I know, "doggone") invoke a show-tune Arcadia that both MJ and Macca fought to preserve as pop got ever filthier. The lift Jackson gives the word "endlessly" midsong can still make a listener feel like she's swimming in a sea of Love's Baby Soft. (Ann Powers)

? "Thriller": If ever a video killed the radio star, "Thriller" was it. The song was adequately groovy -- funked-out beat, lyrics seemingly lifted from some little kid's "scary storybook" -- but the video was legendary: Costing $800,000, the 14-minute mini-film was the most expensive video of its time. Back then it was over the top; to today's viewer, jaded by bloated-budget videos, it still looks epic -- and deliciously campier than ever. That dialogue ("I'm not like other guys")! That Vincent Price rap interlude! And, most of all, those choreographed zombies, dancing in a style that -- thanks to Usher, Ne-Yo and Chris Brown -- still gets its close-up on MTV. (Baz Dreisinger)

? "Beat It": A secret not closely guarded: The uncredited guitarist who whipped out the fluttering, squealing solo on this ode to macho cowardice was Eddie Van Halen, whose extracurriculars ranked among the provocations for singer David Lee Roth's 1985 departure from the megalithic rock band Van Halen. The aerodynamic metal flight pumped crossover fuel that would boost the success of "Thriller" -- a gimmick Jackson would flog later with spots from Slash and Carlos Santana. Without the Van Halen precedent, there might have been no collaboration of Run-DMC and Aerosmith on the 1986 rap/rock version of "Walk This Way." (Greg Burk)

? "Billie Jean": Twenty-five years later, "Thriller's" central chamber has lost none of its fevered mystery. This is where the album's material plane gives way to a haunted interior, excavated by that remorseless bass line and shaped by a taut interplay of instruments -- the arrangement is ingenious, so lean and spare that it's hard to accept that there are three synthesizers at work. Jackson finds a new voice here, a victim's voice that shudders in the shadows of this remarkable sonic space, lashing at his own naivete and at the false accusers who were just starting to gather at his door. (Richard Cromelin)

? "Human Nature": Jackson is a sensual vampire flying over the city looking for juicy necks to bite. A template for new jack swing and hip-hop soul ballads, "Human Nature" is comparatively slower and more intimate than "Thriller's" other songs. "If this town is just an apple, let me take a bite," quivers Jackson's voice over a cascading synthesizer and percolating bass line. Though written by John Bettis and Steve Porcaro of Toto, the lyrics resonate with Jackson's yearning to break free from his tower of celebrity and mingle with young people in a "city that winks its sleepless eye." (Serena Kim)

? "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)": It's all about the chipmunk. The production has a compelling charm already; It's not as forceful as "Beat It" or as slick as "Human Nature," but those squiggly synths and chewy bass lines do their work well. But besides the robo-accented "P.Y.T." hook, what seals the deal is that helium-pitched voice after the bridge. Honestly, to this day, I still can't decipher what line is blurted out, but just the chipmunk effect has been enough to imprint the song in my head. Given that Kanye West looped the same passage for his Grammy-winning "Good Life" only confirms I'm not alone in my infatuation. (Oliver Wang)

? "The Lady in My Life": And the '80s pop big bang ends with a ... whimper? So it might have seemed at the time, this Rod Temperton-penned and arranged trifle closed "Thriller" on an unconvincingly romantic note -- even pre-scandal. Yet today, "Lady" shines for its classic simplicity and nuanced craft, a verse melody straight from vintage Burt Bacharach (the muted trumpet early on leaves no doubt) topped with a chorus that's almost a Stevie Wonder homage. And Jackson's delivery is refreshingly unaffected -- not until shortly before the final fade does he even let out an ooo! No, not a whimper. A sigh.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:22 AM WST
Updated: Thu, Feb 28 2008 2:48 AM WST
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Sun, Sep 30 2007
NYC: Jackson & Kids Watch The Lion King!!?

When Michael Jackson took his three children to see ?The Lion King? at the Minskoff Theatre on Sunday, the family was wearing costumes almost as ornate as the actors in the long-running show, the New York Post reported today.Aspen magazine fashion editor Sue Hostetler was backstage when ?all of a sudden, Michael Jackson appears with his three kids - who all had wigs and baseball caps on,? she told the Post.
Jackson introduced his kids as Paris, Prince and Blanket to the cast before taking pictures and ?running out.?
NY Post

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 7:14 PM JST
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Mon, Sep 10 2007
Topic: Main News

The Jackson family have released the following statement:
People Magazine has followed other publications in reporting untrue and inaccurate information about Michael Jackson and the Jackson family. Of theses widely reported rumors, what has become the most troubling and heinous, is that my son, and brother, Michael Jackson, is dependent on painkillers and alcohol.
People, and other news organizations, have quoted "sources" indicating that our family has attempted a drug intervention, and engaged in an effort to take over his business affairs, because of this alleged drug and alcohol usage.
We categorically deny ever planning, participating in, or having any knowledge of any kind of intervention, whatsoever. We strongly believe that these "sources" and others, no matter who they are, are making these defamatory, inaccurate, and untrue claims for monetary reasons.
Michael Jackson, and the Jackson family, has endured years of false accusations and misrepresentations.
It is time for these unfair and hurtful rumors, for profit to end.
Thank you.
The Jackson Family
with thanks to PJR
Source: MJStar

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 6:36 PM JST
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Fri, Sep 7 2007
Calling all Michael Jackson Fans
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Announcements

To all Mj fans:

I just recently saw a bulletin posted about a new MJ Bashing site. When I went to check it out. I was horrified by the disgusting disrespect and lack of Human decency that Michael as well as he?s fans were being subjected to. This site has taken upon themselves to Threaten Michael, by saying they will stop at nothing to get him executed and put behind bars. They have also manipulated pictures of his fans to make it look like They are all MJ haters. The website?s URL is:

This site is obviously run by a group of immature, pathetic, ***holes who don?t have a life. If any of the MJ fans on my friends list truly love Michael please help me by reposting this bulletin to all your MJ friends. Hopefully we all can find some kind of way to get this website removed.

Thank you.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:29 AM JST
Updated: Sat, Sep 29 2007 2:31 AM JST
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Sun, Jul 15 2007
Michael Jackson To Pay Torrance Law Firm For Overdue Fees!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: Main News

LOS ANGELES -- An attorney for Michael Jackson said Tuesday that the pop star will agree to a judgment directing him to pay $216,000, plus interest, to a Torrance law firm that sued him for overdue fees.

The law firm of Ayscough & Marar sued Jackson on Feb. 21, 2006, in Torrance Superior Court. Work that the firm did for Jackson included obtaining court orders to delay discovery in civil cases and keeping information from being publicly released while Jackson's child molestation trial was in progress in Santa Maria in 2005, according to the lawsuit.

Ayscough & Marar also helped defend Jackson against a lawsuit brought by former business associate Marc Schaffel, alleging the singer owed him $1.4 million for past work.

A Santa Monica jury last July 14 awarded Schaffel $900,000, but directed him to pay Jackson $200,000 to satisfy a countersuit alleging Schaffel misappropriated funds.

Ayscough & Marar's case against the singer was moved to the downtown Los Angeles courthouse last October at the request of Jackson's lawyers. Trial of the case was scheduled to begin today.

But Jackson's lawyer, Marshall L. Brubacher, agreed to a judgment against his client after Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant ruled that the entertainer's lawyers could not use many of the defenses they had hoped to raise during trial.

Brubacher told Chalfant that agreeing to the judgment made economic sense for his client.

"We want to stop the hemorraging," Brubacher said. Brubacher also said he and Jackson's other lawyers will not challenge the judgment later on the basis that their client was not present in court.

Chalfant said he was striking the defenses because of Jackson's "willful failure" to turn over information requested by the law firm, and for ignoring a June 12 court order to finish a deposition the singer walked out of on Feb. 27.

Michael McCarthy, an attorney for Ayscough & Marar, said yesterday that Jackson was scheduled to resume the deposition last Friday at the Westlake Village law office of another of his lawyers, Thomas C. Mundell, but never showed up. Brubacher said after today's hearing that he does not know why the singer did not appear for the deposition, but the lawyer told Chalfant that Jackson likely would not have known the answers to the questions McCarthy intended to ask.

McCarthy said interest on the judgment amounts to another $40,000, meaning his clients are actually entitled to $256,000. McCarthy said he also will ask Chalfant to order Jackson to pay him about $280,000 for the lawyer's work in representing the law firm. Brubacher said he has not yet figured out how much interest there will be on the judgment, and that the additional $280,000 McCarthy wants is too high.

"This was a simple case," Brubacher said. "We tried to settle this several times." Jackson countersued the law firm last Aug. 29. The singer's allegations included a claim that one of the firm's lawyers threatened to expose confidential information about him to the media.

Chalfant later dismissed the Jackson countersuit, finding it lacked merit, said Brent Ayscough, a partner in Ayscough & Marar. He said Jackson remains mired in debt because of his lifestyle.

Jackson, 48, was acquitted of the molestation charges and was represented during the trial by attorney Tom Mesereau.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 6:58 PM JST
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Thu, Jun 28 2007
Topic: Main News

June 27, 2007

Washington, D.C. ?. There have been several news reports regarding Mr. Michael Jackson that are untrue, defamatory and malicious in nature.

Mr. Jackson is not bedridden nor on any type of medication?including painkillers. In fact, Mr. Jackson is doing very well, and conducted a meeting with his advisors yesterday, which included Former Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti, and Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., among others.

There was no press release issued from Mr. Jackson?s organization regarding any European tour plans. Despite reports to the contrary, Mr. Jackson is currently in the studio putting finishing touches on his music.

Mr. Jackson has not ?left? Las Vegas nor is he being ?evicted? from his residence in Las Vegas. He decided not to exercise the option to purchase the house. Period.

Mr. Jackson does not believe that his brother, Randy Jackson, has stolen monies from him, nor does he believe that Randy, or any of his family members, would ever steal from him. Reports regarding the same were untrue and malicious.

Contrary to published reports, Mr. Jackson is neither losing, nor is he selling his share of the ATV/Sony partnership. Reports regarding the same are ludicrous, without merit, and are being written without sufficient personal financial information to make such an unwarranted pronouncement.

Mr. Jackson is concerned that his assistant, Grace Rwaramba, is constantly being attacked by Fox News? Roger Friedman. There have been vicious and untrue reports concerning Ms. Rwaramba, who lives a very private life and has done nothing wrong, but is being attacked for her professional relationship and proximity to Mr. Jackson.

While in his entire career, Mr. Jackson has never uttered a disparaging word to any reporter, nor has he ever used or instructed his security to use any force toward any reporter, there are those whose vehement hatred for Mr. Jackson has reached a level where all journalistic integrity has been lost, in order to write reports for which there is no substantiation, are untrue, written to create a frenzy, or used to try and destroy Mr. Jackson?s image. They know who they are; and, this is a sad commentary?a commentary which Mr. Jackson?s attorneys will address.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 7:04 PM JST
Updated: Mon, Oct 1 2007 2:58 AM JST
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Thu, Jun 21 2007
20 People Who Changed Black Music: Michael Jackson, the Child Star-Turned- Adult Enigma
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

When it comes to the history of black music - or simply music, period - very few people have achieved accolades, success and the adoration of fans throughout the world like Michael Joseph Jackson.

Not only has Jackson dominated pop and R&B charts over the course of five decades, he ushered in the MTV era, helping the burgeoning network draw viewers in the 1980s with his music videos that were more feature-film than a few minutes of smoke and mirrors to sell a song. The most awarded recording artist in history, Jackson is a double inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ? as a member of the Jackson 5 and as a solo artist.

With his albums reaching platinum status multiple times over, Jackson has truly earned the symbolic Guinness World Records title "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time." And the electrifying dance moves he displayed in his sold-out shows - brilliantly captured in his Emmy Award-nominated, "moonwalk"-punctuat ed performance at "Motown 25" in 1983 - are still being imitated by today's R&B upstarts and impersonators across the world.

Yet despite Jackson's extraordinary talent, his personal life has recently overshadowed his untouchable musical abilities. But true fans remain loyal.

"He is a super talent regardless of the stuff that's happened," said Niecy Davis, assistant programs director for Radio One in St. Louis. A self-proclaimed "die-hard Michael Jackson fan," Davis said she's followed the Gloved One's career for more than 30 years, from the "Jackson 5" cartoon of the 1970s to the famous video debuts of the 1980s and 1990s that were appointment television for everyone.

"Michael Jackson has always been unique and daring. Man, he is just the bomb."

"I was glued to all of his videos. The choreography was always good, and the music just had a feeling to it," Davis told BlackAmericaWeb. com. "Michael Jackson has always been unique and daring. Man, he is just the bomb."

It all began for Jackson in the early 1960s. Touring with his brothers in their native Indiana, Jackson, and the group that would become the Jackson 5 won a local talent show in 1966. The winning song was a rendition of The Temptation's "My Girl," with Michael singing the lead. It was only a matter of time before the Jacksons would become label mates with the Temptations, signing with Motown Records in 1968. A string of hits would follow ? "I Want You Back," "ABC," The Love You Save," and "I'll Be There." In addition to the success the group saw, Michael Jackson was a solo cash cow for Motown, releasing "Got to Be There" and "Ben."

Life wasn't all roses with Motown for the Jackson 5, and the group - with strict disciplinarian father/manager Joe Jackson leading the way - signed a contract with CBS Records. The move angered Motown, and a suit accusing the group of breaching their contract was filed. In the end, the group had to rename themselves The Jacksons and brother Jermaine - who was married to Motown head Berry Gordy's daughter - was replaced by the youngest Jackson son, Randy. From 1976 to 1984, Michael Jackson was more than a front man for The Jacksons. As the lead songwriter, he penned such hits as "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)," and "Can You Feel It."

As the 1980s approached, Jackson was once again focusing on a solo career and, after appearing in "The Wiz" as the Scarecrow and performing songs produced by music impresario Quincy Jones, Jackson started a business relationship that would reap big rewards.

In 1979, Jackson released "Off the Wall," an international chart-topper that produced four Top 10 hits, including "Don't Stop 'Til You get Enough" and "Rock with You." The Jackson/Jones collaboration spent 48 consecutive weeks on the Top 20 charts, with song lyrics and music written by Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney, to name a few.

The next year, Jackson won his first awards for his solo work. He won Favorite Soul/R&B Album (for "Off the Wall"), Favorite Male Soul/R&B Artist and Favorite Soul/R&B Single (for "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough") at the American Music Awards. That hardware would be followed by two Billboard Awards for Top Black Artist and Top Black Album and a Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance, Male (for "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough").

"Michael was and really always will be a major force in R&B."

The Jackson 5-less Michael Jackson was a true phenomenon, said Al Payne, operations manager for Radio One in Richmond, Va.

"When Michael broke out on his own, it was obvious that he would take the world by storm," Payne told BlackAmericaWeb. com. "From his moves to his showmanship to his Quincy Jones-infused grooves, Michael was and really always will be a major force in R&B."

That force hit with vengeance in late 1982 on the wings of "Thriller," the biggest selling album in history, with worldwide sales totals that surpass 104 million. It delivered a slew of classic tracks - the first album to garner seven top-10 Billboard Hot Singles - including the title cut, "Beat It" and "Billie Jean," which was the first music video by a black performer to be aired on MTV.

Ironically, Jackson's entry into music video history would not come easily, despite his subsequent mastery of -- and influence on -- the medium.

An October 2005 article in Blender, lauding "Billie Jean" as its top pick of "The 500 Greatest Sings Since You Were Born, details how CBS Records heads Walter Yetnikoff "went ballistic" at the music channel's refusal to air the video. "I said to MTV, 'I'm pulling everything we have off the air, all our product. I'm not going to give you any more videos. And I'm going to go public and f---ing tell them about the fact you don't want to play music by a black guy.'" "Billie Jean" was promptly put in heavy rotation, and neither Jackson nor MTV ever looked back."

Even the critically-acclaime d, often-referenced video for "Thriller" was a groundbreaking piece of filmmaking: Directed by John Landis, it was 13 minutes long and even led to a VHS release entitled, "Making Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'," which become the best-selling music home video ever.

Davis says she can still remember racing home to catch one of Jackson's music videos, regardless of how many times she had already seen them.

"I was sitting in front of MTV everyday trying to catch the entire 'Thriller' video," Davis told BlackAmericaWeb. com.

The relatively new concept of music videos didn't hurt record sales; "Thriller" was the No. 1 song for 37 weeks and as a certified Platinum album 27 times over, stayed on the Billboard charts for 122 weeks - or slightly more than two years.

At an age where most people are beginning to find their way professionally, Jackson was being lauded in ways that many veteran musicians never see. The New York Times called Jackson a "musical phenomenon" when he was just 25, saying, "in the world of pop music, there is Michael Jackson and there is everybody else." While Jackson was easily a crossover act, appealing to white audiences as well as blacks, his success also helped black artists get mainstream radio play for the first time since the 1970s.

"Michael Jackson took the baton from James Brown and worked his own magic into it," Payne said.

Jackson also showed his humanitarian side, serving as one of the forces behind "We Are the World," sharing co-writing honors with Lionel Richie in 1985. With 20 million copies sold, "We Are the World" won Song of the Year honors at the Grammy Awards. Jackson also allowed "Beat It" to be used in anti-drunk driving ads and was honored at a White House ceremony for lending his song to the cause.

The 1990s saw Jackson marry and divorce twice - to Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, and to Debbie Rowe, a dental hygienist. His union with Rowe produced two children, Michael Joseph "Prince" Jackson, Jr. and Paris Katherine, both of whom Rowe and Jackson say were conceived naturally.

"Jackson remains one of the most popular musical icons of all time"

And the 2003 documentary "Living With Michael Jackson" was the match that lit the fire under accusations that Jackson engaged in improper behavior with children. Jackson, who always seems to speak as if he's the childhood lead of the Jacksons, shared with camera crews that he would share his bed with young children. Later that year, he was charged with two counts of child molestation and acquitted of all charges in May 2005 after a highly-publicized trial.

Despite the controversy, Jackson remains one of the most popular musical icons of all time. He is especially beloved overseas, where throngs of fans appear whenever he is out in public. Even in the United States, Davis said, his star still shines bright, if not in mainstream circles.

"He is a super talent, regardless," Davis told BlackAmericaWeb. com. "Sometimes you find super talented people that are very eccentric, and that's Michael Jackson. People get wrapped up in his personal life. And at the end of the day, that's really none of our business."

Source:Black America Web


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 6:50 PM JST
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Sun, May 20 2007
Topic: Main News


May 18, 2007

Las Vegas, NV ??.Michael Jackson and Universal Express are pleased to announce the completion of a confidential resolution to the action disputing title to the items being auctioned at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on May 30 and 31, 2007, or by logging on to

?Mr. Jackson is satisfied with the negotiated settlement,? stated Raymone K. Bain, Jackson spokesperson, ?and is pleased that some of the proceeds from the auction will be donated to certain charities. As this is a confidential agreement, we will be making no further comments. ?

?Although the road to auction has been long, we look forward to being able to introduce to the world the glory of the Jackson family and take great pride in the five charities that will benefit from the sales proceeds, stated Richard A. Altomare, Chairman and CEO of Universal Express.

Items belonging to Mr. Jackson, included in the auction, will be accompanied by written authentication.


Raymone K Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:51 AM JST
Updated: Sun, May 20 2007 12:59 AM JST
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Fri, May 18 2007
MJ contesting ownership of some of the Jackson Family auction items
Topic: Main News
Universal Express and the auction house Guernsey's have in the past few days received a hearing notice for early next week from Michael Jackson's attorneys contesting ownership of some of the legally purchased collection.

Universal Express and its attorney's have stated they will respond to the frivolous accusations of Mr. Jackson's attorneys.

"When the legal facts of this issue are presented we anticipate that the auction will continue as planned," said Mr. Richard Altomare, CEO and Chairman of Universal Express.

"We own the property definitively, and this unwarranted interference may result in substantial damages.

"Any damage, delay, lost momentum or anticipated lost revenues will result in several legal actions for this auction's full potential." concluded Mr. Altomare.

MJTKOP will try and keep you updated of any further developments in this case.



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:03 PM JST
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RE: Michael Jackson's court Appearance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Raymone K. Bain

May 17, 2007

Las Vegas, Nevada ?? Contrary to published reports, Mr. Michael Jackson

will not be personally appearing in court in Las Vegas, Nevada on

Friday, May 18, 2007, regarding the auction items issue.

Thank you.
Raymone Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:16 AM JST
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Sat, Apr 14 2007
Michael Jackson. NOT A SCANDAL BUT AN INNOVATOR!!! Michael Jackson
Topic: MJ's Side Segments

Michael Jackson

Innovating Contemporary Performance Practices.

We are witnessing, at the beginning of the XXI century, a comeback of the original concept of performance (defined as the representation of an artistic product before an audience), and, also, a return to the ancient performance model, mainly characterized by great spatial and temporal coordinates (ex. the Roman Coliseum gladiator shows, the esthetically hybrid Greek feasts, musical, dance and theatre, religious celebration given in the honor of the god Dionysus).

These years represent also the turning point for the foundation and the consolidation of the "spectacular society" (Guy Debord), also known as the Western society, within which human experiences (life, death, sufferance, disease, criminality, happiness) are turned into merchandise ready to be consumed, to be possessed by an audience that, through mass media, becomes globally wide spread and interconnected.

The social and political areas turning more theatrical, or more spectacular, coupled with the redefinition of citizens as audiences whose realities are meditated and turned into hyper realities, are, in my opinion, some of the factors that have determined not only the returning of the performing arts towards the ancient Roman/Greek performance model (defined by grandeur), but also a trespassing of esthetic grounds and a hybridization of various genre and styles. Nothing seems too great; nothing is too much in this amazing era.

MEGA and SUPER are the keywords of this new century, while the most representative esthetic format of the artistic life becomes the scenic concert, a performance structure that reunites dancers, musicians, actors, singers, artistic, technical directors, scene designers, costume designers, make up artists, video artists, special effect artists and thousands of audiences from all over the world. In other words, an interdisciplinary structure, between
various arts, merging verbal, musical, theatre, filmic, video and body practices amplified and augmented at gigantesque proportions.

The innovator of this new esthetic format is the American artist, Michael Jackson, who, starting from the 80, has
invented and constantly rewritten the rules based on which the scenic concert remains still a functional contemporary artistic structure.

Yet, the American singer is most known for innovating another esthetic format (the short movie video starting with
Thriller in 1983), and who, in my opinion, reached a perfect format in 1997 with the short movie GHOSTS, produced by the American director Stan Wilson, based on a script written by Stephen King and Michael Jackson. Released at the 50th edition of the Cannes Festival, Ghosts could be seen for the first time in the off section
of the festival.

The film tells the story of a scary Maestro with supernatural powers, who is being forced out of a small town by its
mayor. The movie includes a series of dance routines performed by Michael Jackson and his "family" of ghouls. Every song from the film was taken from Michael Jackson's HIStory and Blood on the Dance Floor albums. Ghosts has much in common with its most direct predecessor, "Thriller". Originally released in 1983, "Thriller" also featured Jackson as the main protagonist/antagonist, interacting and choreographed with "undead" dancers. Likewise, both films act as homage to monster films past. While "Thriller" could be viewed as a tribute to 1950's - '70's genre films (I Was a Teenage Werewolf and George Romero's Living Dead Series among them), Ghosts
owes more directly to the Universal Monsters series of films. Even its opening sequence recalls scenes of torch-wielding villagers storming the castle gates of an assumed antagonist, a repeating motif in movies ranging from 1931's Frankenstein to 2004's Van Helsing.

Ghosts also can be viewed as a not-so-thinly veiled self-commentary by Jackson on his personal circumstances in the years preceding (and ironically, following) its production. Direct parallels can be drawn between various elements in the film and Jackson's own life: The Maestro - a reclusive, solitary figure, living removed from the townspeople, and interacting primarily with their children - suffers much the same reaction as the self-styled "King of Pop" did. (It could be similarly argued that the character of The Mayor most directly represents vocal Jackson critic and prosecutor Tom Sneddon).

Artistic codes taken from various artistic practices (theatre, film, dance, video, scenic concert, video clip) interfere
and fuse, creating an outcome that can not, even nowadays, be categorized and easily referenced.

From a theatrical point of view, it is amazing to observe the amount of focus the creators of Ghosts give to the
concept of public (the villagers brought by the Mayor), as almost 45 percent of the film footage consists of general shots and zoom in-s on different characters, capturing their reactions to what they are experiencing. Another interesting aspect represents the implicit classification of these reactions in the context of Aristotle and post Aristotle's cathartic esthetic categories: fear, pity, joy. These moods and reactions change and replace themselves very quickly according not only to the evolution of the story line, but also to a subtle manipulation of the so called safe space between the audiences and the actors (the public is delighted, laughs when the ghosts dance, walk on the walls, make tricks, but keep their distance from them, and becomes frighten, cries and yells when they get closer).

A third theatrical element worthy to be pointed out, when considering the theatre practice, is the typology of two
characters; the Buffoon ghost and the Maestro (Michael Jackson), who, as a stage director, sets the rules of the game, creates his acting/performing troop (materializing the ghosts) leads and controls this troop, separates the performance space from the public space, and, at the end, asks his audience if they have liked what they had seen. (Were you scared? But did we all have a good time?).

To this theatrical structure, video and media codes are added (the virtual special effects for the creating of the skeleton of the maestro) together with contemporary dance codes that imply a set choreography not only for the dancers but for the video cameras themselves.

The artistic genius of the American performer, Michael Jackson (who has recently made himself present in the artistic world, after a time off for almost 2 years) has given to the artistic and entertainment world two esthetic formats: the scenic concert (the mega concert or the multimedia concert) and the short movie/long video clip (still having trouble finding a right name for it), by which, he has not only innovated the contemporary performance practices, but he has also established himself as an international vanguard artist, pushing even further the questions of what art and entertainment are supposed to be. The wonderful news is that this great artist is back again in the rehearsal studio, creating and innovating new material to the delight of his public.

Submitted by: Ozana Budau

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:11 PM JST
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Mon, Apr 9 2007
Michael may take legal action to stop the sale
Topic: Main News

LAS VEGAS - More than 1,100 Jackson family items are set for auction in Las Vegas next month, but a representative for Michael Jackson says the pop star is considering legal action to stop the sale.

"Mr. Jackson was not aware and he is extremely upset that his memorabilia was included amongst the memorabilia that is being auctioned off," said spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain.

The Jacksons Auction is scheduled May 30-31 at the Hard Rock hotel resort.

Guernsey's auction house said items include Michael Jackson's gold record for his "Thriller" album, handwritten lyrics for The Jackson Five hit "ABC" and a "Victory Tour" program signed by Jackson family members.

Arlan Ettinger, founder and president of Guernsey's, compared the sale to an auction of Elvis Presley/Graceland memorabilia he conducted in Las Vegas in 1999.

"It certainly is in that sphere of landmark, high-profile, extraordinary auctions," Ettinger told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Michael Jackson, 48, has been living in Las Vegas while he evaluates proposals for a comeback after his 2005 acquittal in California on child molestation charges.

His father, former Jackson Five manager Joe Jackson, also lives in Las Vegas. He didn't respond to a phone message seeking comment.

Ettinger said the collection was owned by luggage transportation company Universal Express Inc., of Boca Raton, Fla., which bought it last year from a New Jersey construction company owner.

The former owner, Henry Vaccaro, claimed a warehouse full of Jackson memorabilia after a failed business venture wound up in bankruptcy court. Michael Jackson and his sister Janet Jackson sued to stop Vaccaro from taking ownership, but a Los Angeles judge threw out Michael Jackson's claim in 2006.

The status of Janet Jackson's claim was unclear Wednesday. Messages left with her publicist weren't immediately returned.

Other items include a test pressing of The Jackson Five's "I Want You Back," Marlon Jackson's glitter jacket, Randy Jackson's futuristic 1984 stage boots and a white fedora believed to be from Michael Jackson's "Bad" album music video.

The Today show got a preview of some of the memoriabilia up for sale in The Fabulous Jacksons Auction, to be held May 30 & 31 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas:

The Jackson 5 would score an early hit with their single "I Want You Back" in 1969. This original 45 rpm test pressing for the tune is dated 10/31/69 and has the names of the Jackson brothers, "The Jackson 5 Motown," and the song title inscribed in black ink on the plain white label. The handwriting is believed to be that of Tito Jackson as the 45 is also inscribed "Tito & Dee" at the bottom edge. Excellent condition. Running time: 2:44.

These handwritten "ABC" lyrics were drafted upon a sheet of notebook paper in blue ball-point pen. It is believed Tito Jackson sent these to his love, Dee Dee. The lyrics have been folded several times but remain in excellent condition. 11x8 1/2.

This RIAA certified award for the sale of a half million copies of "Thriller" was presented to Michael Jackson. The gold single 45 and the presentation placard with hologram are mounted in black matting in a black laquered wood frame. Excellent condition. 17 1/2x13.

This Western Union telegram is dated 07/06/84 and reads: "Dear Michael, Thinking about you this evening. Please try not to make an ass of yourself and please, for God's sake, don't fall in the orchestra pit. Marlon." Also has Brando's Beverly Hills address following. Shows age-related wear and discoloration. 7x8.

This black fedora with black hatband was designed with the "King of Pop" in mind. "Michael Jackson" is printed on the interior sweatband. Made of 100% wool, in the USA. Size: Large. Excellent condition.

When Michael Jackson entered the ranks of pop royalty, he did so looking tres chic in these high fashion aviator-style sunglasses. Sparking in a world wide fashion trend, Michael was spotted in these style of Wings Bausch & Lomb gold-toned wire framed glasses, with protective tinted lenses. Markings on the right ear covering indicate: US PAT DCS 273 974. Excellent condition showing signs of wear consistent with use.

This black silk jacket with gold embellishment was custom made for the King of Pop. The exterior left chest contains a large European crest with an "M" at center and sequined epaulettes have been attached at the shoulders. Numerous gold-toned buttons contain the phrase "Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense," propagating the myth of Michael's royal status. Excellent condition.

Autographed in black marker by all members of the Jackson family. It is sealed in plastic and mounted on foam core, and is in near-mint condition.

The young (approximately 8-10 years old) Janet Jackson wore this tailored Mae West costume while performing with her family in a Las Vegas stage act. The bodice is fashioned in shades of a pink satin-like material and embellished with sequins and layers of tulle at the hemline. Complete with matching ornate hat. Excellent condition.

This sheet of lined notebook paper contains Michael Jackson's handwritten lyrics to a song he has entitled "Little Susie." The words penned by the artist in blue ball point ink reveal a work in progress with a sketch on the verso. Also included, two sheets of white paper containing typed lyrics with a shift in the spelling of the title, "Little Suzie." One sheet bears changes and stylistic edits by presumably the songwriter. Excellent condition with folding creases at the center and slight discoloration resulting from age. 8 1/2 x 11.

This all black style of NADY Systems wireless microphone with receiver was indispensable for Michael while performing his energetic dance moves. The receiver bears the markings: Model VHF 700, serial no 2898 0826, frequency 183.20. The mic shows signs of wear consistent with performance use. Microphone: 11x2, receiver: 10x9.

These custom made boots were designed as part of the elaborate stage costumes the brothers wore in the 1980s. The highly styled silver-toned leather boots are futuristic in appearance yet purposefully built for dance maneuvers. The body of each boot has been encased with black leather quilting to magnify their appearance. Embellished with silver-toned buckles throughout the design. "Randy" has been printed upon the soft suede interior of both boots in black marker. Excellent condition.

This Moonman statue was presented to supergroup USA for Africa for the celebrated "We Are The World" video. The silver-toned "spaceman" is mounted on a black base with presentation plaque stating that this award honors the "Best Group Video." Excellent condition; light scratching to the base has resulted from handling. Statue: 9x5; base: 4 1/2x2.

This black and white rendering of Charlie Chaplin as "Little Tramp" was executed by Michael Jackson in graphite, charcoal, and pink conte crayon. It is signed by Michael on the front and also on the paper backing. Custom framed in silver-colored metal with black matting. Excellent condition. Frame: 25x19, image: 19x13.

This Bill Whitten cutaway jacket was custom made for Marlon Jackson. In silver brocade with quilted arabesque patterns, the piece is heavily embroidered with silver sequins and iridescent plastic beads. Edged in red mock gemstones. Excellent condition.

The hallmark of 1970's Jackson 5 performance wear was coordinated flash. These polyester outfits were worn for a 1974 performance on the "Sonny & Cher Show." They have matching embroidery and sprinkled rhinestones on the legs, lapels, and collars. The pants have cummerbund style waistbands. The pink and maroon suit belonged to Jackie, the orange and brown suit belonged to Tito, and a pair of green pants were part of Randy's suit. All garments show considerable performance and age-related wear.

By the mid-1980's, Michael Jackson had become music royalty in the US, as well as abroad. His choice of clothing during this period reflected the magnitude of his fame. This ornate red coat designed by Bill Whitten is heavily embellished with gold-toned embroidery and buttons. A long braided rope is attached at the upper left shoulder and wraps around to the left chest. The interior tag reveals the designer's logo and suggests the item was custom made as it bears no tags or material information. Excellent condition; showing signs of wear.

This is the sheet music for the Michael Jackson hit song "Rock With You." It is signed "Michael Jackson Love 81" in the upper right corner of the cover. Published by Almo Publications of A&M Records. Excellent condition, with signs of age. 12x9.

This inscribed color photograph shows an introspective Michael in nautical style clothing positioned against a sky blue background. The inscription reads "To Kat I Love You, Michael Jackson, 1998." Excellent condition. 14x11.



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:35 AM JST
Updated: Sun, May 20 2007 1:17 AM JST
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Sun, Apr 1 2007
Jacko doesn't have pneumonia, publicist says
Topic: Main News

Bain denies Internet rumors that singer was hospitalized

Access Hollywood

Updated: 7:11 p.m. ET March 29, 2007

BURBANK, Calif. - Internet reports surfaced Thursday of Michael Jackson being hospitalized with pneumonia in Las Vegas.

Not true, Jackson publicist Raymone Bain tells "Access Hollywood."

"Michael Jackson is not currently in the hospital, nor has he been hospitalized with pneumonia," Bain said.

She continued just to "Access," "M.J. is not hospitalized. I spoke to him a couple of hours ago, and he was at home conducting meetings."

When asked about the pneumonia by another reporter, Bain replied to "Access," "I told him (the other reporter) that I did not know if the doctor had diagnosed him with pneumonia or a bad case of the flu."

She adds: "Everyone was a bit under the weather due to changing climates and the traveling, but he's OK."

Copyright 2007 by NBC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:47 AM JST
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Wed, Mar 14 2007
Japan: Laying The Groundwork For His Comeback!!
Topic: Main News

Some in the music industry say is it not surprising that Jackson is a frequent visitor to Japan.

"The level of loyalty and even sympathy Japan fans display for Michael is quite amazing," said Reiko Yukawa, a music critic and a songwriter who has interviewed Jackson. "Many fans in Japan try to understand the true personality of Michael Jackson, who they consider as sensitive and caring. They continue to show a tremendous amount of support as dedicated fans."

Jackson has described Japan as a "special place" on more than one occasion.

Jackson has always enjoyed a strong fan base in Japan. In 1987, he drew more than 450,000 during his "Bad Tour," giving 11 performances across the country. He continued to return to Japan to give concerts until 1996. However, as Jackson's personal life started to unravel, so did his music career. As a result, Japanese fans heard less from him as an artist.

These two events are seen as helping Jackson back on track both artistically and financially.

"I think he is laying the groundwork for coming back for concerts," said Dave Spector, a TV personality and a celebrity watcher in Japan. "If he is gone too long, coming back for a concert will be even more difficult. But if he visited at least he looks like he is interested in Japan a lot and people will not forget him and it builds up the expectation that he is going to sing next time."

Spector, who attended the V.I.P. Party, said Jackson seemed relaxed and in good spirits during the five-hour event.

Jackson was "moving, clapping and moving his feet" during the performances of the Jackson impersonators and the chorus, he said. "He did not make any dates [for concerts], but you can tell he was ready to sing."

ABC News


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:10 AM JST
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Sun, Mar 11 2007
Michael Jackson greets troops, attends ceremony at U.S. army base in Japan!!
Topic: Main News

Michael Jackson greeted thousands of U.S. troops and their family members at a U.S. army base south of Tokyo Saturday, taking a break from days of parties with die-hard fans and well-heeled business people.

About 3,000 troops and their family members gathered at a fitness centre at Camp Zama and Jackson walked around shaking hands and exchanging words to thank them for their service.

"Those of you in here today are some of the most special people in the world." Jackson said to the crowd, reading from a statement. "It is because of you in here today, and others who so valiantly have given their lives to protect us, that we enjoy our freedom."

He also attended a ceremony at the camp held for a member of the army being promoted and put a pin on his uniform.

Jackson, 48, arrived in Japan last Sunday for his second trip in less than a year to attend parties including an extravagant gala held Thursday in Tokyo.

The reclusive pop icon was the guest of honour at the lavish party aimed at a well-heeled business crowd - though the roughly 400 people who showed up were mainly die-hard fans, and more than 100 orphans and handicapped children who were invited for free.

The paying guests each laid down US$3,500 for tickets, which included a buffet dinner, a show featuring several Japanese Michael Jackson impersonators and a chance to meet, greet and take photos with the Gloved One.

On Friday, he made an appearance at another party for his less affluent fans. More than 1,000 people crowded a popular night club.

He did not perform at either party.

Source:Associated Press


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:26 PM JST
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Michael: I'm happy with music career!!
Topic: Main News

Michael Jackson, back on stage for a #1,750-a-head party in Tokyo, says he would not change anything about his career, despite what he called "deliberate attempts to hurt me."

The reclusive pop icon, in Tokyo for several "fan appreciation events," was the guest of honour at a lavish party in Tokyo aimed at a well-heeled business crowd - though the roughly 400 people who showed up were mainly die-hard fans and more than 100 orphans and handicapped children who were invited for free.

The paying guests laid down 400,000 yen for tickets, which included a buffet dinner, a show featuring several Japanese Michael Jackson impersonators and a chance to meet, greet and take photos with the singer.

Jackson appeared on the stage at the end of the six-hour party to read a brief thank you to the crowd.

He did not perform for the crowd.

Jackson reflected on his career, which he is trying to revive after his 2005 acquittal on child molestation charges and a series of other legal battles over his personal finances.

"As Charles Dickens says, 'It's been the best of times, the worst of times.' But I would not change my career," he said.



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:20 PM JST
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Michael Jackson: I take 'attempts to hurt me' in stride Story Highlights
Topic: Main News

Story Highlights

? Icon says path right despite "deliberate attempts to hurt me"
? 400 people pay $3,500 apiece for Tokyo bash with pop star
? More than 100 orphans, disabled kids attend party for free
? Jackson has lived abroad since 2005 molestation acquittal

TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- Amid a lavish party filled with fans, impersonators, orphans and handicapped children, Michael Jackson said Thursday that he wouldn't change the path of his career despite "deliberate attempts to hurt me."

The reclusive pop star, in Tokyo for several "fan appreciation events," was the guest of honor at a party where about 400 people paid $3,500 each for a buffet dinner, a show featuring several Japanese Jackson impersonators and a chance to take photos with Jackson. More than 100 orphans and handicapped children were invited for free.
Wearing sunglasses and dressed in a black-and-gold Roberto Cavalli suit, Jackson appeared on the stage at the end of the six-hour party to read a brief thank-you note.

He did not perform. But in comments to The Associated Press, Jackson reflected on his career, which he is trying to revive after his 2005 acquittal on child molestation charges and a series of other legal battles over his personal finances.

"I've been in the entertainment industry since I was 6 years old," he told AP. "As Charles Dickens says, 'It's been the best of times, the worst of times.' But I would not change my career."

Jackson, 48, appeared relaxed and comfortable in front of his fans. He said he was not bitter over his succession of difficulties.

"While some have made deliberate attempts to hurt me, I take it in stride because I have a loving family, a strong faith and wonderful friends and fans who have and continue to support me," he said.
Those fans have been out in force since Jackson's arrival in Tokyo on Sunday.

A screaming mob greeted him at the airport, and organizers said tickets to the two main events -- Thursday's VIP party and another, larger party directed at his main fan base on Friday -- sold briskly. Jackson was also scheduled to tour a U.S. Army base just south of Tokyo on Saturday.

Jackson, one of the best-selling artists of all time, has lived abroad since his acquittal, forsaking his Neverland Ranch in California for Bahrain, France and a castle in Ireland.

But in a telephone conversation from Las Vegas with The Associated Press in January, he said he had returned to the United States and planned to stay there for the time being.

This is Jackson's second trip to Tokyo in less than a year.

"Japan is one of my favorite places to visit in the world," Jackson told the crowd Thursday. "I want to thank all of you for making me the biggest-selling artist in Japan."

Some of the paying customers Thursday said the tickets were a bit too steep. "It is expensive," said Yoko Iizuka, a copywriter who works in Tokyo. "But I've loved his music since I was a kid."

Others were eager to fork over the 400,000 yen.

"You can't put a price tag on this," said Jenny Sasaki, who arrived in a fur coat and sequined gown. "I love Michael Jackson, his music, his sensitivity and his humanity."

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:41 AM JST
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Fri, Feb 9 2007
Please Respect Privacy Of Michael's Children
Topic: Announcements

MJFC is kindly but also urgently asking all fan clubs, fans, and also the general media to NOT publish and/or spread recent photos of Michael's three children made during a private trip in Las Vegas. Michael feels that the publication of these unauthorized photos is a violation of the children's privacy.

Source: MJFC / Raymone K. Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:57 AM WST
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Tue, Feb 6 2007
In a World Exclusive Interview, Michael Jackson Talks About His New Life in Vegas and His Comeback
Topic: Main News

Posted Feb 5th 2007 7:06PM by Robin Leach
Filed under: Shows, Celebrity, Luxe Life

Michael Jackson's long-awaited return to 'King of Pop' status has begun and it's being masterminded by the mysterious, secretive British entertainment tycoon who is behind the phenomenal success of Simon Cowell's ratings juggernaut 'American Idol' and David Beckham's $250-mega-million deal that is bringing the soccer king to the United States.

I can exclusively reveal that megastar producer-manager, Simon Fuller, has held top-secret strategy planning meetings in Vegas with Michael and Emmy award-winning director-choreographer, Kenny Ortega, who has created two of Michael's previous smash, sell-out world tours. By the way, Kenny won his first Director's Guild of America award on Sunday for outstanding achievement with his 'High School Musical' production for Disney.

They invited me to join their dinner in a private room behind the watchful eyes of 2 security guards at Steve Wynn's Wing Lei Chinese restaurant at the mogul's Wynn resort hotel and casino. It's Michael's fourth visit to the Epicurean Award-winning restaurant since moving to Vegas ending his 18-month self-imposed exile from the US living in Dubai and at Michael Flatley's castle in Ireland.

Ironically, Michael who normally shuns cameras, was undetected just 100 feet away from the 200-strong media mob reporting on Paula Abdul's 'Woman of the Year' award and star-studded attendees. A bit later when I told Simon Cowell, who was also in Vegas for Paula's award, that his partner was just around the corner, he laughed and said, "Doing another one of his world-shaking mega-deals, I suppose."

As manager to international soccer-star David Beckham, Fuller, the extraordinary deal-maker, won him a five year $250-million contract -- the largest sports pay-package in history ? to move with his 'Posh Spice' wife, Victoria Beckham, to Beverly Hills and play for the L.A. Galaxy Major League Soccer team. Incidentally that was Beckham, with Martha Stewart and LL Cool J, in one of the high-priced $2.5 million Superbowl ads on Sunday -- another coup for Simon Fuller launching Beckham's bid for American stardom.

Michael, who was looking well, relaxed and very happy told me, "I'm doing fine and am well and really enjoying myself in Vegas. It's a great place to call home." His hand shake and voice were strong and firm. On Michael's pending Vegas show and return to pop royalty, Kenny added, "We're talking business and looking at lots of different possibilities. This is a blue-sky time with a lot of different scenarios up in the air. We're working through all of them to find the best ? the one that makes the most sense that's good for everybody."

I was reliably told that if anybody could transform Michael into a box-office megastar all over again, it would be entertainment mogul Simon Fuller, "This is the perfect match: the world's biggest pop-star being looked after by the most successful mogul-manager in the world."

Fuller is often confused with Simon Cowell -- particularly as they are close friends and so intertwined with 'American Idol's' non-stop soaring success including #1 ratings in 21 different countries. Fuller though, is the brains behind its $1-billion haul from advertising, merchandise and music. He is said to have earned $60-million personally in 2003 alone and that's a figure that grows annually. In addition, he promotes and manages such 'American Idol' stars as Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Stoddard and Clay Aiken in addition to being the longtime manager of Annie Lennox and the now solo careers of Emma 'Baby Spice' Bunton and Mrs. Beckham.

There's an incredibly unique tie-in with another Vegas connection for Michael. Fuller (seen here with Kenny and Michael) divides his time between London, Los Angeles, and the French Riviera, and is also said to have numerous growing investments in Lake Las Vegas real-estate ventures with Cowell. But it's the mega-deal he struck with American billionaire, Robert F X Sillerman, that's worth noting in all of this. Fuller's 19 Entertainment was purchased a year ago by Sillerman for a whopping $190-million and Fuller wound-up a director of Sillerman's CKx and still running the 19 group. CKx is partnered with Cirque du Soleil in an upcoming Elvis Presley-themed show, planned for MGM's City Center. Sillerman who owns licensing and merchandising rights to numerous celebrities and their estates exploits the Presley estate with authority by both Priscilla Presley and Lisa-Marie Presley who were in Vegas this weekend celebrating the King of Rock's daughter's 39th birthday! Gossip historians know that at one time, Michael and Lisa- Marie were a tabloid headline romance item during their marriage!

As an added Vegas twist, Sillerman bought a 20% stake in the Broadway version of Mel Brook's 'The Producers' which is opening a Vegas version of the musical with David Hasselhoff. It's easy to see that all of Michael's current financial asset entanglements could be unraveled and made whole by the Sillerman-Fuller brain-trust as super Svengalis ? and then relaunch his career bigger and better than ever before.

First stop though for Michael, who will celebrate his 49th birthday on August 29 this year -- the same birth date as mine coincidentally -- is Japan. He'll fly from Vegas next month for two fan-appreciation events on March 8 and 9.

Says Michael, "Japan is one of my favorite places in the world and I am very grateful to my fans there who have always been my strongest supporters and have helped me achieve several historic milestones in my life." Some 300 VIPs, paying over $3300 each, will hold a meet and greet handshake photo-session with Michael on day one with general fans massing for a get-together on day two.

Michael, who last performed a concert in Madison Square Garden back in 2001, is not expected to perform while in Japan, although he has created charity fund-raising records and TV specials with large groups of other pop stars in the interim. Although he's had more than 12 #1 chart hits, the last was in 1995 and he hasn't toured since the mid- 1990s.

He remembered that the last time he and I had met was over breakfast as guests of Donald Trump at his Atlantic City Trump Plaza hotel. But this visit together was not the time or the place to discuss his self-imposed 18-month exile after the Santa Barbara acquittal of child molestation charges in 2005. Michael lived for a while in the oil-rich nation of Bahrain before moving onto Ireland as a longtime guest in the sprawling castle of 'Lord of the Dance' creator Michael Flatley.

Michael returned to the States six weeks ago on Christmas Eve, as Luxe Life back on December 24. He moved into a home on the west side of Vegas near Sahara and within easy reach of the Strip. In addition to a long dinner with Steve Wynn, which resulted in speculation about a possible Jackson show there, Michael's also met several times with Vegas deal-maker Jack Wishna who said:, "Michael is poised to return to the top of the entertainment world soon. He is one of the greatest all-time entertainers in the world." Wishna is the businessman who engineered Trump's Vegas debut with the $2.8 billion Trump International Hotel Tower, which is nearing completion on the Strip near the New Frontier hotel across from Steve Wynn's resort hotel casino.


Michael was happy to discuss how he's been spending some of first month in Vegas. He told me he enjoyed taking his children to see Lance Burton's magic show at the Monte Carlo. "I really love magic," he said. "I really liked his show. It's amazing and very enjoyable. I love getting caught up in the magic."

Protected by his own security and Monte Carlo security, Michael went in through a back security entrance rather than cause a scene with fans and sat in the lower mezzanine un-noticed in front of the sound booth ? and just as the show was ending, he took off so the audience wouldn't be distracted from Lance's curtain calls.

Michael has only given one quick telephone interview since returning to Vegas although he did speak at the Atlanta funeral of the late soul singer James Brown. He confirmed officially to me a funny interview story about the Associated Press reporter covering the 'King of Pop's' return to the United States to live. The rules were that the reporter could not disclose his Vegas residency and was allowed only one question. When the AP reporter asked how Michael was and he answered that he was fine, that was considered the one question!!

So for me, it was an honor to be invited into the inner sanctum. I found Michael relaxed and confident -- happy that the troubled past was getting put all behind him and happy that he's begun rebuilding his career again. "It's a whole new Michael here in Vegas," I was told. " He feels comfortable here. He loves being able to go out and basically not get hassled. He likes the restaurants here for the food but his favorites are the shows. I think he'll get to see everyone of them over the next few months. It's the first time in a long time Michael is feeling less pressured and much at ease. He is ready to go to work again and is in a great space and a wonderful sense of mind."

To celebrate, this weekend Michael was out and about again- enjoying The Beatles LOVE musical at the Mirage. After the late-show, he visited the LOVE boutique to pick out some Beatles show souvenirs ? and surprisingly even happily posed with fans for photos with his ever-watchful security agreeing to relax the normal rules for his safety. Then he went backstage to meet the cast and crew of the show congratulating them on their performances and thanking them for the spectacular show.
"They were in awe of him and he the same about all of them. He was very respectful and told them it was an incredible experience that he'd remember forever. I think he's going to bring his children into see it next," one of the company staffers told me.

For now though, the only public outing of his three children has been a visit to the Circus Circus where they were spotted on a visit to the hotel's attractions here on the Strip. Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II, also known by nickname Blanket, didn't even bother with disguises when they went on the amusement rides there -- naturally under the watchful eye of their nanny and Michael's team of bodyguards along with the Circus Circus security staffers.


Michael's friendship and professional relationship with director and choreographer Kenny Ortega dates back many years. and once again they are teaming up. "Be it a concert tour or a show staged from Vegas they'll tackle it together," said a friend. "They have complete trust in one another so it will be their project going forward."

The Emmy-winning 30-year career choreographer was responsible for the hit 'Dirty Dancing,' 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' and 'St. Elmo's Fire' movies. He also staged over his 20-year tour career world concerts for Michael, Barbra Streisand, Cher, The Pointer Sisters, KISS and Diana Ross. His choreography on Madonna's 'Material Girl' movie also won him awards. Currently Kenny, who created the live Sirens outdoor show spectacle at the Treasure Island, is in the early stages of a secret project being created for Steve Wynn's resort here and Luxe Life is sworn to secrecy! He will helm the follow-up sequel to 'High School Musical' being filmed in Utah this Spring.


With the triple-threat team in place for Michael's return, he's already started work on a new album. Some of the tracks have already been recorded at Flatley's Irish castle with the help of of the Black Eyed Peas. Don't be surprised if Michael and will are spotted when BEP plays the Orleans Arena during NBA All-Star weekend to work out the best way to finish the tracks they've selected to go with. Says will, "I'm a real fan of his. You get to work with just a couple of great people during your life who shed light on the Earth and Michael is one of them."

Michael, Simon and Kenny happily posed for our Luxe Life photos. I told them all that everybody was eagerly awaiting Michael's return to the limelight and that Vegas was delighted he now called our city his new home. " Its all going to be good, very good" said Michael, and Kenny added: "We're going to get it done and when it is you'll know it'll be the right way working out for the best for everybody involved."

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:45 AM WST
Updated: Sat, Feb 10 2007 12:26 AM WST
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Thu, Feb 1 2007
Michael Jackson returns to the U.S.
Topic: Main News

In a rare conference call, the singer emerged with his spokeswoman Friday to confirm to The Associated Press that he is back in the United States after more than a year in self-imposed exile following his acquittal in a high-profile child molestation trial that ended in June 2005.

They also said he is on the comeback trail planning a pair of "fan appreciation events" in Japan in March, one of which will charge $3,300 for the opportunity to meet the Gloved One.

"I can confirm that he is in the United States," spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said. "We don't give out information regarding our client's whereabouts because of safety, and this is just an ongoing policy."

During the brief conference call, Jackson read a statement prepared for The Associated Press about his plans to visit Japan and allowed only one question: How are you?

"I'm fine, thank you," was his reply.

Jackson said he has chosen to come back to Japan because of the strong support he enjoys here.

"My friends and fans in Japan have been so supportive of me and my family for many, many years," he said. "My fans in Japan helped me achieve historic milestones in the music industry."

Broderick Morris, the promoter working the Japan side of Jackson's trip, said they have sold 220 of 300 tickets to a "platinum VIP party" on March 8 with Jackson, at $3,300 a pop. Guests will have dinner, get autographed photos and be able to "meet and greet" Jackson for 30 seconds to one minute, he said.

A less-exclusive party is scheduled for the following day. Jackson is not obligated to perform at either event, and promoters refused to comment on how much Jackson, 48, would be paid.

Source: AP / MJJForum

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:49 PM WST
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