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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Tue, Jan 4 2005
Did the mother of Michael Jackson's accuser go looking for support from the readers of a local newspaper?
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Main News
MJJF eNews #460 - Monday Jan 3, 2005

Did the mother of Michael Jackson's accuser go looking for support from the readers of a local newspaper? That's what "Celebrity Justice" is exclusively reporting.

It is said that in 2000, the year that Jackson first met his accuser, an article about the boy and his family appeared in Mid Valley News, a community paper of the town El Monte, just outside of Los Angeles. The paper ran a emotional appear to its readers, asking for financial charity.

"Our car has been repossessed," the boy's mother was quoted as having said. "One chemotherapy injection costs more than $12,000."

Connie Keenan, Mid Valley News editor, has come forward and spoke exclusively with "CJ" regarding the incident. She characterizes the accuser's mother most uncharitably.

"My gut level: she's a shark. She was after money," Keenan said to the show. "My readers were used. My staff was used. It's sickening."

In this same year (2000), Keenan also explained, the mother had approached the newspaper and pitched her story. "She pleaded her case that her son needed all sorts of medical care and they had no financial means to provide it."

Keenan agreed to run the story inviting her readers to assist the family, however, she recalled that almost from the very beginning, there were signals, including the fact that the mother "wanted the money sent to her in her name, at her home address."

That is said to be just the beginning. According to Keenan, the story regarding the family's plight was assigned to reporter Christie Causer, who was so touched by what she had heard that she brought food to the family on Thanksgiving Day. But, Keenan relayed that "the mother, instead of being grateful that this woman brought her a complete Thanksgiving dinner, said 'I'd rather have the money. This is nice, but I'd rather have the money.'"

Keenan promised that her paper would solicit funds to cover the ailing boy's medical expenses only if his mother opened a trust account to receive them. "CJ" reports that nine days before the story ran in the paper, the mother opened an account in her name for the benefit of her son at a Washington Mutual Bank and deposited one cent. That account, they say, was not a trust account.

The Mid Valley News article provided its readers with a road map as to how to make their donations: the name of the bank, the account number, and even the routing number. In the first three weeks following the run of the article, $965 was deposited into the account and $750 was promptly withdrawn.

Keenan said that the raised money wasn't enough for the boy's mother.

"She really wanted another story done on her son because they just didn't make enough money on the first article," Keenan remarked. "And I told her -- and I can be a crusty old broad -- 'we're not doing another story on your son.'"

Keenan recalled the mother having told her, "'Well, I'll take it someplace else,'" and Keenan said she responded to her with a "'Fine.'"

There's more. It turns out that the boy in question was then being treated at Kaiser Permanente at absolutely no cost to the family. There were no medical bills. All treatments the boy was receiving at the time were covered by insurance. The boy's father had been a teamster member who worked at a supermarket facility in the Los Angeles area.

Paul Kenny, head of a teamster's union in Los Angeles, spoke with "CJ" and confirmed that the teamsters negotiated a super health care coverage deal for members.

"They're covered 100% under HMOs," Kenny stated. "Including Kaiser, which is an HMO."

Kenny added, "There was no cost to [the boy's father] out of pocket, at all. Everything should be covered 100% under his contract. Everything. There is [sic] no exceptions."

When Keenan was asked if it was her impression that the family had to pay for the boy's treatment out-of-pocket, she said that it was.

"Of course it was," she was quoted.

Years following the article's run, when Santa Barbara prosecutor Thomas Sneddon filed molestation charges against Jackson, Keenan realized that the boy from her paper's article and Jackson's accuser were one and the same, and made contact with Jackson's former counsel Mark Geragos.

"I just had this gut feeling that something was wrong here. So I sent a copy of the [Mid Valley News] to Mr. Geragos, who was representing Michael Jackson at the time," Keenan stated. "Because maybe there's a grain of truth to what Michael Jackson is saying -- 'I didn't do it' -- or maybe it's just to stop a shark."

Both Keenan and Causer reported that Jackson?s defense team has recently contacted them.

A source close to the accuser's mother insisted that none of the money collected was misspent. The source wouldn't reveal how exactly the money was spent.

Source: Celebrity Justice/MJJForum

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:43 PM WST
Updated: Tue, Jan 4 2005 9:49 PM WST
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Mon, Jan 3 2005
Michael Jackson Case Latest: Ex May Testify Against Him
Mood:  surprised
January 2, 2005, 2:21:15

LATEST: MICHAEL JACKSON's ex-wife DEBBIE ROWE is reportedly so furious the troubled singer is witholding her alimony payments - she's considering testifying against him at his child molestation court case, reports British newspaper the DAILY STAR.

The BAD star faces 10 charges relating to claims he sexually abused a teenage boy at his Neverland Ranch home.

And Rowe has threatened to reveal intimate secrets about Jackson which could jeopardise his case, unless he agrees to pay her annual $1 million (#526,315) alimony. She is also considering fighting for sole custody of their children, PRINCE MICHAEL, seven, and PARIS, six.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:58 AM WST
Updated: Thu, Jan 6 2005 1:50 PM WST
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Tue, Dec 21 2004
Prosecution Subpoena's Bob Jones!!
Mood:  surprised

Court TV has confirmed that Jackson's long-time right-hand man, Bob Jones, was served a subpoena in the Los Angeles office of attorney,Richard M.Steingard. This 20-year veteran of MJJ Productions has been told by the prosecution that he should be ready to testify at Michael Jackson's child molestation trial sometime in April. The subpoena orders Jones to turn over to authorities all relevant files, diaries and photographs in his possession. Jones has also been ordered to hand over the chapters of his in-progress tell-all book which is said to be about half written.

Jones had worked for the Jacksons since their Motown days and was one of Michael's most trusted confidants until he was summarily fired recently by Michael's youngest brother, Randy. No severance pay,no vacation pay, no "thank you very much." The termination could turn out to be a mammoth mistake, as Bob Jones traveled the world with Michael Jackson for decades. He's the only top-ranking insider who never signed a confidentiality agreement. He knows the pop star's secrets and now he's finally able and willing to write an insider's expose all about it.

To get an idea of how devastating Jones' book could be for Jackson,consider this excerpt from his recent book proposal, which is making the rounds of New York publishing houses:

"Bob Jones knows where every single body is buried in Jackoland ? imagine the possibilities. Any ambiguity about the nature of Michael Jackson's many relationships with young boys will be laid to rest here ?"

Bob Jones recently spoke out saying he didn't want to be a witness for either side, but if called, "I won't lie for Michael Jackson."

Source: Court TV..

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:03 AM WST
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Jackson Defense To Invite Jurors To Neverland
Mood:  suave
Defense attorneys for Michael Jackson plan to ask the jury in his child molestation trial to visit his Neverland ranch in a strategy designed to show that he used his home to entertain children, not lure them, ABC News has learned.

Jackson's legal team, sources told ABC News, has launched a double-barreled defense that will attempt to show that he is a protector and benefactor of children and that the boy he is accused of molesting and his family are troubled and out to get money from him.

Source: ABC News

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:48 AM WST
Updated: Tue, Dec 21 2004 11:15 AM WST
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Mon, Dec 20 2004
Jackson hosts kids' party
Mood:  party time!

Sunday, December 19, 2004 Posted: 1:22 AM EST (0622 GMT)

LOS OLIVOS, California (AP) -- Christmas came early for some 200 children who got to play at Michael Jackson's amusement park and meet Santa Claus.

"I hope you have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas. I love you," the pop singer called out to the children Friday from the driveway of his estate.

Jackson, who faces trial next year on child molestation charges, appeared happy during the few minutes he spoke to the arriving throng.

One of the youngsters shouted, "We love you."

"I love you more," Jackson replied before putting an umbrella over his head and walking back toward his house.

Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said the entertainer chose to make an unusual personal appearance as a surprise for the last group of children touring Neverland before the Christmas holidays.

Bain said there was no relationship between the event and Jackson's upcoming trial.

Santa Barbara County authorities have charged Jackson, 46, with molesting a boy, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.

Investigators have carried out raids on Neverland, and in a recent court filing that seeks to introduce evidence of other purported crimes that went uncharged, prosecutors described the estate as "a veritable paradise" for children.

Friday's visitors, from six organizations and ranging in age from about 3 or 4 years to their teens, were bused to Neverland and then rode a train up from the parking lot. They included children with special needs from Santa Barbara and some affiliated with the First AME Church in Los Angeles, according to a list of groups issued to reporters. Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. attends the First AME church.

The Rev. Brenda Lamothe, executive assistant to First AME Pastor John Hunter, said the church did not authorize a group to go to Neverland.

Bain said charitable and civic groups bring children to Neverland at least three times a month to play on the amusement park rides, see its zoo and watch movies.

Neverland, in the scenic Santa Barbara County countryside, is a fairy-tale theme park with streams, waterfalls and a lake. The grounds are decorated with bronze statues of children at play.


Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:49 PM WST
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Michael Jackson hosts 200 children at Neverland party
Mood:  happy

LOS OLIVOS, Calif. (AP) ? Christmas came early for some 200 children who got to play at Michael Jackson's amusement park and meet Santa Claus.

Michael Jackson invites charitable and civic groups to bring children to Neverland.
By Aaron Lambert, AP/Santa Maria Times

"I hope you have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas. I love you," the pop singer called out to the children Friday from the driveway of his estate.

Jackson, who faces trial next year on child molestation charges, appeared happy during the few minutes he spoke to the arriving throng.

One of the youngsters shouted, "We love you!"

"I love you more," Jackson replied before putting an umbrella over his head and walking back toward his house.

Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said the entertainer chose to make an unusual personal appearance as a surprise for the last group of children touring Neverland before the Christmas holidays.

Bain said there was no relationship between the event and Jackson's upcoming trial.

Santa Barbara County authorities have charged Jackson, 46, with molesting a boy, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.

Investigators have carried out raids on Neverland, and in a recent court filing that seeks to introduce evidence of other purported crimes that went uncharged, prosecutors described the estate as "a veritable paradise" for children.

Friday's visitors, from six organizations and ranging in age from about 3 or 4 years to their teens, were bused to Neverland and then rode a train up from the parking lot. They included children with special needs from Santa Barbara and some affiliated with the First AME Church in Los Angeles, according to a list of groups issued to reporters. Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. attends the First AME church.

At First AME, the Rev. Brenda Lamothe, executive assistant to Pastor John Hunter, said the church did not authorize a group to go to Neverland.

Bain said charitable and civic groups bring children to Neverland at least three times a month to play on the amusement park rides, see its zoo and watch movies. On Friday, Jackson was showing "The Polar Express" in his movie theater.

In his brief appearance, Jackson smiled, waved and at one point looked as if he would come back and play with the children, but instead got into a vehicle that took him off the property.

Neverland, in the scenic Santa Barbara County countryside, is a fairy-tale theme park with streams, waterfalls and a lake. The grounds are decorated with bronze statues of children at play. Two elephants, a camel and a baby llama were on hand as the children entered. Flamingos stood nearby and the sun shone brightly from a blue sky.

The estate provided lunch, candy canes, popcorn and a Santa Claus. The children could also play in a video arcade with unlimited games.

One of the parents who escorted children on the visit to Neverland said he had no qualms.

"They asked us to come and we came and had a great time," said Imari Conway, a Los Angeles man who brought his three children. "You see a whole other side of Michael here and it's hard to believe there are such charges. So much good is being done and it shouldn't go untold."

Bain said many organizations write Jackson to ask to bring children to Neverland and an events staff decides who will be invited.

"Generally Mr. Jackson is not here all the time," she said. "There are events here daily. He wanted to surprise the kids. He has given his whole life to children and charities."

Bain said Jackson's spirits were up.

"Considering everything going on, he seemed to be well," she said.

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:26 PM WST
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Fri, Dec 17 2004
Chat with Ms. Hughes
Mood:  sad

The Group Discussion with Ms Geraldine Hughes, was spectacular. We were able to meet and greet fans-supporters-interested individuals from around the world. I would like to thank Geraldine for her timely answers, and her patience with the so many questions that were being asked of her within the hours spent in the chatroom. Also special thanks goes out to Dollbaby for all her efforts and inspiration in putting this together along with her Media Marketing team for Ms Geraldine Hughes, I am pleased to be apart of this team as well. Special thanks goes out to Mr. Bob Davis, for hosting the chatroom that housed many of us at one time. Thanks all. Major love.

To purchased Redemption, "The Truth Behind The Michael Jackson Molestation Allegations," go to this link:

From last nights chat at the Soul-Patrol website - December 14, 2004, Here are Ms. Hughes answers/quotes/words to interested parties within the chatroom.
Soul-Patrol Chat room at

Ghughes: I am here to answer questions about my book "Redemption: The Truth Behind the (1993) Child Molestation Allegation"

Ghughes: I was the legal secretary in 1993 to the attorney and I witnessed the extortion scheme against Michael Jackson.

Ghughes: I came forth in 1993 and gave my information to the investigators, however, when the case settled, it went nowhere.

Ghughes: I knew that I was carrying information about this case that most people didn't know. Information that pointed to Michael's innocence.

Ghughes: or any Barnes and Nobles, or Boarders should be able to order the book.

Ghughes: I did ALL major talk shows, MSNBC, Scarsborough Country, Bill O'Reilly, etc. However, they aired my interview once only!

Ghughes: My favorite part of the book is "A Ram In The Bush." I am explaining why I was in the right place, at the wrong time. I further explain how God is on MJ's side because God gave Michael something he didn't give his accuser, a witness!

Ghughes: The most exciting part of the book is "The Ex Parte Motion." This part tells exactly what triggered them to launch the child molestation allegation against Michael.

Ghughes: I did an interview at the Jackson's home, but back in April or May. Not recently.

Ghughes: I've done an interview with Jermaine and Mr. Joe Jackson. While doing interviews I've met some of MJ's family. I haven't met MJ as of yet.

Ghughes: I've been told that MJ has read my book and loves it! However, because of the gag order, he is unable to do anything to assist or comment.

Ghughes: I've been told that Jordy is estranged from his father. I don't know if true or not!

Ghughes: In order to testify in MJ's favor, he [Jordan] has to go against his father. That is hard for anyone to do.

Ghughes: When he is on stage, he is performing.

Ghughes: No one that can really help Michael's case is being subpoenaed by the prosecutor.

Ghughes: I don't buy the Sodium Amythal theory because it was put out by Evan Chandler. I believe his statements "we're moving according to a certain plan that is not mine."

Ghughes: I've returned to work full-time. Unless something changes between now and the end of Jan, I don't see being able to attend the court hearings.

Ghughes: I am the only one disputing the Sodium amytal theory. I saw something entirely different take place.

Ghughes: Redemption has run full gammit. I would still recommend everyone to read so you can thoroughly understand what really happened in 1993.

Ghughes: Ray Chandler spent a lot of time trying to disprove the main points in my book that proves MJ's innocence.

Ghughes: In spite of the media downplaying it, it was quite successful due to MJ's supporters all over the world.

Ghughes: I will give credit to whom credit is due at the end of this chat session.

Ghughes: Everyone disappeared after the false allegations were launched; mainly because MJ has fans all over the world and they were afraid for their safety.

Ghughes: My book explains why MJ was forced to settle in 1993, which was at the advice of his attorneys. But he DID NOT pay the $$$ settlement. It was paid by his insurance company.

Ghughes: The entire civil case was about money.

Ghughes: I do not have evidence. I was an eye witness. While Ray Chandler's book tried to discredit me, inadvertently proved my contentions.

Ghughes: Jordy was a 12 year old, easily influenced child at the time. He was also interested in making movies, like his dad. So he had a very vivid imagination, capable of creating believable story lines.

Ghughes: My book "Redemption" explains clearly why MJ was forced to settle. If the court system was working for him, he would have stood a chance in court. However, as many of you know, for African Americans, sometimes the legal system doesn't work for us like it should.

Ghughes: My next book will be about the 2003 case called "MichaelGate: The Conspiracy Theories." This book will explore all the possible conspiracy theories that most people believe is fueling the 2003 case.

Ghughes: Before everyone goes, I'd like to thank Dollbaby; The Music Lady, Bob Davis, Yolandria, Trish, and everyone that bought Redemption and/or supported it.

Ghughes: I believe that MJ will be totally vindicated. I just heard from another inside source that said THEY HAVE NOTHING!!!

Ghughes: Redemption is only a threat to those who do not want to hear the truth.

Ghughes: While researching MJ's life, I found out that he has spent his life caring for the children of the world, not hurting them.

Ghughes: He has lived an impeccable roll-modeled life in front of the cameras HIS WHOLE LIFE. We've never heard of him on drugs, alcohol, etc.

Ghughes: I did know all of this about MJ before writing the book. After completing the book, I sat back and cried. I couldn't believe that anyone would accuse him of ever hurting a child, when he's spent his entire life helping them.

Ghughes: He did not have to submit to the body search in 1993. He suffered the humiliation of it "just to prove his innocence."

Ghughes: They say you know someone by their music. "Heal the World." "Man In the Mirror; Make that change." "It doesn't matter if your black or white." What about the "Earthsong." This is who MJ really is. A caring individual that truly cares not only about children, about mankind all over the world.

Ghughes: I have ministry children who spend the night at my house all the time. I am only careful with the opposite sex (boys) because I don't want no assumptions or accidents. However, when my girls come to my house for sleep overs, they march straight to my bedroom and take over my bed, my remote control, my popcorn. Maybe its the children that insists on sleepovers and treating MJ like he is one of the boys and not vice verse.

Ghughes: No false allegations will ever stop me from loving my children.

Ghughes: We are living in a witch hunt society that loves to see a giant fall; especially if that giant is a Black megastar named MJ.

Ghughes: I believe God used her to get me to write the book and it was her courage that allowed me to go forth.

Thank you, Ms Geraldine Hughes, for your insight on the 1993 case. Many were enlighten.

~~sending out a major love~~
"The Music Lady's"

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:58 PM WST
Updated: Mon, Dec 20 2004 4:48 PM WST
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Jackson Responds To Latest Claims!!
Mood:  hug me

To My Fans,

Recently, there has been a rumor circulating where I am accused of bad-mouthing my fans.

I was deeply hurt when I heard about this. As an artist and performer, the most rewarding part of my work is to know that I have such loyal and supportive fans. I would never resort to any such negativity. Like so many other allegations, this is a lie. I love my fans and appreciate you all so much. I would never take that for granted.

You have my undying love, as always,

Michael Jackson

Source: MJJSource ....

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:55 PM WST
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Thu, Dec 9 2004
Fan Club President Defends Michael Jackson
Mood:  special

Michael Jackson and his Neverland Ranch are under scrutiny again. Santa Barbara investigators searched the pop star's estate over the weekend.

The entertainer is accused of molesting a boy and luring him with alcohol. Despite the charges against him, his fan club president -- living in Corpus Christi -- claims Michael simply didn't do it.

Deborah Dannelly, the fan club president, says, "Obviously I believe that he's innocent and the experience I've had with him and the times I've been with him...This isn't the man i know at all."

Jackson's trial is set for the end of January.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:22 PM WST
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Jabs at Jackson aren't wonderful
Mood:  happy
Posted on Tue, Dec. 07, 2004

Stevie Wonder has criticized Eminem for ridiculing Michael Jackson in his latest video.

Rapper Eminem refers to Jackson's plastic surgery and the child molestation charges faced by Jackson in the video for latest single, Lose It, reports the BBC.

''Kicking someone when he's down is not a good thing,'' Wonder told Billboard magazine.

``I was disappointed that he would let himself go to such a level.''

Eminem was unavailable for comment.

''I have much respect for his work, though I don't think he's as good as [late rapper] 2Pac,'' Wonder continued.

The 54-year-old star said that Eminem ``succeeded on the backs of people predominantly in that lower pay bracket, people of color.''

In October, Jackson asked TV stations to stop playing Eminem's video, describing it as ''outrageous and disrespectful.'' The rapper dresses as Jackson in the video, and is shown on a bed with young boys. His nose also falls off and his hair catches fire.

Cable channel BET responded by banning the video, its president Robert Johnson saying he felt it inappropriate to disparage a celebrity.

The video also mocks Madonna, Pee Wee Herman and MC Hammer.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:18 PM WST
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Tue, Dec 7 2004
Deputies Get Michael Jackson DNA Sample
Mood:  incredulous

Sun Dec 5, 9:46 PM ET

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent

LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson (news) voluntarily gave a DNA sample to authorities, returning to his Neverland Ranch estate a day after he left during a search by sheriff's deputies, a source close to the case said Sunday.

When Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies arrived with search warrants Friday, his lawyer instructed him to leave and take his children with him, the source told The Associated Press.

Jackson's attorney, Thomas Mesereau, flew by helicopter from Los Angeles to Jackson's ranch in Los Olivos, 100 miles northwest, when he heard the search warrant had been served, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

On Saturday, when the deputies returned, they asked for a DNA sample and Jackson returned by car to the estate and supplied the sample voluntarily, the source said.

Authorities had never before asked for a DNA sample, the source said. A cotton swab was used to collect the sample from Jackson's mouth.

It wasn't immediately clear how authorities planned to use the DNA in Jackson's child molestation case.

Also while at Jackson's ranch, sheriff's investigators measured rooms, trying to establish the sight lines from one room to another, the source said.

The 46-year-old entertainer has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim. He is scheduled to stand trial Jan. 31.

Loyola University law professor Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor, said she was surprised District Attorney Tom Sneddon had not requested DNA earlier.

"We don't know whether this means they are scrambling or tying up loose ends, or it's just Sneddon going over the top," she said.

From a public relations standpoint, however, the prosecution has scored a coup with the highly publicized searches, she said.

"They've certainly gotten a lot of attention and, even if there's a gag order, they got the message out: 'We've got DNA,'" Levenson said.

Authorities spent more than eight hours at the estate Friday, and less than two hours Saturday.

Santa Barbara County sheriff's officials have refused to discuss the visits except to issue a statement saying they are "part of an ongoing criminal investigation."

Jackson's estate was first searched in November 2003, shortly before he was charged.

Monday is the deadline for prosecutors and defense lawyers to complete the case's discovery process, in which both sides exchange evidence they have gathered during pretrial investigations.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:40 PM WST
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Sat, Dec 4 2004
Investigators search Jackson?s Neverland ranch
Mood:  sad

MSNBC-TV reports search involves Jackson?s bed

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 5:57 p.m. ET Dec. 3, 2004

LOS OLIVOS, Calif. - Sheriff?s investigators with a new search warrant raided Michael Jackson?s Neverland estate again Friday, just weeks before the pop star is scheduled to go on trial on charges of child molestation.

Authorities would not say why they returned more than a year after dozens of investigators first raided the storybook estate while they were still drawing up charges against Jackson.

In a statement, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff?s Department said only that the search was ?part of an ongoing criminal investigation.? Spokesman Sgt. Chris Pappas said investigators entered Neverland at 9 a.m. and remained there hours later.

Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. had no comment.

However, MSNBC-TV's Dan Abrams reported that his sources say investigators searched Jackson's bed for DNA.

Attorneys on both sides of the case are barred from commenting by a court gag order.

Jackson was leaving Neverland when the officers arrived, and did not stay around, said a source close to the family, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Jackson, 46, was charged in December 2003 with molesting a boy and plying him with alcohol. His trial is set to begin Jan. 31.

A new search so late in the proceedings is very unusual, said a former federal prosecutor who has been following the case.

?It may mean that the witnesses they are preparing for trial now are remembering things at the ranch that they did not mention before,? said Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School. ?They may want to follow up on how certain things looked.?

However, she said the search could also be connected to a dispute that has been going on between the prosecution and defense over the sharing of evidence. The defense has been resisting turning over material to the prosecution.

Levenson said if the search yields any physical evidence, it could be of dubious value. ?At this stage, if they found anything, if I were Jackson?s folks I?d say it was planted. So I?m not so convinced how valuable this would be,? she said.

The late-stage search could also help the defense win a delay, Levenson suggested. ?How do you go to trial in a case when they are still serving search warrants?? she said.

Neverland, set amid the emerald hills and horse ranches about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles, was first searched in November 2003. At least 60 investigators from the Sheriff?s Department and district attorney?s office took part.

The theme park-like estate has a mansion, zoo, bumper cars, a merry-go-round and Ferris wheel. Jackson hosted many children?s parties there.

? 2004 MSNBC Interactive

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:29 PM WST
Updated: Sat, Dec 4 2004 12:33 PM WST
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Wed, Dec 1 2004
Jackson defense denied psychological exam of accuser's family
Mood:  irritated

SANTA MARIA, California (AP) -- The judge in the child-molestation case against Michael Jackson refused on Monday to order Jackson's accuser and the boy's family to undergo psychological examinations.

Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville ruled without hearing arguments in court, and gave no reason for rejecting the request from Jackson's side.

Attorneys could not comment on the decision because of a gag order.

The judge did grant a defense request to release transcripts of the grand jury selection process as long as grand jurors' names remained confidential.

The defense has complained that prosecutors had too much sway over grand jurors.

The pop star is accused of molesting a boy and plying him with alcohol. His trial is set to begin January 31.

Attorneys also argued in court over efforts by the defense to subpoena medical and banking records involving the accuser's family. Prosecutors said the material is irrelevant.

"There are clearly records that are out of bounds, such as the gynecological records of the victim's sister or mother," prosecutor Ron Zonen said.

The prosecutor said the defense had also requested, among other things, 23 years of military records for the alleged victim's stepfather.

Defense attorney Robert Sanger said of the gynecological records: "There's a very good reason for requesting those, and I don't want to go into that right now."


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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:23 AM WST
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Thu, Nov 25 2004
Michael Jackson asks for psych test of his accusers
Mood:  incredulous
SANTA MARIA, Calif. Attorneys for singer Michael Jackson have asked a judge to order mental evaluations for the family of the boy accusing him of child molestation.

In newly released court documents, Jackson's attorneys allege they could not effectively cross-examine psychologist Stanley Katz if denied access to his reviews.

They also say`the prosecution opened the door to permit a mental examination" by allowing Katz to interview the boy and his family. The motion asks for an evaluation of the boy who made the accusation, his brother and their mother.

Defense attorneys also argued that details of the alleged abuse contained in the complaint filed by prosecutors vastly differ from those those contained int he grand jury indictment.

A hearing on the motion is scheduled for Monday in Santa Maria.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:17 PM WST
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Canadian pleads guilty over email death threats to Michael Jackson
Mood:  spacey
Tue Nov 23, 5:33 PM ET

TORONTO (AFP) - A 26-year-old Canadian man has pleaded guilty to emailing a death threat to pop superstar Michael Jackson (news), police said.

Adrian Poffley received a conditional discharge and 12 months probation after appearing in court Monday in Kitchener, Ontario, west of Toronto, said Waterloo police Staff Sergeant Bryan Larkin.

Police arrested Poffley in August, and charged him with uttering death threats after a joint investigation with police in Santa Barbara County, California.

They acted after a threatening email arrived at the Santa Maria Court House where Jackson was due to appear.

Jackson, 45, has pleaded not guilty to a 10-count indictment that included charges of child molestation.

The "King of Pop" was arrested last November and the scheduled start of his trial is January 31.
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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:49 PM WST
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Mon, Nov 22 2004
Eminem's Jackson Stunt Rapped
Original Location: Original Article

Eminem was reportedly banned from mimicking Michael Jackson in his MTV Europe Music Awards performance.

The controversial rap star was planning to dress up as the troubled singer - complete with wig and fake nose - to open the prestigious ceremony at Rome's Tor Di Valle.

Eminem, who dresses as the star in his 'Just Lose It' video, wanted to mock Jackson's performance of 'Earth Song' at the 1996 Brit Awards, where he was surrounded by adoring children.

But organisers reportedly feared the stunt would be too offensive.

However, although he reluctantly agreed to scrap the parody, Eminem - whose band D12 won the Best Hip-Hop award - still caused controversy with his performance of new song 'Like Toy Soldiers'.

As he was rapping, dozens of children dressed in army gear and carrying fake guns emerged from a Panzer tank and stormed the stage.

Eminem continued to be surrounded by kids - this time dressed in hip-hip clothes - as he sang 'Just Lose It'.

In the song, the star takes a pop at Jackson's recent charges, rapping: "Come here little kiddie, on my lap. Guess who's back with a brand new rap? And I don't mean rap as in a case of child molestation accusation."

Copyright ?2004, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 4:25 PM WST
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Fri, Nov 19 2004
Release of Documents Could End Jackson Conspiracy Charges
Mood:  incredulous

by Dr. K. C. Arceneaux
November 13, 2004

The release of redacted documents, on November 12, 2004, that are among the evidence in the child molestation case against Michael Jackson could collapse the case, or at the very least, cast serious doubt on the conspiracy charges against him. The documents include correspondence between then Jackson attorney Mark Geragos and William Dickerman, attorney for "Jane Doe," the mother of Jackson's accuser. The letters were sent immediately following the period during which Ms. Doe said she was imprisoned by Jackson employees and was fearful for her life. However, the letters are very mundane, if combative, and concern the return of household belongings. There is no mention of events remotely resembling the accusations made in the Grand Jury indictment.

The letters reveal a prolonged and acrimonious exchange between the attorneys, beginning on March 26 and ending on May 17, 2003. The letters concern return of items that had been removed from Ms. Doe's home and placed in storage. In the letters, there is squabbling about when and where to deliver the belongings, and concern about who would make payments on a storage facility. And yet, this exchange occurs immediately after the period that Ms. Doe claims she and her children were falsely imprisoned by Jackson's staff. The question here is simple. If Ms. Doe thought she and her children had been imprisoned and her life threatened, as she later claimed, why did she not tell Dickerman, her attorney? Kidnapping is a much more serious issue than who will pay for the storage of furniture.

Ms. Doe's accusations against Jackson are similar to charges she made against her now-ex husband in a divorce dispute. About the Jackson case, Ms. Doe said in a police interview leaked to the media in September, 2004, that she felt that "Somebody was going to kill the kids and me. Mostly the kids." In the divorce dispute, she accused her husband of molesting their daughter, kidnapping, and threatening her life. In judge's chambers, the daughter recanted statements she had made earlier, and said that the father did not make death threats. Russell Halpern, attorney for the boy's father, said that he believes the mother scripted her children. Halpern said the father once showed him a script his wife had allegedly written for their children to use when they were questioned in a civil deposition. "She wrote out all their testimony. I actually saw the script. I remember my client showing me, bringing the paperwork to me."

The charges against Michael Jackson are not the first time Ms.Doe has leveled charges of sexual abuse against someone. It is the third. In addition to the charges made against her husband, Ms. Doe also accused security guards of sexually abusing her by fondling her breasts and crotch in a parking lot. The guards had followed her son and husband from the store and accused them of shoplifting. The boy reportedly was carrying a stack of unpaid-for clothing. Ms. Doe alleged that the abuse went on for seven minutes, as her family apparently looked on helplessly. As in the Jackson case, there was a memory delay before accusations were made. Ms. Doe remembered two years after the parking lot incident that she had been (allegedly) sexually abused; these accusations were added to her three million dollar civil case against J.C. Penney.

Tom Griffen, Penney's attorney, said in an interview by Mike Taibbi on the Abrams Report, March 4, 2004,"It became readily apparent that this was an incident, in my opinion, a scam to extract money from J. C. Penney." The case was settled out of court, for a reported $137,000. According to Griffen, the settlement was to avoid the risk of losing in a jury trial. One also assumes that the negative publicity would not have been desirable for the company. The psychiatrist retained by Penney to examine Ms. Doe said that he felt she scripted her children's stories to match hers.

Veracity seems to be a serious problem with this family. In the first indictment Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation. In the second indictment, by a grand jury presided over by Santa Barbara prosecutor Tom Sneddon, the instances of molestation had declined from seven to three, with one alleged molestation attempt. Where did the other three molestations go? Did the boy in question, now a mature teenager, testify to seven instances of molestation and then remember that three of them did not happen? Or, now that he is older and wiser, is he less cooperative? Inexplicably, the grand jury indictment added charges not present in the first indictment. Jackson now has been accused of conspiracy to commit twenty-eight felony acts, including conspiring to commit child abduction; false imprisonment; extortion; committing lewd acts upon a child; attempting to commit a lewd act; and administering an intoxicating agent to a child.

The timeframe of the alleged molestations has changed, as well. In the first indictment, the dates were given as from February 7, 2003, to March 10, 2003. These dates were changed in the grand jury indictment, from February 20 to March 12. In a pre-trial hearing on November 8, 2004, Jackson attorney Susan Yu said, "The chronologies are critical to the defense because the dates of the alleged molestations in the original complaint (in December) are different from the dates in the indictment (in April)." Yu said, "These dates are different because the (accuser's) family changed their story. They changed their story because they are not telling the truth."

Copyright, first American serial rights, Nov. 14, 2004

Source: MJRedemption/MJJForum

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:48 PM WST
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Sat, Nov 13 2004
At Least 300 Michael Jackson Fans Attend Support Rally in NYC
Mood:  a-ok
Date: Friday, November 12, 2004

Source: Team MJJsource

Contrary to many published reports, there were conservatively 300 Michael Jackson fans attending the support rally yesterday. The rally took place at 45th and Broadway in New York City.

After reading these reports, members of the media have conveyed their concern that the reported fan count was highly inaccurate from the actual number of fans that attended. It is unfortunate that the genuine support and dedicated efforts of Michael Jackson's loyal fans have been unacknowledged. It is our hope that the Associated Press and others will correct their error. This would be appropriate, out of respect for the many fans that took the time to organize and attend the event.

Michael Jackson fans demonstrated over MTV's refusal to stop airing the Eminem video that demeans Michael Jackson. Unlike MTV, Black Entertainment Television (BET) stopped running it last month, at Mr. Jackson's request.

In a phone call to Geraldo Rivera at the rally, Mr. Jackson stated regarding Eminem and the video, "It's demeaning and disrespectful," Jackson said. "And I also want to make it clear that it's not just about Michael Jackson... but about a pattern of disrespect that he has shown to our community. He needs to stop it, and he needs to stop it now."

Speaking of his deep appreciation for his fans, Michael Jackson said, "Its because of my fans that I am calling in today.... I feel that I have the best fans in the world... I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.... I love them so so much."

Gerlado Rivera also reiterated his strong support for Mr. Jackson when he said, "Michael, let me just say that I support you because I believe you are getting a raw deal not just by Eminen but in a lot of other aspects of life that I don't need to mention..."

source: MJJsource

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:58 AM WST
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Geraldo Rivera Interviews Michael Jackson LIVE on FoxNews
Mood:  happy
MJJForum eNews #421 - November 11, 2004

Geraldo: ...I think we may have on the telephone right now, a surprise caller in his first live interview on Network Television in at least a year as far as I know. I believe Michael Jackson is there. Are you there Michael?

Michael: How are you Geraldo... Hello?

Geraldo: Ok buddy, let me ask you.. How do you feel, Michael, about the continuing support you've gotten from your fans despite all you've gone through.

Michael: Well, Geraldo, its because of my fans that I am calling you today. I mean, I feel they are the best fans in the world and I decided rather than having anyone else speak for me that I would do it myself you know. And I want to thank my fans for their strong support over the years. They could have been anywhere today, you know, and they chose to be in New York in Times Square. And I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. They have written thousands and thousands of letters, and have made hundreds of calls regarding the Eminem video. And I love them so, so much. In London over 4000 people showed up on my behalf. And I want to thank Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton, Minister Farrakhan [sp], The Source, Steve Harvey, Bob Johnson and BET, Jesse Hughes and Radio One, and all the many others who have supported me. And Geraldo, I want to also thank you for your friendship and everything, all the wonderful things you have been doing. Thank you so, so much. I made my message clear about the Eminem video. I think that its demeaning and disrespectful, but I also want to make it clear that its not just about Michael Jackson.. But a pattern of disrespect that he has shown to our community. He needs to stop it, and he needs to stop it now.

Geraldo: Michael, let me just say that I support you because I believe that you are getting a raw deal. Not just by Eminem, but in a lot of other aspects of life that I don't need to mention. But let me go on the positive side for a minute. What do you have coming up? Anything that we can announce to these people? Something that can give them some optimism?

Michael: Yes, I'm always working on wonderful music. I've been working on several albums right now, I've been working on music today. I'm working on something as we speak Geraldo, and I'm in the process of making plans to do some other wonderful things that I'll be announcing to the fans very, very soon. And I look forward to that Geraldo, you know. And I'll give you a call too, soon.

Geraldo: I bet you do, I bet you do. Ok, please do. But before I let you go, anything else you want to say?

Michael: I love my fans, I love you and thank you so much for being there on my behalf. And thank you Geraldo again, thank you so so much.

Geraldo: Ok Michael, thank you. Thanks for calling in. Michael Jackson everybody.

Many thanks to TSColdMan for the transcript.

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Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:37 AM WST
Updated: Sat, Nov 13 2004 12:10 PM WST
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Tue, Nov 9 2004
Michael Jackson's Statement- November 4, 2004
Mood:  hug me
November 4, 2004

To my loyal fans and supporters,

I would like to sincerely thank all those who have spoken out and taken action against the most recent attempt to defame me as a person and an entertainer. My team has told me of the thousands of calls that have been made and the thousands of emails that have been sent by you, on my behalf. I am so grateful and inspired by you all.

To my fans in the UK, I want to you to know how touched I was to hear about the demonstration in London that took place on October 31st and the thousands of people that attended. I am so overwhelmed by these beautiful expressions of love from my fans. Thank you.

Recently, I have been informed that there is an event being planned for me, by the fans, to take place in New York very soon. I wanted take this opportunity to thank these fans from the bottom of my heart for your love and support.


God Bless,

Michael Jackson

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 PM WST
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