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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Thu, Mar 23 2006
Mood:  blue
Topic: Main News
Washington, D.C./1:30 AM EST. It is public knowledge that Mr. Jackson currently resides in the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain. He therefore decided to close his house and reduce his workforce. This is a common practice when a residence is vacant for an extended period of time.

Reports indicating that Neverland has been closed or shut down for good are inaccurate.

There will be no further comments regarding this matter.

Raymone Bain
(Thank you Gail Felix for the Information)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:50 AM WST
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Tue, Mar 21 2006
Statement From Jermaine Jackson Lawyer
Mood:  happy
Topic: Main News

Statement from attorney Vicki Roberts regarding alleged false allegations purportedly made by former collaborator Stacy Brown in the New York Daily News concerning Jermaine Jackson's upcoming book about the Jackson Family:

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 16, 2006 -- "Mr. Jackson contends that the proposal for the book does not state what Mr. Brown now allegedly claims it states. While his motives are unknown, Mr. Brown's alleged false and malicious fabrications about the proposal or the alleged use of a doctored, false, and unauthorized proposal serve only to expose him to potential liability for making untrue statements. Regardless of Mr. Brown's alleged attempts to sabotage the sale of the manuscript, Jermaine Jackson looks forward to the future publication of his book, which is an exciting and fascinating chronicle of the Jackson family saga." -- Vicki Roberts, Attorney for Jermaine Jackson

Source: Gail Felix

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
Updated: Thu, Mar 23 2006 2:23 AM WST
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Sat, Mar 11 2006
What They Don't Want You to Know About Michael Jackson!!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: MJ's Side Segments
What They Don't Want You to Know About Michael Jackson!!

January 5, 2006

By Christopher Hamilton

What do you think of when you hear the name, Michael Jackson? Wacko? Criminal? Great Entertainer? Businessman? Whatever you think of MJ, throw all your thoughts out of the window and let's examine some facts.

For years the media has labeled him "Wacko Jacko." What happened to MJ? Wasn't he the biggest thing in music at one point? When did he go crazy?

All anyone has to do is look when Michael started being portrayed as "Crazy." It wasn't during the "Thriller" years. It's cool being a song and dance man. That's what they want. DON'T DARE BECOME A THINKING BUSINESSMAN. DON'T DARE BUY THE BEATLES CATALOG. DON'T DARE MARRY ELVIS' DAUGHTER. DON'T DARE BEAT THE RECORD INDUSTRY AT THEIR OWN GAME. Michael started being labeled crazy when he began making business moves that no one had been successful at doing.

Michael took two cultural icons and shattered them to pieces. All our lives, we've been bombarded with 2 facts. The Beatles were the greatest group of all time and Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll. Michael bought the Beatles and married the King's daughter. (if that ain't literally sticking it to the man) If I wasn't a cynic, I'd say Michael did the Lisa Marie thing just to stick it to the people who consider Elvis the King.

The Beatles were great, but they weren't great enough to maintain publishing rights over their own songs.

Elvis was great, but he didn't write his songs. His manager, Col Tom Parker, was the mastermind behind Elvis ... keeping him drugged with fresh subscription pills and doing all the paperwork.

Michael could do no wrong as an entertainer. "Off the Wall," first solo artist with 4 top ten singles. "Thriller," the biggest selling album of all time, with a then record 7 top ten singles. "Bad," the first album to spawn 5 number one songs (even Thriller only had 2 number one songs). All this is cool. But that is all you better do. SING AND DANCE. Michael wanted to be greater. He bought the legendary Sly and the Family Stone catalog and no one really cared. When he bought the Beatles, people noticed. The Sony merger took the cake. Sony, in their eagerness to have a part of the Beatles catalog, agreed to a 50/50 merger with Jackson, thus forming Sony/ATV music publishing. Now, Michael co-owns half of the entire publishing of all of Sony artists. Check out the complete lists of songs at A sampling of the songs he owns the publishing rights to are over 900 country songs by artists such as Tammy Wynette, Kenny Rogers, Alabama. All Babyface written songs. Latin songs by Selena and Enrique Iglesias. Roberta Flack songs, Mariah Carey songs, Destiny's Child's songs. 2pac, Biggie and Fleetwood Mac songs. In essence over 100,000 songs. "What is this man doing?" None of the greats did this. Not Bono, Springsteen, Sinatra. "Who does he think he is? Get whatever you can on him."

To "get" someone, you have to attack what they love the most. I'll say no more on that.

The only man who even approaches MJ in taking on the industry is Prince and to a lesser extent, George Michael. They went after poor George Michael, publicly outing the man as a homosexual. Prince fought hard and made his point, but nevertheless still had to resort to using a major company to distribute his materials. There is nothing wrong with that. Prince would get the lion's share, but the result were years of being labeled crazy and difficult.

The greatest moment for them was the Sneddon press conference. "We got him." Never was such glee so evident. Who cares if we have evidence?

Michael was acquitted, did not celebrate, went home and left the USA. Best move ever. Now what is there left for the haters to do? He's gone. "Gone, what do you mean he moved to Bahrain? Well, how the hell can we get him if he's not here? Quick, get that columnist to write a series of articles on how MJ's teetering on the brink of destruction. Oh we did that? Well, what can we do?"

On the outer surface, it appears Michael is not doing anything to make money. Don't even count the weekly sales of his CDs. 15,000 CDs a week is nothing for Michael. The Sony/ATV catalog is money for Michael Jackson every time he breathes. Serious money. The fact that no one reports on the actual amount is proof of that. They would rather you believe he is broke than tell you the truth. Neverland is still owned by MJ. The family home in Encino is still owned by MJ. Michael still owns the Beatles songs through the merger with Sony as well as full ownership of his own songs. But, hey, that's our little secret.

Michael Jackson is literally walking in the shoes that no Black person has ever walked in before. If he ever writes an autobiography, it will be one of the most interesting ever. A Black man with no real formal education becomes the most powerful man in the industry, DESPITE hatred, racism, enemies in his own camps and a media willing to be bought to the highest bidder.

If Sony had any sense, right now they should offer to continue the partnership. That's the only way they will make future money off of Michael's catalogue. Tommy Mattola did not lose his job with Sony because he was a bad label head. It was a casualty of war. MJ exposed him and Sony had to cut their losses. Companies do it all the time. Notice no one at Sony nor did Matolla himself ever sue MJ for slander. Michael always was loyal to his bosses at Epic/Sony. Back at the 1984 Grammys, he even brought then label head Walter Yetnikoff on stage with him at one point. He's always thanked Dave Glew, Mattola and others at Sony in his acceptance speeches.

Sony can still do right by Michael, but it may be too late. However, they still should make a goodwill gesture, but how many times do businesses do that? If I were them, I'd still want MJ as an ally, not as an enemy. It is/was a mutally profitable merger.

I'd be scared as hell if I was an enemy of MJ while he is with the multi-billionaires overseas. Believe me, they aren't just over there discussing designer clothing. A conglomerate is in the making.

One last note, these facts that I write here should not be the only times you hear this, but the sad fact is it probably is. I was worried that Michael would go down because of the uncertainty of the jury. That's playing unfair. If I'm presenting these facts here at EURweb, YOU CAN BELIEVE THE MEDIA KNOWS IT ALREADY AS WELL. They aren't salivating over everything MJ related just because he made "Thriller." They know what's up. Think about it. That's why I laugh when I see shows like BET's "The Ultimate Hustler." We all know who that is. (How can Damon Dash know who the ultimate hustler is anyway? He lost Roc-a-fella to Jay-Z)

In the end, Michael won't be known for being an alleged child molester. He won't be known for "Thriller." He will be known as the man that fought the record industry and won and lived to tell the tale. That is a book worth buying.



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:29 AM WST
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Workers barred from Neverland Ranch
Mood:  blue
Topic: Main News
Insurance for 69 employees lapsed in January

Updated: 9:23 p.m. ET March 9, 2006

LOS OLIVOS, Calif. - The state barred workers from Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch on Thursday and fined the singer $69,000 because the estate’s workers compensation insurance policy had lapsed.
The “stop order” was issued after a worker reported Tuesday that a co-worker who had been injured did not have the state-required health coverage, said Dean Fryer, spokesman for the California Department of Industrial Relations.

Regulators determined coverage for 69 employees at the Santa Barbara County ranch lapsed Jan. 10, Fryer said.“In effect, it shuts them down,” Fryer said.

Jackson, 47, has lived in the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain since being acquitted of child molestation charges last year. A call to his spokeswoman seeking comment was not immediately returned Thursday.
The 2,600-acre ranch boasts amusement park rides and has been home to elephants, giraffes, snakes, orangutans, tigers and a crocodile. Fryer said local animal welfare agencies were notified of the shutdown so they could make arrangements to feed and care for the animals.

The ranch operators have five days to appeal the order and fine, Fryer said. If workers violate the order by returning to the ranch, the department can seek criminal charges or file a lawsuit.

The shutdown was prompted by the latest in a slew of complaints against the ranch by workers, 47 of whom have complained this year that they haven’t been paid, Fryer said.

On Tuesday, the department sent a letter to an accounting firm that handles Jackson’s business, demanding payment of $306,000 in wages, and an investigation into the complaints is continuing, Fryer said.

A call to a Los Angeles office of the accounting firm Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman & Sloan LLP was not immediately returned Thursday.

Fryer noted that the department has not heard directly from the worker who was said to be injured, but the report was enough to get the investigation moving. The department hopes to hear from that worker, he said.

? 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:13 AM WST
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Pair convicted for Illegally taping Michael Jackson on X-tra Jet......
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Main News
Mar. 6, 6:50PM ET) -- TMZ was in Federal court today as Jeffrey Borer and Arvel "Jett" Reeves pled guilty Monday afternoon to conspiracy for illegally taping Michael Jackson as he flew from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara in 2003.

Jackson, who flew on a Gulfstream jet with his attorney, Mark Geragos, was arrested when he landed in Santa Barbara and taken to the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department where he was booked on charges of child molestation. Jackson was acquitted of those charges last year.

Borer was the owner of XtraJet, a charter jet company that operated the Gulfstream and Reeves owned the company that serviced the XtraJet fleet. The pair installed a videotape (with audio) and intercepted private conversations between Garagos and Jackson.

Borer and Reeves were both charged with conspiracy, endeavoring to intercept oral communications and witness tampering. In exchange for their conspiracy plea, prosecutors dropped the other two counts.

Judge Howard Matz's bailiff kicked our TMZ producer out of the hearing, telling us it was "closed." The producer subsequently went back in and watched the proceeding. Sentencing is set for July 12.

Source: TMZ.COM
Gail Felix

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:02 AM WST
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Thu, Mar 9 2006
Letter For A Friend
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Open Letters
Dear Michael

I'm trying to comprehend what is going on right now. Except my mind is fuzz to what is happening. In the past 24 hours I keep going back to Jehovah for guidance. So I can let all these hateful feelings leave me. So my heart can be strong enough to fight this injustice with you once again. I knew after your Vindication that this fight would still continue, but I never expected this.

Some of your fan community seems like they are confused to what is going on. Not knowing who to believe or what to believe. It seems the evil is taking over some of their thoughts and that scares me. Mostly I try to stay away from it, as I am trying to heal my mind from the evil. I (we) your Positive Voices are trying to do what we think you would do, and show them somehow out of the evil. But in these times…this is very hard to do.

So now, I use my knowledge of you, and help out my fan family keeping as strong as I can. So if they may fall back, I am here to soften their landing. I go to these different fan communities and see the belief in the way they speak. Believing the media, believing the lies, yet for most, I can see the terror in their words. Wondering, searching everywhere for truth. Right now, I'm not in the state of mind to help the unwanted…Michael, it's their loss, and I will not sit around and listen to the tabloid garbage.

Mostly right now, I am worried about you. Knowing you are holding onto your children tight, gathering your strength from them. But…I keep asking myself how much more of this terror you can handle. You have been so strong in these past 3 years, and continue to display so much strength. But a person can only handle so much…Michael Jackson or not. After the fame and fortune is dimmed at the end of your day, you are simply a human being, simply a man, simply Michael Jackson.

I am praying for you Michael. Praying with Jehovah with everything I am. Praying to take down this evil that is surrounding your aurora. This evil that is clouding your family, and its name. I know he is around all of you. I feel that he is around you, watching, looking over…all of your beings.

This brings me some comfort, and please know that your Positive Voices are here with you…as we always have been…Praying, for your family, and your safety. In all that you do.

And Michael please know, that I too, am with you…in prayer, faith, and unconditional love.

When it rAiNs, may you feel I am near.

We love you

Your Positive Voices
And Laura

Positive Voices 4 MJJ
Our Website:

MJJFAN-Favorite Musician:

Eve - The Music Lady (Owner-Moderator)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:49 PM WST
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Mood:  bright
Topic: Main News
Los Angeles____ Family Patriarch of the Jackson Family releases the following statement:

"Our family has been manipulated and taken advantage of for a very long time and its time that this destructive maligning of our character stop."

The Jackson Family will no longer stand still and be a punching bag for the press to hit below the belt!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many fans around the world for their love and support of my family. Your loyalty does not go unnoticed and is appreciated.

Angel Howanksy Family Spokesperson
Gail Felix Assistant

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:35 PM WST
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For All Fan Clubs/Fan Forums/Supportive Outlets
Mood:  happy
Topic: Main News

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you so very much for your quick response in advising the fans that I have not made any statements
whatsoever regarding the alleged book proposal.

As I indicated to you, I demanded that the reporter, Emily Smith, and the editor of the Sun, pull the false quote attributed to me from their article.
And, they have.

This is the second time in one week that my name has been used recklessly by members of the London media, and a false quote has been made up under my name.

I truly hope that this is the last time I will have to deal this kind of issue.

Again, thank you for your cooperation and kindness!

Raymone K. Bain

Source: Gail Felix


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:23 PM WST
Updated: Thu, Mar 9 2006 10:50 PM WST
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Sun, Feb 26 2006
Statement of Thomas A. Mesereau RE:, Mr. Michael Jackson
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Main News
February 23, 2006

Attorney Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr., issues the following statement regarding Mr. Michael Jackson:

I am very disturbed by the false, erroneous, and self-serving reports about the relationship between Michael Jackson, my law partner, Susan Yu, and me.

At the conclusion of the criminal trial in Santa Maria, CA., Michael Jackson was acquitted 14 times. The jury acquitted him of 10 felonies and 4 lesser-included misdemeanors. Michael Jackson was completely vindicated and exonerated by these verdicts.

Shortly thereafter, Michael Jackson, and his beautiful children, moved to the Middle East. Attorney Susan Yu and I were asked to help him during this difficult period of transition. Michael and his children were exhausted by the terrible, unjust prosecution, and needed to start a new chapter in their lives.

Because Michael Jackson was our client, and is our friend, Attorney Susan Yu and I agreed to help him, and his family, during this time of transition.

For approximately seven months, we assisted Michael Jackson in this effort.

We never intended to assume these obligations on a permanent basis. For example, my love is Criminal defense. I will be in trial in the State of Alabama during April and June, in two Capital murder cases, in which I am representing the client free of charge. I am also assisting in the development of a free legal clinic for the poor at a prominent African American church in Los Angeles. Attorney Susan Yu has other clients that she needs to attend to as well.

We are still in communications with Michael Jackson, and his assistants, and remain close friends. Mr. Jackson completely understands the situation and is grateful to us for helping him with the transition. The speculation that surrounds this situation is nothing but shallow tabloid reporting.

People should leave Mr. Jackson and his family alone.

Source: Raymone K Bain

? - This news can be reposted with a credit to - Bridging the gap between Michael Jackson and his fans.
MJJForum website:

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:06 AM WST
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The King Of Style!!
Mood:  flirty
Topic: MJ's Side Segments
Since the early days of the Jackson Five, Michael Jackson has set himself apart from every other musical artist with his tremendous talent, but also utterly unique sense of style. From his bell-bottoms and Afro as a child star to his current military inspired suits, his fashion statements are etched permanently into our memory banks. Regardless of your particular opinion of Michael Jackson, it is undeniable that he has driven fashion and style to a whole new level. In these times of political correctness in unrecognizable styles of celebrities it is popular to bash the fashion sense of Michael Jackson. But, those that look without prejudice were excited to see his unique fashion picks on that famous trial. For those who wish to draw from the Michael Jackson’s ever-changing looks, each decade of his career provides a host of incredibly creative design elements.

Michael Jackson burst upon the pop scene in the early 1970’s wearing fringed shirts, platform heels, and wide bell-bottom pants. With a “Huggy Bear” inspired hat to top off his look, he delighted crowds with his astonishingly polished stage presence. If you are attracted to this era of Michael Jackson, try paisley shirts, and suede vests.

As Jackson reached early adulthood, the album “Off The Wall” introduced a new sleeker look. With tuxedo jackets, pegged pants, black shoes, and stark white socks, his iconoclastic style was beginning to take shape. From all of the different fashion eras in Jackson’s career, this look is probably the most sophisticated and easily emulated. For this retro look, try a simple black suit with an open collared white dress shirt. Add black loafers, and a fedora hat, and you’ll be ready to impress everyone with your “moonwalk”.

What most of us think of as the “Michael Jackson” style came to fruition when the album “Thriller” shot to the top of the billboard charts. His signature red leather jacket with its zippered details, tight fitting parachute pants, and a single white sequined glove encompassed the look of the 1980’s. His hair was styled in collar length, Jerry curls and he was frequently seen in mirrored aviator sunglasses. While most of us would probably avoid wearing all elements of this look these days, a nod to Michael Jackson’s style can be achieved by donning a cool pair of aviator specs and a custom leather jacket. Who doesn’t want to look a little like “Jacko” when they are belting out Billie Jean at the local karaoke bar?

When thinking of Michael’s fashion in 90s, what usually come to mind are his edgy, theatrical costumes he wore on performances. Forgotten are his fine, sophisticated suits and ensembles he was wearing those years. He always strived to look neat and sophisticated. Michael was never caught by the trends and popular fads of the moment. His fashion sense was composed of classic styles, with addition of his own touches like his trademark armbands and other military inspired accessories.

In the last several years, Jackson’s cutting edge fashion has taken a backseat to his drastic plastic surgery and his controversial lifestyle. While defending himself against charges of child molestation, crowds of reporters and fans gathered at the court house to capture a glimpse of what Michael was wearing each day. And they had what to see. Michael Jackson never wore the same thing twice for his courtroom appearances and clothes were made each day, his designers have revealed. He tended to favor an unusual array of greatly tailored suits with pinned brass medals, and brightly colored vests leaving a very strong impression. Once again he declined to “fit in”. Instead he was sticking to himself - superstar he really is. He even appeared before the judge one day wearing pajamas.

After being acquitted of all charges last year, he is living in Bahrain, planning an anticipated comeback. Michael Jackson now has an opportunity to recreate his image once again. Fashion will certainly play an important role. Who knows if he will remain commercially viable after such a long hiatus? What we know for sure: he won’t fashion what everyone else does. And that’s an important style lesson to be learnt from Michael Jackson.



Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:00 AM WST
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Wed, Feb 22 2006
Sending Your Love for MJ
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Main News
If you wish to send Michael Jackson a Card, a letter, here’s contact information for him, sent by his;
Spokesperson: Raymone Bain:

Davis, Bain and Associates, Inc.
PO Box5997
Washington, D.C. 20016

Source: Raymone Bain

Thank you - Gail Felix (for the information)

Major Love
Eve - The Music Lady


I requested an address for the fans to send in their fan mail or cards to Michael a few days ago to Ms Bain. Here is the response with permission to post on all the boards/clubs communities.

Some fans may already have this address, so this is for those that do not

"Hi Gail,

We have been giving to the fans that have requested, the PO Box to send mail to:

Davis, Bain and Associates, Inc.
PO Box 5997
Washington, D.C. 20016

Thanks so much!"


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 5:26 PM WST
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Sun, Feb 19 2006
Six months later, Jackson?s Katrina song ready
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Main News
Bahrainian prince says single, ‘I Have This Dream,’ to be out by month's end

The Associated Press
Updated: 5:31 p.m. ET Feb. 17, 2006

LOS ANGELES - Eight days after Hurricane Katrina hit, Michael Jackson announced he would release an all-star charity single within two weeks.

Nearly six months later, after questions about exactly who would be participating, the prince who has been hosting Jackson during his self-imposed exile in Bahrain says the song will come out by the end of this month.

In a telephone interview from Dubai last week, Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain's king, told The Associated Press, "The record is coming along great. We've been taking our time to perfect it and mix it."

The song is currently titled "I Have This Dream," and it includes Snoop Dogg, R. Kelly, Ciara, Keyisha Cole, James Ingram, Jackson's brother Jermaine, Shanice, the Rev. Shirley Caesar and the O'Jays, the prince said.

Missing are James Brown, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Missy Elliott and Lenny Kravitz, who Jackson spokeswoman Raymone Bain said in September had agreed to participate.

At the height of his fame, in 1985, Jackson and producer Quincy Jones brought dozens of superstars together to fight famine with his "We Are the World" anthem.

But while there are some platinum-selling stars on this record — Ciara, R. Kelly and Snoop Dogg — it's a far cry from the luminaries and legends who made 'We Are The World" a classic. The release of the song also had been repeatedly delayed.

"We were wondering whether or not it was ever coming out," Andy Gibson, co-manager of the O'Jays, told the AP this week. "They recorded their part of it two or three months ago."

The prince said the release has been delayed because additional artists wanted to contribute. But he declined to name those artists — "I'd like to keep that as a surprise" — or to name the company he claimed to have secured to sell the song via CDs and the Internet.

Prince Abdullah, 30, plans to release the song on his own 2 Seas label. "Michael did a wonderful track," he said. "His voice was phenomenal."

He said the song, which Jackson wrote, "is a message of peace and help and caring. It's a song of total oneness."

Jackson has been living in Bahrain since his acquittal in a harrowing molestation trial last year, and now has a house there, the prince said. He didn't know if Jackson plans to settle in the country permanently.

Several of the participating artists recorded their portions of the song Nov. 1, gathering at a Los Angeles studio, Bain said.

"James Ingram, Ciara, Snoop Dogg and Shirley Caesar were all there," said Eddie Levert, lead singer for The O'Jays. "Michael produced it on the phone from Bahrain. He talked to Shirley Caesar, he talked to James Ingram. He talked to everyone except me."

"Overall, it came out very well," Levert said. "It had a strong gospel feel. I think it's really a great song. If radio plays it, it could do very well."

"To work with him on this project was such a privilege and a blessing," Caesar said. "Michael is a true humanitarian."

Asked if the song's release was a harbinger of a new Jackson album, Prince Abdullah laughed and said, "I will just say we've been very busy."

"This is a raindrop before the thunderstorm,' he said. "He's getting ready to come out with a lot of bells and whistles. He's so energized. It's explosive."

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

? 2006


Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:48 AM WST
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Appeals court rules against singer's former wife
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Main News

Wednesday, February 15, 2006; Posted: 9:31 p.m. EST (02:31 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- An appeals court Wednesday reinstated an order granting Michael Jackson sole custody of his two children with ex-wife Debbie Rowe...

California's 2nd District Court of Appeals ruled that Rowe, who in 2001 signed away her parental rights to the 47-year-old performer's two oldest children, Michael Jr. and Paris, had no legal grounds to terminate that arrangement.

Rowe, who was married to Jackson from 1997 to 1999 but never lived with the self-styled King of Pop, persuaded a Los Angeles Superior Court judge to overturn the child custody agreement in 2004 on legal grounds.

After the lower court refused Jackson's request to overturn that order, he appealed to the 2nd District, which ruled in favor of the entertainer and held that the original order terminating Rowe's parental rights should stand.

CNN Law Center
Full article: ion=cnn_latest

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 2:35 AM WST
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Wed, Feb 8 2006
Mood:  happy
Topic: Main News

Washington, D.C. ….. Contrary to published reports in Italy, and the United States, Michael Jackson has not participated in any discussions with the Vatican, or Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio, an Italian music label specializing in religious songs, to record music to Pope John Paul II's prayers.

None of Mr. Jackson's authorized representatives have contacted either the Vatican, or Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio, regarding this proposed project.

Michael Jackson is unaware of this project, and news reports stating otherwise are completely erroneous.

Raymone K Bain

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:40 AM WST
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Italian Priest Wants Jackson on CD
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Main News
Feb 6, 4:17 PM EST
The Associated Press

An Italian priest who runs a music label specializing in religious songs said on Monday that Michael Jackson could be one of several artists to sing on a CD of Pope John Paul II's prayers, but cautioned that the project is "only a small idea" that has yet to be run by the Vatican for approval.

The label Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio has in past years produced CDs of famous actors reciting poems composed by the late pontiff. Now, the Rev. Giuseppe Moscati said he is considering producing a CD in which singers perform songs with lyrics drawn from 24 prayers penned by John Paul.

"It is only a hope, an idea," Moscati said in a telephone interview. He stressed that the recording label would have to buy the rights from the Vatican.

"We still have to propose this to the Vatican," Moscati said. He added that any production would have to show "respect for the greatness of John Paul."

The priest said music industry contacts of his had inquired about Jackson's participation, but said, "we haven't met him or heard from him."

Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said that "about a year ago, (Jackson) was contacted by the Vatican to work on some music. Because he was in trial at the time, he was not able to focus on it."

The pop star was acquitted in June of child molestation charges in California after a five-month trial.

Bain added: "I am not aware there has been any recent inquiry."

Vatican officials said they were unaware of any contacts with Jackson.

Moscati declined to name other artists who might contribute to the album.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 11:27 AM WST
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Jackson Ordered To Pay Rowe's Legal Fees!!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Main News
Lawyers for Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, say he is $75,000 behind in paying her legal fees for their ongoing custody battle.

Jackson and Rowe have been battling in Los Angeles family court for custody of Prince Michael, 8, and Paris, 7, who currently live with their father and his third son by another mother in Bahrain.

The court had ordered Jackson to pay Rowe's legal team, which the New York Daily Post said is common when one parent has a lot more money than the other.

Court documents obtained by the Post say Jackson has fallen behind in his payments and Rowe's attorneys are seeking access to his financial records, the Post said.

Neither side could be reached for comment on the report.

The next hearing the custody fight is scheduled for March 17.

Source: Washington Post

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:19 AM WST
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Fri, Feb 3 2006
MJ In Hamburg-A Special Gift For A Fan
Mood:  happy
Topic: MJ's Side Segments
While in Hamburg, a fan had his hat taken so that Michael could sign it. But it seems that Blanket, who was there, admired the hat so much that he was allowed to keep it! Michael then took Blanket's t-shirt signed it and gave that to the fan instead! The shirt read "Blankets T-Shirt love Michael Jackson."

Source: MJFC / Many thanks to Gail for relaying this special moment/

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:35 AM WST
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Mood:  sad
Topic: Main News
Michael Jackson releases the following statement upon learning of the passing of Civil and Human Rights icon, Mrs. Coretta Scott King:

"I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Coretta Scott King. I send my love, and heartfelt sympathy, to Martin III, Yolanda, Dexter, Bernice, and the entire King family. Mrs. King is an irreplaceable jewel, who will be greatly missed."

Source: MJFC / Raymone K. Bain, Spokesperson for Michael Jackson

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:09 AM WST
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Tue, Jan 31 2006
The International Jackson Event 2006
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Breaking News
The Event promises to be one of music, dance, magic and much more, with some of the top MJ and Janet impersonators performing for you. The Venue is the world famous Hollywood Music Hall, Rotterdam, Holland, with it's ten screens and stunning laser show which will astound you as you listen to the music of Michael, the Jacksons, Janet and 3T. Dress code will be bling bling, with limousines and red carpet to dazzle you as the performers arrive. There will also be your chance to show what u can do in the Jackson Idol Contest, stalls selling all your Jackson memorabilia, and a Lottery where u could win your very own signed merchandise, plus much more which will be announced on the Event site soon.

The Official Event Site is now online at The International Jackson Event and tickets are also now available to purchase!

For more information though, please contact me at

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:19 AM WST
Updated: Tue, Jan 31 2006 3:57 AM WST
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Fri, Jan 27 2006
MichaelGate: The Conspiracy - Author Geraldine Hughes needs your support
Mood:  bright
Topic: Open Letters
Hello Positive Voices:

I continue to marvel at the power of Michael Jackson's fan clubs and fans. I seek your assistance once again in getting my next book "MichealGate: The Conspiracy" picked up by a major publisher which would eliminate the problems that we had with Redemption being published by a small publisher.

My agent is pitching MichaelGate to several major publishers and she feels that if we give them a sign of support from Michael's fans, this will move their hands in penning the deal. We are now looking at the book being released in February 2006 and, as most of you already know, it is about all the conspiracies that were responsible for the 2005 Michael Jackson trial. It is being called MichaelGate because I am skillfully showing the resemblances between Watergate and what happened to Michael Jackson (government abuse of power).

If you are in support of me getting this book published and out, this time by a major publisher, can you please send me a SHORT email stating why you think this book should be published and how you intend to support it: Please send email to: titled "MichaelGate".

Thank you, once again, and with your help, my next book, which too will reveal the truth about the 2005 conspiracies, will not only be published, but will be promoted worldwide.

Geraldine Hughes


This letter was sent by the author to PV4MJJ

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:55 PM WST
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