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The Michael Jackson Followers News
Sat, Jun 27 2009
To The Man, Legend and King of Pop
Topic: Open Letters

June 25, 2009, is the saddest to us all especially to me personally. Since the start of this year two of my beloved relatives was taken away from me now Michael Jackson.

He has given his music, his heart to the world, sadly he gave his all that his fragile body was not able to take it. For us fans we mourn his passing. But we can do more, share the love he gave all of us. Continue helping the people close to his heart Children. No matter what people say us MJ Fans go on. In this way, we can hounor him even more.

To my brother Michael,

Thank you for every you gave us your fans. May you now in His arms feeling love your never felt in your life while you are with us. May He also give peace you longing for.


Anna M.

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 1:05 AM JST
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Fri, Feb 29 2008
Attention: Fox News Concerning: Roger Friedman
Topic: Open Letters
Attention: Fox News
Concerning: Roger Friedman
(This letter is for Roger and others at Fox that may care)
Its such a good day for you Roger isn't it? Now, why do you wish to strive on making the days dark for Michael Jackson and his MJ friends? I'm a friend of Michael Jackson. I'm tired of the 'foolishness' you say, and write regarding him. It seems that people like you should be willing, able, and capable of publishing more 'uplifting things' other than stuff to make one feel like vomiting in the beginning of there day. I'm (as well as others) are beginning to think that you feel only obligated to bash Michael Jackson for those of interest to read what you have to say. Meaning, you take no time to bash others, or talk foolishness about them, but oh, WOE, when it comes down to Michael Jackson. Roger "Fungus" Friedman is coming!

So, deep inside of yourself, you must be a lover of MJJ, and NOT a foe, because if you were a foe, you wouldn't give unnecessary eye read to others about the nonsense you spend time contemplating and writing about him. I, for one, don't give attention to what you write anymore, and I only learned about your foolishness from those that do give time to read the crap you say and share with me. Being a 'true' friend that I am, I felt compelled to write you myself (as I've done in the past) to tell you to just straighten up your act, and become a better person, by not bashing-trashing another individual such as....(Michael Jackson), and others ?in the future? you may become intrigued with. All that know Michael Jackson, can tell you do not know the man. And it appears that Michael doesn't know you, and you surely are not giving him any reason to get to know you either. I guess you wish to follow your mentor Martin Basher....and speak words that have no growth or inspiration what?s so ever in them.

The sad thing is, I and others know of you because of the trash-crap-fungus-mess you wish to write the majority of your time! What a legend you are becoming.

Continue...... to have a good day for yourself, but leave Michael Jackson out of it!
Eve - TheMusicLady

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:54 AM WST
Updated: Fri, Feb 29 2008 1:02 AM WST
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Wed, May 10 2006
My letter to the Editor of GQ magazine
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Open Letters
I have to say that I was a fan of your Magazine until I read the article about Michael Jackson recently. let me ask you something, first of all, why you did not use, Michael's picture ( himself) for this article? Why to use imposter?

Second of all, why in the world you write this kind of things about him? Why you do not leave this man alone? You should be ashamed of yourself. Like I said , I use to have your Magazine in my Salon. But let me tell you something. I will make sure that GQ will not see the color of my door anymore. You have no respect for people. All you want is just to make money in any way you can. If this man is so bad, why You are still making money off of him? All I have to say, is that look at yourself in the mirror and make a change. You are not smart, because you lost me and all my customers with this article.

Farah Pajuheshfar
Las Vegas NV


Subject: Curious

Hi, I'm curious as to how GQ could stoop so low, as to have an has-been impersonator strive to make them some extra money? Tell me, Is GQ that hard up for money that they are now, hiring look-a-likes rather than the 'real' celebrities, to pose for pictures. Who's to believe your Articles anymore? I don't have time for foolishness. Even Television are starting to keep it real, with Reality shows and so on. While GQ, wants to hire Michael Jackson Look-a-likes, and pass them off, as the "Real" person. Thank Goodness, "The Real" Michael Jackson, let us know, what is up with your magazine. Now, for him, I will not purchase another GQ Magazine that has goals to deter, manipulate, deceive the people, for money. Thank you Michael for releasing The Statement through your spokesperson. I will let all know, not to buy this magazine as well, unless.....
"GQ makes that change, for the better"

Eve - The Music Lady

Subject: Another reader lost...

I was very upset when I opened your magazine only to see a Michael Jackson impersonator followed by one of the trashiest "stories" I have ever read. I have been a fan of your magazine for quite some time now, however, I refuse to purchase another copy until an apology has been given to Mr. Jackson.

Up until now, I had always looked at GQ as a reputable magazine. I have now lost all respect that I once had for GQ. Don't you think Michael Jackson has been put through enough?

I do hope that in the future more thought goes into what you put in your magazine. It's unfortunate that GQ has lost so many fans over something that you would expect to find in The National Enquirer....

Stephanie Cook


To whom it may concern:

I have got to say, that your magazine has hit an all time low for Trash Tabloid Journalism, when you ran the recent article about Michael Jackson. Especially, since the pictures weren't even of HIM!

Furthermore, the biased and slanted reporting is, after all, only one man's OPINION. Hardly needing the importance of being shared with the world.

Instead of being on anybody's news stands, Your magazine belongs in the garbage can, after this showing.

I think Michael Jackson should sue you, for falsifying his image. And all of Michael's fans should sue you, for calling us names. We are getting sick and tired of putting up with it.


Julie Bramow
Vinton, Iowa

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 3:44 AM JST
Updated: Fri, May 12 2006 2:04 AM JST
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Thu, Mar 9 2006
Letter For A Friend
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Open Letters
Dear Michael

I'm trying to comprehend what is going on right now. Except my mind is fuzz to what is happening. In the past 24 hours I keep going back to Jehovah for guidance. So I can let all these hateful feelings leave me. So my heart can be strong enough to fight this injustice with you once again. I knew after your Vindication that this fight would still continue, but I never expected this.

Some of your fan community seems like they are confused to what is going on. Not knowing who to believe or what to believe. It seems the evil is taking over some of their thoughts and that scares me. Mostly I try to stay away from it, as I am trying to heal my mind from the evil. I (we) your Positive Voices are trying to do what we think you would do, and show them somehow out of the evil. But in these times…this is very hard to do.

So now, I use my knowledge of you, and help out my fan family keeping as strong as I can. So if they may fall back, I am here to soften their landing. I go to these different fan communities and see the belief in the way they speak. Believing the media, believing the lies, yet for most, I can see the terror in their words. Wondering, searching everywhere for truth. Right now, I'm not in the state of mind to help the unwanted…Michael, it's their loss, and I will not sit around and listen to the tabloid garbage.

Mostly right now, I am worried about you. Knowing you are holding onto your children tight, gathering your strength from them. But…I keep asking myself how much more of this terror you can handle. You have been so strong in these past 3 years, and continue to display so much strength. But a person can only handle so much…Michael Jackson or not. After the fame and fortune is dimmed at the end of your day, you are simply a human being, simply a man, simply Michael Jackson.

I am praying for you Michael. Praying with Jehovah with everything I am. Praying to take down this evil that is surrounding your aurora. This evil that is clouding your family, and its name. I know he is around all of you. I feel that he is around you, watching, looking over…all of your beings.

This brings me some comfort, and please know that your Positive Voices are here with you…as we always have been…Praying, for your family, and your safety. In all that you do.

And Michael please know, that I too, am with you…in prayer, faith, and unconditional love.

When it rAiNs, may you feel I am near.

We love you

Your Positive Voices
And Laura

Positive Voices 4 MJJ
Our Website:

MJJFAN-Favorite Musician:

Eve - The Music Lady (Owner-Moderator)

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 10:49 PM WST
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Fri, Jan 27 2006
MichaelGate: The Conspiracy - Author Geraldine Hughes needs your support
Mood:  bright
Topic: Open Letters
Hello Positive Voices:

I continue to marvel at the power of Michael Jackson's fan clubs and fans. I seek your assistance once again in getting my next book "MichealGate: The Conspiracy" picked up by a major publisher which would eliminate the problems that we had with Redemption being published by a small publisher.

My agent is pitching MichaelGate to several major publishers and she feels that if we give them a sign of support from Michael's fans, this will move their hands in penning the deal. We are now looking at the book being released in February 2006 and, as most of you already know, it is about all the conspiracies that were responsible for the 2005 Michael Jackson trial. It is being called MichaelGate because I am skillfully showing the resemblances between Watergate and what happened to Michael Jackson (government abuse of power).

If you are in support of me getting this book published and out, this time by a major publisher, can you please send me a SHORT email stating why you think this book should be published and how you intend to support it: Please send email to: titled "MichaelGate".

Thank you, once again, and with your help, my next book, which too will reveal the truth about the 2005 conspiracies, will not only be published, but will be promoted worldwide.

Geraldine Hughes


This letter was sent by the author to PV4MJJ

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:55 PM WST
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Wed, Jan 4 2006
Dear MTV
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Open Letters
Dear MTV,

My name is Telena Rogers and i am writing you in regards to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Myself, and many others are saddened by the treatment Michael Jackson receives on your music station. It seems as if every time Mr. Jackson is mentioned on your station, it is a negative message, or he is downplayed by different speakers featured on your shows. I am disappointed because Mr. Jackson has done so much to advance and better the entertainment industry. He deserves much more respect than what MTV gives him. It is a known fact that Michael had the biggest impact on breaking the color line on MTV. Today, a large portion of your music videos are by African American artist. Michael has a lot to do with that.

I am a fan of Michael Jackson, and I want to ask if the MTV crew would please take this matter into consideration and reevaluate their actions. I would like to see your station respect Michael, and new upcoming artist. Michael Jackson has changed the music industry for the better, and his great impact can never be forgotten. I would like to see more of Michael's videos played, and more positive dialog about him on your shows. I'm not one to pull the race card, but as an African American, I do not appreciate the disrespect MJJ receives when he has opened the doors for many music artists; Black and White. MTV has benefited from playing Michael’s videos because he created a diverse fan base for your station. Please treat him with more respect. Thank you for reading.

Telena Rogers
8828 SE Flavel St # 5
Portland, OR 97266

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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To the Staff and Producers of MTV
Mood:  loud
Topic: Open Letters
To the Staff and Producers of MTV

I will just start by saying I used to love to watch your show back in the 80's, when you were just getting started. My television was on MTV 24/7 and it was great. I loved the Michael Jackson videos, and couldn't wait to rush to the television to see them. My daughter was raised watching MTV. We used to leave it on all the time. Even at night. My son was raised watching it too. But I won't allow him to watch it anymore, as I don't either. I have to say, I was deeply saddened and disgusted by the negativity that has been shown to Michael Jackson on your show. I did not like the message it was protraying to my fourteen year old son. Belittling and picking fun at others is not an attribute I wish him to have. Besides, he likes Michael's music too. And doesn't like to see that sort of thing either. He doesn't think it's funny.

I was born in 1958, like Michael, and have followed his career for all my life. I remember when the Jackson Five were on boxes of Alpha Bit cereal. No other black musical artist has or ever will (in my opinion) reach the sheer musical genius of Michael Jackson. Certainly no one I know of can even come close to dancing like he does. I feel that he deserves alot more respect from the music industry, as I see his influence in many many of today's artists. Michael is an Icon. He has accomplished what very few artists have. His music is Everlasting. My little granddaughter loves to watch his dvds and videos. She loves to dance to the music and can recognize that voice singing anywhere, any day of the week. We were at the Wal Mart doing our Christmas shopping and she heard Michael's music over the loudspeakers and broke out into a big grin and started to dance in the Wal Mart. Michael's music will last for generations to come. Please do me and yourselves a favor, and start playing his videos more. You may get a whole new viewing audience. You may even get us to watch again.


Julie C. Bramow
Vinton, Iowa

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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Tue, Jan 3 2006
Support Michael Jackson Campaign Underway!!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Open Letters
Support Michael Jackson Campaign Underway!!

The Support Michael Jackson Campaign led by MJNO , is a campaign in which fans around the world are coming together to change the negative views that have been unfairly reported of Michael Jackson by the media, prior to, during and after the trial.

Our current project is aimed toward MTV, because of the way they have turned their backs on Michael and have joined the media in belittling Michael. After how Michael has earned MTV huge ratings upon the release of 'Thriller', and other successful Music Video's, we find their negativity toward Michael Jackson unacceptable.

There is strength in number. Our goal is 100 individual letters expressing displeasure of MTV's current negative views and asking MTV to be more positive and respectful toward Michael on MTV! We would like to stress though that fans not show their anger by attacking MTV in their letters. MTV will become defensive which would only jeopardize the efforts of this campaign.

We want to show that this affects many of us all over the world. Be professional and respectful in your letter, as we don't want to come off as crazy or obsessed fans.

In your letter please include your first and last name and mailing address, and send your letter to, who is collecting all letters to be sent to MTV. Be sure to have "MTV Letter" in the Subject Line. We want MTV to recognize that there are many people who show an interest in seeing better coverage and treatment of Michael Jackson on MTV. The deadline is January 30th, so get your letters in ASAP!

You can also show your support by placing this "Support Michael Jackson Campaign" request on your website, message board etc etc.

Source:MJNO/ paul(mjcool) / MJ-Upbeat / Gail Felix - Assistant To Angel Howansky

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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Positive Voices 4 MJJ Fan Club
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Open Letters
Positive Voices 4 MJJ Fan Club
I/C of Eve "The Music Lady"
PO Box 587
Flint, MI 48501-0587

ATTN: MTV Productions and Staff

Michael J. Jackson has shown unquestionable talent, and brilliance in the music industry. His works, have gone unnoticed by many artist in this world, that sample his genius in there music, dance, and creativity's. MTV, in the past, had been that place to display the art of his career.

We wish to see Michael Jackson, once again, displayed on the network.

As the group Administrator, and Leader, I wish to say, that we miss the face of our musical genius, we miss the face of our musical artist. Would you not wish to gain the Michael Jackson fan community viewers back to your network? I would surely be one out of 'many' ready to return, with the joy of seeing Michael's dance/style/videos being aired.

I would like to request that MTV, would display that respect, and admiration to a legend, a humanitarian, Mr. Michael J. Jackson by giving the viewers what we wish for.

These words expressed are from My/Our Hearts.

We Thank You --- for reading.


Eve - The Music Lady

Posted by MJ Friend Anna at 12:01 AM WST
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