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Witches consider color as one of the many magical correspondences available in their enchanted toolboxes. In magic, ritual, and everyday life, Witches use color as an energy force. Much like an artist, we mix and match the vibrations of the color to help us obtain what we desire. From the altar cloth to ritual robes, to the choice of candle color, powders, and herbs, all have meaning to the magical practitioner.

You will discover that some color work better for you than others. Only you can determine which color are right for you and how you feel when using them. Color do affect our emotional and physical health, and we should always keep this in mind when working magic. Even if a particular spell does not require a color association you can always add color to boost the power of the operation. The best way to tell what color you should use in rituals spells and in everyday life, is to know how the color make you feel and use your own intuition, but every color has its own meaning and magical property.

WHITE - the Goddess, ancient mother, purity, spirituality, devotional magic, general prayers, illumination, cycle of life, good will, initiation, feminine mystery, freedom, love, health, to symbolize a person, place or thing, psychic matters, dispelling evil spirits and beginning a new phase.

BLACK - return energy to sender, divination, protection, dark goddess, time, chaos, the first stage of working, the beginning of creation, North, winter, rebirth, wisdom of the unknown, the number 8, destroy bad habits, rest, investigation and combats hyperactivity and banishing negativity.

BLUE-BLACK - use for wounded pride, for broken bones to knit properly and angelic protection.

VOILET - intelligence, call the ancient ones, create sigils, anything to do with government, truth, justice, humility, planet Jupiter, religious devotion, forgiveness, ambition, spiritual powers ans psychic ability.

LAVENDER - peace serenity, dreaming magick, invoke spirit.

BLUE - color of spirit, healing, idealism, meditation, truth, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, fidelity, protect one's reputation, peace, feminine mysteries, water, Great Mother Queen of Heaven, infinity, poetry, faith, planet Venus, to defeat an enemy, and protect hearth, home and the young. Use with white to create confusion among evil.

GREEN - healing, the Green Man, god or goddess of vegetation and forest, youth, hope, happiness, new beginnings, improve the weather, finial gains, agricultural magic, abundance, prosperity, immortality, spring, the planets Venus and Mercury, restful, calming, fertility.

YELLOW - stimulates the mind, represents achievement, learning, healing, energy of the sun, prosperity, self-esteem, intellect, intuition, goodness, humility, beauty, light, life, truth, attraction, and the God. Wear some yellow to a job interview to show that you can be trusted (brown says that you are responsible).

ORANGE - joy, optimism, opportunities, the ability to overcome challenges, break blocks, material gain, helps to seal a spell, happiness, luxury, remove feeling of abandonment.

RED - life force, vitality, power, sex, lust, determination, good luck, action, passion, deep affection, courage, fire, masculine principle, festivity, strength, faith, renewal, summer, active leadership, expansion, the planet Mars.

PINK - love, reconciliation, friendship, happiness, harmony.

SILVER - visions, intuition, fast money, moon magic, the Charge of the Goddess, the Goddess, reality, connecting to Spirit, astral travel, freedom, destroy illusions, restore balance, endurance, star magic, meditation, peace personal illumination.

GRAY - stabilize a disturbed personality, slow down a reckless person or situation, use in some glamouries. Wear this color with some green when applying for a loan or asking for a raise.

BROWN/BRONZE - soothe emotional upsets, security, support, friendship, and nature magick.


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