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The Elements

[earth] [air]
[fire] [water]

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word element has a mysterious origin, and is first found in Greek texts meaning "complex whole" or "a single unit made up of many parts." From the ancient up to the medieval times there were only four elements (earth, air, fire, water) and if you were occult-oriented the fifth was Spirit. Cornelius Agrippa called spirit the "quintessence."

Today, although scientists list more than 100 chemical elements (with some being man made), magickal people continue to rely on the five basic building blocks of medieval occultism-- earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit-- using some of the additional elements of the modern age to support the original five, depending on the spell of ritual. For example, silver (an element/metal) is used in various spells and is a symbol of the Devine Goddess, feminine mysteries, and is associated with moon magick, dreaming, and psychism. Gold, another element stands for the God, male mysteries, success, prosperity, general well-being, and all magicks associated with the sun. Let's being, however, with the big four- earth, air, fire, and water.

Element of Earth

Earth is the universal archetype of the divine feminine. Our planet is fondly called Mother Earth, the Great Mother, and, Gaia, among many others. She represents the inexhaustible spirit of creation and is associated with abundance. When we work with earth, not only are we calling the great expanse of our planet--its mountain, caves, minerals and deserts--but we are also invoking her support and massive strength. From her emerges hidden treasure, and she is proof that material things can be manifested from the divine.

The earth gives all living things the space and minerals they need to grow, so when we call earth into our circle as we stand at the north quarter, we are inviting the living essence of our planet to join us in our celebrations and our magick. We are asking that this energy lend its blessings from the north, we are envisioning abundance, stability, protection and room to grow in a positive way.

In astrology those signs symbolized by the earth element are Capricorn (motivated earth), Taurus (rooted earth), and Virgo (changing earth). As the moon moves through each sign for approximately two and a half days each month you have an opportunity to work with the moons receptive energy in that sign.

Meditation of Earth

The best way to get to know the energy pattern of an element is to work with it and use meditation to "become" that element. For this exercise you will need a bowl of dirt or sand and a seed of some kind. Trace one of the earth sigils on the floor with your finger and sit inside. Take three deep breaths. Put your hands in the dirt. Begin by rolling the sand or dirt around with your fingers. Let your mind drift on subject that pertain to earth-the planet, earth goddesses, the ideas of the stability and abundance. When you are through, ask for wisdom from the earth, brush off your hands, give a gentle thank you to the element, then ground and center. Hold the seed in your hand and think of a wish that you would like to grow. Think of planting that wish in the ground and visualize the result, then physically plant the seed somewhere on your property. If you like, you can bag up the dirt or sand in the bowl and use it in a spell or ritual later on. Note: If you have used the invoking earth pentagram then you will need to finish by tracing the banishing earth pentagram.

Earth Correspondances

Capricorn: Beginning and structure.
Taurus: Saving and fixed.
Virgo: Changing (mutable) and review oriented


Yellow or green, depending on the tradition you practice. Yellow for ceremonial Wicca and green for shamanic Wicca.


Cauldron or pentacle


African: Earth Mother, Divine Queen, Nimba, Oshun, Tenga.
Egyption: (Female) Anatha, Bast, Isis, Mehueret. (Male) Min, Geb.
Greek/Roman: (Female) Atlantia, Clonia, Flora, Hestia. (Male) Fauna, Pan.
Norse: (Female) Frigga, Holda, Nanna, She-Wolf.
Celtic (Female) Aine, Anu, Blodewedd, Cailleach Beara, Magog, Rosemerta.

Element of Air

When we work with air we think of the divine breath of Spirit, the ability to move through space and time, and the wisdom that comes from our experience and study. When we invite air into our circle at the east quarter we draw forth the sacred breath of life with vigor and clarity. Like the element of earth, air also has a long list of angelic and deity correspondences.

The zodiac signs for air are Libra (air in early movement), Aquarius (air as it stalls over the earth), Gemini (air as it changes direction).

The movement of air can tell us many things. It can bring the scent of spring, letting you know if the warming season will be early or late. If it grows unusually cold in a warm area, then you may have an astral visitor. Folk legends in various cultures supported the belief that the dead could ride on the winds. Several Goddesses and Gods are also attributed to this skill, including the Germanic Dame Holda and the Egyptian god Shu.

Meditation of Air

This meditation is best done outside. You will need a stick and several colorful ribbons at least thirteen inches long. Make a wish for each ribbon. Write them down so you don't forget. Draw one of the sigils on the ground and sit in the center. Take three deep breaths and relax. Hold your palms open, the back of your hands resting on your knees or your lap. Close your eyes. Do a little free association. Air moves, it is the breath of Spirit, it shifts the weather, it brings wisdom and intellect. Become the air. When you are finished, slowly open your eyes and take a deep breath. Tie the ribbons onto the stick leaving about six inches of the stick free at the bottom. As you tie the ribbons, state your wishes aloud. Blow three times on the ribbons. Set the stick upright in the ground so that the ribbons can flow free. Thank the element of air and deity. Leave the stick. If you have used an invoking pentagram, than you will need to finish with the banishing air pentagram.

Air Correspondences

Libra: Beginnings.
Aquarius: Fixed.
Gemini: Changing (mutable).


Blue or yellow, depending upon the tradition used. Blue fore ceremonial Wicca and yellow for shamanic Wicca.

Athame or wand.

General air:

Hermes (Greek, Male); Mercury (Roman, Male); Shu (Egyptian, Male).


African: (Female) Aja, Minona.
Egyption: (Female) Selk, Seshat, Tie; (male) Thoth.
Greek and Roman: Female) Carmentis, Circe, Hecate, and Mystis.
Geranic/Norse: (Female) Eir, Saga, Vor.
Celtic: (Female) Cerridwen, Danu, Nath.


African: (Female) Ogboinba.
Egyption: (Female) Sphinx, Tie: (Male) Thoth, Horus.
Greek and Roman: (Female) Apollonis, Erato, Harmonia, Minerva, Mnmosyne, Muses, Urania.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Nat.
Celtic: (Female) Canola, Cerridwen, Sephira.


African: (Female) All-bringing-forth; Bunzi, Oya.
Egyption: (Female) Nebt, Nephthys, Tefnut. (Male) Shu for air; Nuit (female for Sky and Heavens)
Greek and Roman: (Female) Aura, Dais, Dione, Erato, Hera, Tampestates.
German/Norse: (Female) Aslog, Frau, Holda, Sjora, Swan, Maidens.
Celtic: (Female) Becuma, Cesair, Dawen, Nair.

Element of Fire

Working with the element of fire may be more difficult for some of you than for others. Those who are not permitted open flame in their rooms or other areas of the house will have to be inventive. Don't feel bad. Certain members of the armed forces (depending on their location) and adults in other specialized environments due to either employment or housing restrictions have the same problem. That doesn't mean you can't use a flame in your mind, that’s all you really need.

When we invite fire into our circle at the south quarter we are visualizing the eternal flame of Spirit. It never dies. Fire is the sizzle of creativity and the eruption of passion. Fire is also difficult to control, so you must always be extra cautious when working with living flame. Where water consumes, fire bites and gnaws. Don't forget that. With fire we have the legend of the phoenix, where we can rise from the ashes of what was and embrace what will be with joy, looking forward to the change.

Fire is strength, power, protection, and the ability to change from one state to another. It is enlightenment and extremely potent but, like air it can represent truth and knowledge through purification. The kindling of a fire in many cultures relates to birth and death--the cycle of life--which is why Witches call the cross-quarters fire festivals. They are Candlemas, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. In almost every culture, fire is the representation of manifested deity. Fire is also the great destroyer.

The three zodiac signs relating to fire are Aries (for beginnings with inspirational fire), Leo (steadfast fire), and Sagittarius (changing fire). If you wanted to begin a project with zest and zeal, start when the moon is in Ares. The only problem with this sign, unlike the others, is that its energy tires out not long after it gets going. A second ritual or spell in another sign is usually required to carry in the work. When the moon is in Leo, magicks for courage, a happy home, and defending others work well. In Sagittarius, a jolly, social energy, work for expansion and adaption to circumstances.

Meditation of Fire

Although this is an outdoor meditation, you can change it to fit your circumstances if necessary. You will need you favorite powdered incense; sidewalk chalk (optional); a small grill; self-lighting charcoal; a grill lighter or long matches; a piece of paper on which you have written a special wish; and a selection of plain small stones.

First draw a circle around yourself with the sidewalk chalk (if you can't do that use your finger instead). Put the grill in the center of the circle. Make sure you can sit far enough away from the grill so that there is no chance of being burned. With the stones, lay out an upright triangle around the grill. Put a few pieces of charcoal in the grill (not too much, this isn't a barbeque for 100). Sprinkle your incense over the charcoal. In most magickal operations, the smoke from a fire represents your prayers moving from this plane of existence to the divine. Scented smoke is employed to draw the attention of present spirits/angels who will help to move those prayers along.

Ground and center. Draw an invoking pentagram in the air over the grill. Take a deep breath and relax. Light the fire. As you watch the flames, think about what fire means: power, transformation, success, rising from difficulty, divine inspiration, creativity. Let your mind wander. Allow your thoughts to dance with the flames. When you have finished, repeat your wishes aloud and throw the paper into the fire. As you watch it burn, say: "Blessings and fire, higher and higher," until the paper is consumed. You might also chant the word change. When you are through, thank divinity and the element of fire. Wait until the fire dies down, then draw the banishing fire pentagram over the grill ( not too close). Note:Do not leave the grill untended while it still contains the fire. You may choose to sit and simply enjoy the outdoors while you wait for the ashes to cool.

If you can't use fire in a literal sense, then close your eyes in the noon sun and work through the same mental associations. Hold the paper up to the sun and repeat your wish. You can use the same chant. Fold the paper and save it until your wish comes true, then dispose. Inside you can use a tea candle in a cauldron rather than the outdoor grill idea.

fire Corrisponances

Aries: Beginnings.
Leo: Fixed, Stability.
Sagittarius: Mutable.

Red or orange.

Atahme, wand or sward, depending on your tradition.

African: (Female) Tsetse.
Egyption: (Female) Amit, gatekeeping goddesses, Sekhmet, Uatchet; (Male) Ra, Kephra, Atum, Toth (inspiration).
Greek and Roman: (Female) Aetna, Hestia, Vesta; (Male) Hephaestos, Vulcan.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Girda, Holla, Vana Mothers.
Celtic: (Female) Bried/Brigid, Tres, Matres.

Element of Water

Water, symbolic of the Great Mother, is associated with birth and transformation. When we invite water into our circle at the west quarter, we are seeking the fountain of life and the source of all things. Water cleanses and purifies, representing our search for the secrets of life and sometimes the realm of the dead (though earth caves have also been attributed to the cycle of death to life). Running water symbolizes the unending cascade of spiritual energy. Crossing a stream in outdoor ritual means that you wish to pass the world of illusion into a higher spiritual state. Walking over a bridge can have the same effect. In Greek culture, morning dew, collected as the sun rises, was thought to hold magick of moonbeams on Earth, and was used to bless one's eyes as a medicinal aid for vision difficulties.

Looking at astrology, we have Cancer (water at its source), Scorpio (fixed or deep waters), and Pisces (water changing directions). All water signs have something in common: emotions. Cancer is nurturing, Scorpio is intense, and Pisces speaks of transformation and the visionary experience (looking at the big picture rather than losing yourself in minute detail).

Meditation of Water

You will need a white ceramic bowl, a small bottle of spring water, three gold coins (if possible), and a black permanent marker. This meditation can be preformed either inside or outside of your house.

Draw a circle on the ground with your finger. With the black permanent marker, draw the double spiral sigil inside the bowl on the bottom. Allow to dry. Place the bowl in the center of the circle. Sit down beside the bowl and fill with spring water. Take three deep breaths, then place your hands in the water. Close your eyes and think about the element. Let your mind do a little free association--birth, purification, emotions, the spring of life, etc. In Egypt, water was thought to wash away the sins of one's ancestors (which is probably where the idea for Christian baptism came from). You might ponder on the priestesses and priests of Isis using water in their rituals to the Queen of Heavenly Magick.

When you are finished, open your eyes, sit back and take a few deep breaths. For many, this meditation leaves them feeling as if a crushing weight has lifter off their shoulders. You might feel that way too. Now blow on the water and watch the spiral drawing appear to move. This is the activation of the sigil (or you may wish to draw an invoking pentagram over the bowl). Pick up the three coins and ask Spirit to provide prosperity for yourself and your family. One at a time throw them in the water. As the water moves, think of your wish spiraling out to Spirit, and then manifesting on the earth plane. The practice of throwing coins or other valuable into a fountain or pool of water dates to early Celtic beliefs.

Thank the element of water and Spirit for the abundance that will now flow toward you. Pour the water onto a deserving plant. Wipe out the bowl to use another time, either for mediation, making holy water, or other magickal purpose.

Water Correspondences

Cancer: Beginnings.
Scorpio: Fixed and intense.
Pisces: Transformative (mutable).

Green or blue, depending on the tradition.

Cauldron or chalice.

African: (Female) Abuk, Asase, Yaa, Aziri, Dada, Nimm, Oshun, Rivers and Streams), Yemaya (Sea).
Egyptian: (Female) Akhet, Celestial waterer, Hast, Heqet, Meri, Nephthys, Satet, Sphinx, Uat; (male) Tefnut, Khnum, (god who controlled the Nile).
Greek and Roman: (Female) Acantha, Alcyone, Cleone, Dero, Hippo, Hypreria, Ianassa, Therma; (male) Neptune, Poseidon.
Germanic/Norse: (Female) Atlaq, Holda, Lady Wen, Matrona, Norns (Fates who are Skuld, Verdandi, and Urd), Wave Maidens; (Male) Donar, Ull.
Celtic: (Female) Bried/Brigid (considered fire and water goddess), Boann, Danu, Eona, Lady of the Lake, Tres Mares; (Male) Condatism, Manannan.


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