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Recepes for Food


  • 1 cup finely ground almonds
  • 1¼ cups flour
  • ½ cup confectioner's sugar
  • 2 drops almond extract
  • ½ cup softened butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Combine almonds, flour, sugar, and extract untill thoroughly mixed. With the hands, work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. Chill dough. Preheat oven to 325° Pinch off pieces of dough about the sixe of walnuts and shape into crescents. Place on greased sheets and bake for about 20 minutes. Serve during the Simlpe Feast, especially at Esbats.


  • 1quart water
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 sliced lemon
  • ½ tsp.nutmeg
  • Boil together all ingtredients in a non-metallic pot. While boiling scape off the rising "scum" with a wooden spoon. When no more rises add the following:

  • pinch salt
  • juice of ½ lemon

  • Strain and cool. Drink in place of alcoholic mead or wine during ritual.

    Magickal Water Recipes

    You will find several different kinds of magickal waters used in Craft practices. Although the ingredients may be different, all magickal waters are purified, blessed and empowered within a magick circle, sacred space, or ritual environment. The water is then used to purify a person, place or thing, as well as woek some type of additional magick (depending upon the recipe). HOLY WATER

    The general all-purpose variety of magickal water, made with only two basic ingredients: three pinches of salt to a cup of water. Recipes vary per Witch as some prefer additional ingredients such as rose water, a particular herb, or a drop of their favorite magickal oil. The words and motions used to banish negativity, bless and empower the water also differ from witch to witch.



    If you have other Pagan/Wiccan or Sabbat recipes Email me at