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Invocation to Pan

O Great God Pan,
Beast and man,
Shepherd of goats and Lord of the Land,
I call you to attend my rites
On this most magical of nights.
God of wine,
God of vine,
God of fields and God of the kine,
Attend my circle with your love
And send Your blessings from above.
Help me to heal;
Help me to feel;
Help me to bring forth love and weal.
Be with me as my magic is made!

Prayer to the Horned God

Horned One of the wilderness,
Winged One of the shining skies,
Rayed One of the splen’drous Sun,
Fallen One of the Samhain cries-
I call amidst the standing stones
Praying that you, O ancient One,
Will deign to bless my mystic rites-
O fiery Lord of the Blazing Sun!

Call to the God

Ancient God of the forest deeps,
Master of beast and Sun;
Here where the world is hushed and sleeps
Now that the day is done.
I call You in the ancient way
Here in my circle round,
Asking that You will hear me pray
And send Your Sun force down.

Invocation to the God

Blazing God,
You who are the King of the Gods
Lord of the Sun,
master of all that is wild and free;
Father of woman and man,
Lover of the Moon Goddess and protector of all the Wicca:
Descend, I pray,
with Your Solar pay of power
upon my circle here!

Evening Chant to the God

Hail fair Sun,
Ruler of day;
Rise on the morn(to be said while watching the sunset)

About the God and Goddess
Prayers to the Goddess

Email me with questions, thoughts or comments