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Sometimes there is just so much going on,

It's hard to take it,

You wonder why,

You lose your mind,

It's almost like you'er going crazy.

It's scary,

Because sometimes you'll do things before you think,

And sometimes you want to kill yourself.

All you want is the pain, the horror, the misery, to go away.

It seems though,

You're not lucky enough to have that pleasure,

So you ponder on the next best thing.


Why not?

You'll never have to be tortured again,

So why wouldn't you do it?

It's almost like an obvious thing.

Then you take the knife and pierce your skin.

The blood starts to flow.

The warmth of it has you to continue.

The warmth is somewhat comforting.

Dulls out any major pain you might feel.

But then,

You do tend to enjoy pain of that sort.

And still continueing through,

Everything starts to darken.

You're finally leaving.

No more misery or horror.

As you're going you think...

'What am I doing? Why have I done this?'

Never again shall you see the light of day again.

Because suddenly you're gone.

Leaving the misery and horror,

With those who loved you.

Having them to forever mourn.

Would that really be what you want?

No, it's not.

And it almost seems too late though.

*Melissa E. G. Juliana* 4/25/03