This car was the first German small car with plastic body. The name of the material was Duroplast and contained resin, strengthened by wool.
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Melbourne City Trabant, please
visit their site. The Trabant can trace its
long and distinguished history, back to the 1940's. A great era for all of
Eastern Europe. A personal carrier emerged from the Eastern part of
Germany which became the symbol of Eastern transportation. What was to
become the greatest car in living history, was sitting on the drawing
boards. The Trabant, rose from its glorious Eastern drawing-board, to
become the
This car, which originally wasn't destined to be a car, created a fever of activity and excitment in the auto industry. In the '50s, when cheap transportation was all the rage throughout Europe and small motorcycles, mopeds were the only means of transport, another idea existed for an intermediate vehicle between the car and the motorbike. Call it bubble-car, microcar, whatever - You'll get the impression.
The original Trabant, known as the AWZ P70 was originally intended to be a closed motorbike with a small engine and lightweight construction. A perfect means of transportation for the whole family with a little boot
The Trabant has often been criticised
as a car with very little to offer. However those owners and drivers who
closed their eyes to such capitalist talk, are now laughing all the way to
the Soviet Banking system, as the cost of fuel sky-rockets, and the value of
their Trabant passenger vehicles can only go further up. So why should someone get so excited about a car with a 584 c.c, 2-stroke engine? The answer is simple: sheer East German technical excellence, superior Eastern design, and classic eastern handling. All from a car costing less than 9000 roubles (plus dealer costs. See costings). As can bee seen on the original AWZ P70, the classic styling, and flawless finish have been a trademark on all Trabant models, from the 1950s, until the 1990s. The Trabant is surely a modern solution to the troubles of a modern world. As the age-old proverb goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", and with a product like the Trabant, why would you want to change anything so wonderful.
In the 1950's, the glorious and vissionary leaders at the Trabant motor vehicle factory, in East Germany, saw the need for a modern transport for modern communist citizens. The Trabant 601 concept went from design stage to manufacture stage, in record Eastern time, and with only 12 Trabant engineers sentenced to the death penalty for slow work, it was a technical triumph for a modern communist state.
As rumour has it, Comrade Stalin, glorious ruler of the USSR at the time, ordered that the Trabant be used as the official motor vehicle for all Soviet VIPs, such was the quality of the Trabant 6-series.
Another Trabant history site.
Yet another Trabi history site.
Trabi history site with lot's of pictures