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This page is very voluminous, and uses spoilers to separate its parts.

I) Introduction

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II) Criticism of the operator's manual.

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III) Criticism of the CM program.

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IV) The strange guidance equations

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V) The incoherent choice of the system of binary representation

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VI) The management of tasks in the computer of Apollo

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VII) The memory of the computer of Apollo

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VIII) The display of the computer of Apollo

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IX) Demonstrations of the computer of Apollo

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X) A computer for Apollo

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So, with a DSKY unit which was not even working correctly, and of which the display seems to be fanciful, the AGC definitively appears as an utter joke.

With the guidance equations I have seen, running on a computer with a strange operating system, with an absud management of tasks, and furthermore with memory which appears to be nonexistent, I have no doubt that the lunar module would have landed...but not exactly the way expected!