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The incoherent declarations of the Apollo astronauts

This section shows incoherent declarations of the Apollo astronauts which tend to prove that they never went to the moon.

Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins have said, in the movie "In the shadow of the moon", that, when the Saturn rocket lifted off, they felt a swaying move of the Saturn rocket.

They might have thought that it was coming from the fact that the engines of the Saturn rocket were gimbaled.
But the fact that these engines were gimbaled was precisely to avoid a swaying move of the Saturn rocket.

Indeed, the engine of the descent lunar module also was gimbaled, and it was allowing to swivel it so that the line of thrust would remain aligned with the center of gravity, and so that no misalignment torque would appear, and thus the module could keep going straight and not sway.
The way the center of gravity (represented with a cross) is moving on my animation does not represent the reality and is only explanatory.

In the ascent module, the engine was fixed and not gimbaled, and so the ascent engine could not be swiveled so that its thrust could keep being aligned with the center of gravity, forcing the misalignment torque to be corrected with the lateral thrusters, which was causing a swaying move.

When the Saturn rocket lifts off, we don't see it sway at all, because its engines are already oriented so that their thrust is aligned with the center of gravity of the rocket.

And, as the rocket ascends, its engines are continuously and precisely swiveled so that their thrust constantly remains perfectly aligned with the rocket's center of gravity; it never sways, it just shows a slow progressive inclination of its flight so that it can be put in orbit.

So, if Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins really were in the Saturn rocket when it lifted off, they cannot have felt the swaying move they are talking about in the movie "In the shadow of the moon".

In the press conference of Apollo 11, Collins has said he was able to take a video at a window, take still photos at another window, and also be at the commands of the command module, and all this at the same time.
Seriously, wasn't piloting the command module while the lunar module was undocking having priority to taking photos and a video?

And, while Alan Bean was saying that the engine could not be heard (which is the case of the videos of the descent of the lunar module), Gene Cernan was saying to the contrary that the noise of the engine was deafening!
Who was right?

During the descent of Apollo 11, an alarm "1202" appeared on the display of the computer.
The astronauts wondered what this alarm was meaning, and asked the ground for more information.

In fact Buzz Aldrin had mistakenly put the input radar switch on the position "Slew", and consequently the radar imput of the AGC started receiving fast pulses (that's what the mission report states).

If these radar pulses had been normally counted, with an electronic counter which is read by an IO instruction of the AGC, like it is made in all computers (including the IBM computer of the Saturn rocket), this would have had no consequences, and the computer could have continued to work, it would just have discarded the unwanted pulses; it would have warned the astronauts of the bad connection.

But the radar pulses were directly counted with an instruction of the AGC, and counting the excess of pulses resulted in the fact that the computer lost too much time counting them and could no more do its normal guidance task; it was overflowed with instructions, choked, and had to be restarted; and this would regularly happen as long as the radar input switch would remain on the bad position (Slew).

It means that this problem was completely predictable, for it was systematically happening when the radar input was on the slew position.
In this condition it is obvious that the NASA engineers should have warned the astronauts about this problem which could potentially happen, and which could endanger the descent if not quickly solved.

Not only the astronauts did not know about this problem, but moreover even the ground itself did not know about this alarm!
They had to make some research before finding the origin of the problem, and during all this time the problem remained unsolved, and the computer practically unusable!


When Armstrong took the commands of the LM, he said he flew it like a helicopter.

And Buzz talked about making it land like a plane.

But the control of the LM is very different from the one of plane or a helicopter.
A plane or a helicopter use the force of air, while the LM exclusively uses the force of its engines.
It is a completely different technique.

Buzz Aldrin, in the movie "In the shadow of the moon", says that, when they had to avoid an obstacle, they had to pitch the LM up, with the consequence that meanwhile they could no more see the lunar ground through the windows.
He talks like they were piloting a plane, and not a lunar module.

But the lunar module was not at all maneuvered like a plane; it did not have to pitch to go up, but just to make a translational move up by using the lateral engines, and consequently the attitude of the lunar module was not changing, and the astronauts could go on having the same view of the lunar ground.

So the fact that Buzz did not know that the LM did not have to pitch to pass over an obstacle proves he cannot have flown with the LM over the moon, otherwise he would have known it.

Armstrong has related that the LM had less than a minute fuel left when it finally landed on the moon, because he could not find a safe spot to land on, but this is hardly plausible.

Indeed, when we look at the video of the descent, it is obvious that Armstrong could have landed before, for the lunar ground shows no real difficulty, we hardly see some little craters here and there, but no real obstacle preventing the LM from landing.

In the movie "In the shadow of the moon", Buzz said that he took the time that Armstrong was descending on the surface of the moon to urinate so that he would not be bothered with it later.
Their suit indeed had an urine collection device, but this would have made sense only if he had used the urine collection device of the lunar module, otherwise he would immediately have been bothered by the product of his urine.
But he could not have used the urine collection device of the LM for the simple reason that the void was made in the lunar module before the first astronaut got out, for the hatch had no intermediate chamber; so he had to wear his space suit before Armstrong descended to the lunar surface, which means that he necessarily had to use the urine collection device of his suit while Armstrong was descending, what he could also have done on the moon; moreover, it would have been better if he had waited to have descended himself before urinating, for that way his urine collection bag would have been empty while he was descending and would not have bothered him in the descent.
If he was feeling he needed urinating, he should have made it before the void was made in the LM, that is while Armstrong still was in the lunar module.

In the movie "In the shadow of the moon", Cernan said that he descended a slope on the moon with the rover at a speed of 17km/h, which he asserted was the greatest speed ever recorded on the moon.


...How could he be so precise since the speed indicator of the rover was very imprecise, with indications of 5 by 5, and no marks?

Here is a photo of this speed indicator.
It was small and hardly visible for the astronaut, and so he certainly could not have read the speed with a precision of one kilometer per hour.

And, about riding in the rover, the astronauts could not use a magnetic compass, as we do on earth, to orient themselves, for a magnetic compass does not work on the moon, as the moon has no magnetic pole.

When Charlie Duke was interviewed by James May, and asked how they were managing to orient themselves with the rover and find they way back to the LM, without a magnetic compass, Charlie Duke answered that they just had to follow the rover's tracks back to the LM.

Charlie Duke was not even knowing that the rover was equipped with maps (I have circled in red on this close-up of a photo of Apollo 15), and a solar compass (I have circled in green on the same close-up).

The problem with this sun shadow device is that it was only working under a restricted angle, and could not cover all the possible angles.

When you use a compass on earth, it works in all directions, it does not work in only one direction.

So, why not provide the astronauts with a real sun shadow compass, which can work in all directions, like the one I show on this photo?

In the conference of Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin has said that they had trouble keeping warm in the LM while they were sleeping.
But, when you sleep at night in a desert, nights can be very cold because the sun is no longer warming the atmosphere (in the same time that it can be very hot at day).
But, when they were sleeping, it was not really night; the lunar day is very long, almost a month long, and it was day during all their stay on the moon.

It means that, while they were sleeping, the lunar module was exposed to the sun, and there was no air to cool it down.
So, it is not keeping warm that they should have had trouble about, but keeping cool instead.

At the moment of the lift-off in Apollo 11, the astronauts could see that a circuit breaker allowing to start the engine was broken, and consequently the engine could not be started.

If it could not be started, it was meaning certain death for them.

But Buzz Aldrin found the solution, he used a felt tip pen to provide the missing contact allowing to start the ascent engine.

Would the NASA engineers have been careless enough not to ensure that this circuit breaker would be safe from any mishap since it was so vital for the safety of the astronauts?

Are we in a serious mission or a hollywood movie?

The astronauts Stafford and Al Worden have asserted that the command module had made a direct reentry into the atmosphere when coming back from the moon.

But Chris Kraft, a NASA flight director, has asserted that it was not possible to make a direct reentry, that it would have made the command module overheat, and that the only reasonable way for the command module to come back to earth was to make a skip reentry.

The skip reentry consists in making the spaceship bounce on the atmosphere instead of directly penetrating into it, and making sufficiently the velocity decrease before effectively penetrating into it for the final descent, so that the remaining velocity will keep the heating due to atmosphere friction in reasonable limits.
This is what Russian rockets have done with success.

Al Worden has however insisted that he has made a direct reentry, and has been very insulting toward Chris Kraft who was contradicting him.
However, we should rather trust Chris Kraft than Al worden about this, for Chris Kraft is a real scientist who knows his job, while Al Worden is not.

So, if Al Worden really believes he made a direct reentry through atmosphere, it means he did not really make it.

Finally, to end with these incoherent declarations, we can talk about Alan Bean who does not even know he has gone through the Van Allen belts while traveling to the moon.
Astronauts who have come close to the Van Allen belts, but without entering them, have reported very particular effects (like shooting stars before the eyes), that Alan Bean, who is supposed to have gone all through of them, knows nothing about.

Is it credible?

In the movie "In the shadow of the moon", Charlie Duke says at the end:
"We went to the moon nine times, why would we have faked it nine times?"
Why? The answer is pretty obvious to me.

Going to the moon is very perilous, there is each time a very important chance of failure, and, the more this risk is repeated, the more there is a chance of failure.
On the other hand, if the missions are simulated, there is each time a total chance of success, and the faked missions can be repeated as many times as desired.

In the movie "In the shadow of the moon", the astronauts seem sincerely convinced they walked on the moon, they show absolutely no doubt about it.
The only astronaut who was showing doubts at the time of the movie was Neil Armstrong, and he refused to participate to the movie.

The astronauts seem really ecstatic about having walked on the moon, they couldn't be that way if they were knowingly lying.

Some even show brutal reactions when they are accused of lying.
They don't react that way because they feel guilty, but because they genuinely feel offended.

So, how can it be that they are not lying about having walked on the moon, and in the same time they have not really walked on the moon?

The answer is MKULTRA, the mind control program of the CIA.
With this program, using LSD and hypnotism, the CIA could convince the Apollo astronauts they really walked on the moon, and it perfectly worked for most of them.

The only astronaut who really showed doubts was Pete Conrad, and he very clearly expressed his doubts when he said this in an interview shortly before his death; he said:
"We have been shot down prior every setting foot on the moon, and frankly we haven't gone anywhere near".
This was a very clear confession, but the Apollo believers try to save the situation by implying that he was meaning that the funds to pursue the moon missions had been shut down after the last moon mission; but, if he had really meant that, he would have added "after the last mission", and not "prior every setting foot on the moon", that stands for reason!

Shortly later, and before the trentenary of Apollo 12, Pete Conrad was severely injured in a motorcycle accident.
However, he did not get any mortal wound, but the doctors let him agonize for six hours on a hospital bed under the pretense that he had an internal bleeding they could not find the source of.

I don't buy it.
It is obvious that the CIA could not let him reiterate his doubts, and that this accident was in fact a disguised murder.
It is not the first murder that the CIA has perpetrated in order to protect the secrecy of Apollo.

Whatever, what is sure is that the incoherent declarations of the Apollo astronauts disqualify them as having walked on the moon.

While the astronauts were being hypnotized, under the hold of MKULTRA, the engineers were in charge of making the astronauts retain what they had to say when questioned about Apollo; but the engineers did not play the game like the CIA was expecting them to do, and, instead of saying the astronauts reasonable coherent things, they told them all the stupidities I have pointed out in this video, hoping that, when they would repeat this nonsense, people (educated people at least) could see that what they were saying was making no sense, and thus that Apollo was certainly fake.

But it did not work out as expected, and only a few people noticed the anomalies in the Apollo record, and instead of these anomalies being accepted by the media, they were rejected as total fantasies.

This was without counting with the enthralling speeches of JFK..

...The fascination created by the landing of Apollo 11, shown on all the media over the whole world...

...The ignorance of the manipulations of JFK to buy the silence of the Russians and to compose with them...

...The ignorance that the laser beam did not wait for the Apollo retroreflectors to be put on the moon in order to bounce on the moon, but that it was already working before the moon missions...

...The ignorance that the so called moon rocks can be found directly on earth...

...the ignorance that the so called photos of the LRO are full of anomalies...

..and furthermore they ostensibly bear the signature of Adobe Photoshop...

...and the ignorance of the compartmentalization of the NASA.

All this explains why the moon hoaxers have so much difficulty to be heard by the majority of people and by the media.

In the 19th century, there was another moon hoax, called "the great moon hoax", in which someone managed to make people believe that there were strange creatures living on the moon, and which worked very well.
Of course, nowadays, nobody still believes in this hoax, but it has however had believers for quite a long time.
And what's funny is that it is generally not simple people who believed in this hoax but rather educated people, which shows that being educated does not protect one from being delusional.

When fascination dominates common sense and logic, one can lose contact with reality, whatever his educational background.

Mark Twain, who was a fine connoisseur of human nature, has said this famous quote: "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled".
This has been verified along the whole story of humankind, and it has never been truer than with Apollo.

One century after the trial of Galileo, his theory of heliocentrism was still banned.
If it takes that long for Apollo to be officially acknowledged as a hoax, we current moon hoaxers may never see the day that NASA at last acknowledges the fact that Apollo was indeed faked!

But we know we are right, we know it as sure as 1+1 makes 2.

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