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Lucina brought you to another place not that far from where the Euclide was at and stopped. You look around and see another canine like creature, but this one has a cybornetic like arm. Also she had other interesting things about her that made you even more interested to learn about her. She looks at you and smiled as she sits down, then Lucina walked over. "This is Lilian she is a Di or Disturbling. She is a giant and as you can tell has that cybornetic arm which was put on after her leg was ripped off when she was younger." She chuckled as Lilian tilted her head making the green like neckless move a little and made a small humming like sound. "Well yes and that neckless she never takes off for what reason I am still not sure, I think someone improtant gave it to her when she was little. She is very soft to the touch actually and because of her rank she is very kind. So you got to meet her up close like this though I suggest not to pet her or she may bite you" she chuckled and then turned around waiting for you. You just smiled looking at the Di and then stood up Lilian just watched you, and then she got up and padded away to find something most likely to eat. You then follow Lucinia out of this area and into another to meet other amazing creatures.

Name: Lilian
ID: Di024
Gender: Female
Size: Giant
Type: Teddy
Rank: Plushie
Genes: S!,Cw,Cb!,T+,F,M

You had traveled back to the same are and found another Di. Lucina smiled and said "Well this one is both male and female, can get rather confusing but it has a tendency to follow Lilian around." She chuckled a lttle and looked at you then back at Pul'lowy " It's name is Pul'Lowy for the mix of purpler and yellow colors hes got. For some reason I think this little one has a thing for Lilian cause they may not be as "smart" as other creatures but this one follows her every where. I am not sure if its a safety thing for him/her but where ever you see him Lilian isn't that far ahead or behind." you look at i and gently touched the plush of its fur which it felt very weird and different. Which made you pull your have away quickly just in shock "They feel kindof weird don't they?" she asked with a smile and you just nodded "Well no worries I am sure we will be back later on to visit more of my masters Di's"

Name: Pul'lowy
ID: Di038
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Size: Standard
Type: Teddy
Rank: Plushie
Genes: S,C,Cy,T@,F,m

You had come back Lucina behind you, and she stopped letting you move forward. You see a large Di just like the female. Though this one has no front leg and wings. You kneel down and looked at him the markings got your attention "Why do this Di only have one leg?" you ask curious as Lucina walks up behind you "He is a broken type so he is ment to have no certain part of him" The Di looks at you almost like he is examining you over. He then stands up and walks around you, and to your surprise he has no limp for the lack of a limb. He then made a squek like bark and walked away from you. "He is a Glass Case one of the more smarter Di's you could see out there, don't worry about it" she smiled at you and then you and her walked away.

Name: Amaystua
ID: Di101
Gender: Male
Size: Giant
Type: Broken
Rank: Glass Case
Genes: S!,Cg,Cb,Cg*,t@,F,M

Walking along you come along two more Di, Verene and Aphmaty. The female was Verene you saw the black yellow and white markings on her which drew you towards her. Walking up Lucina stayed back knowing you could probably figure it out. There was a sign up which you started to read. "This female can be deadly for she sometimes rapidly flaps her wings with no warning so you might want to stay away. Also if she feels threaten in anyway she will head-butt you away. Though she can be friendly you would just have to prove that you are her friend." You stand up and look over at the other one.

Name: Verene
ID: Di161
Gender: Female
Size: Standard
Type: Cherished
Rank: Carnival Prize
Genes: S,Cb,Cy,Cw,F,t#,M

As you looked at the other one,Aphmaty, you see he is laying down near the female like for protection. Looking over you see below the sign and start to read once more "This little guy is more so a weakling then what you would expect, he uses his cuteness to lure in other's so that he can prove to him self that he can scare them off. Though when they do come he is the one running away. So this little Di sticks close to Verene for protection. She won't let anyone near unless she feels you are a safe person. Sometimes he gets very tired as well so he uses his fluffy like tail as a cover for cold nights and to just stay comfortable at all times.

Name: Aphmaty
ID: Di160
Gender: Male
Size: Standard
Type: Teddy
Rank: Plushie
Genes: S,Cb!,C,Cr,F,T!,m

You walked along back the long path wondering what kindof Di you would see next since Lucina sent you here alone. Looking around you see it another Di just sitting looking around. Walking slowly up to it and glanced around to see a sign. Looking over it you read about it. "Ninon is a rather curious girl and a lot of times is lost because of the light that dangles from her forehead, so most of the time she has no clue where she is going. It is a rather funny sight to see and yet cute. The brown patches help her blend in the woods sometimes if she hides correctly. The small blue light also helps her out of dark areas and guide her to safty, kindof strange and amazed since half the time she is blinded by the light. That is why she sits most of the time." you chuckled a little and then looked at the little creature named Ninon then turn around and walked back to find Lucina.
Name: Ninon
ID: Di176
Gender: Female
Size: Standard
Type: Teddy
Rank: Plushie
Parents: Di042 X Di090
Genes: S,Cg,Cb*,Cb,t+,F,f!,M

Name: Thebes
ID: Di192
Gender: Neuter
Size: Standard
Type: Cherished
Rank: Carnival Prize
Parents: Di091 x Di185
Genes: S,Cy,Cb,T,F,M

Persona/Story: The male Thebes is named after a Greek city often noted about in myths; the land that the famous Odeipus lived in and where the story of Pegasus takes place. Why he is named for this ancient city is unknown, but it has stirred him into believing and reading every myth and legend he can get his paws on. Not to say he’s gullible, merely interested in gods and goddesses which many think to be false.
This male is found at libraries, where he protects the old, yellowed books that most people forget about. If one poor fool tries to get his or her hands on one, Thebes is quick to attack with a bloodcurdling screech that will cause anyone near to lose their hearing. For that, dust now lays upon the books of myths and aged stories, as now the librarians are afraid to clean and care for them. info and name by Blu

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