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Welcome my my Droa's home land

You travel along the long path after seeing many other different creatures. You then stop and look at a sign it says "Welcome This will be the homeland of my Droa, please come back in say a week or so and see if anything is here" You walk over and look at another sign and it says
You look confused at what you are looking at, so you decided to come back in a few weeks or so. You continue to through long path in hopes of seeing many other creatures.


Name: Snow Cloud
Gender: Male
Stage: Adult
Color: White
Element: none
Clutch # 2
From: Galloping Spirit Adoptions


Name: Midnight Fire
Gender: Female
Stage: Adult
Color: Black
Element: None
Clutch # 2
From: Galloping Spirit Adoptions

You walk up and see a sign, as you get closer you read what it says and sort of remember coming here before.
Please welcome my new young Droa's Snow Cloud and Midnight Fire.
They just arrived in there new home and will gladly be your friend if you are nice.

You come back about a week or two later and see the two Droa's but they are older and running through the feilds. They stop and look at you the black ones hears perked forward, while the white one held his head high.
They both walk towards you and don't say anything though, you reach your hand out slowly to hopefully pet them. The white male as you remembered Snow Cloud looked at your hand then ran away, the female,Midnight Fire, watched him run. She then looked towards you like she was thinking of what to do then she to ran following the male.
You just smile and decided to come back soon.
You turn around and see there are two pictures near the sign you had read before, but you didn't see them before
You get closer to the pictures and see they are pictures of the two Droa's as foals and as kids.
baby stage


Kid stage


Teen Stage