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Blood...The sweet senstation of the red liquid sent Jurukae into a crazy lust to have it. He was in an open feild, and the first thing he was was a rat scurring along the grass. Quickly he ran after it and pounced on it, where he quickly took the rat in his mouth, crushing it. The sweet blood trickled into his mouth. His body shivered from the wonderful taste, and he was now happy for a while...Jurukae walked down the path after throwing the dead rat to the side.
He only wanted the blood nothing else. The spider ornimants tickled his leg and his ear as he walked along the path. "Hmm what to do today?..." he asked himself. He looked up towards the sky to see a couple of birds fly by...why were birds so gifted to fly? He ran down the path following the birds the best he could. He did this often to keep up his speed, once he would lose track of the bird. He would just walk off in any direction to find something else to do. He hates being around others and if he is he is cruel towards them. He swore that he would never get close to a female...hopefully he will keep his promise to himself.

Name: Jurukae
ID: EU062M-AR60
Gender: Male
Sub-species: Euclides
Rank: Puppeteer
Breed: Feline
Type: Blood
Mutations: None
Accessories: Spider earring, Legband with spider ornament
name by blu

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