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Constant fear of everything filled the poor Euclides mind. She fears everything and anything that could be possible. She had noone though for she had not joined a theatre yet. Phebi shivered in her skin as she skittishly walked along a short path. Her ears erected at all times listening for any sound. Her eyes widen open to see anything in the day. She refused to go anywhere in the night fearing that someone would attack her. The canine had horrible dreams of things happening to by her constant fear. One that reoccurs almost every night is where she is being attacked by a Euclide. Him over powering her in every possible way and in the end killing her.
She feared larger more indimidating Euclides more than anything, and would do anything to avoid them. She sleeked along the street, and then she bolted her tail between her legs and yelping all the way down the street till she found a box to hide in. What sent her flying was someone dropped a box full of glass, and the shattering glass scared her. She stayed in the box knowing that she could see anything coming towards her in any direction, for nothing could come behind her or from the sides. Since garbage collected on all sides 'cept for the front. So that is where she would stay for the night...

Name: PhebiSilone
ID: EU093F
Gender: Female
Rank: Puppet
Breed: Canine
Type: Phobia
Muations: None
Accessories: None

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