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Walking through the trees you and Lucina enter another open clearing "Where are we?" you asked looking around then you saw another beautiful Euclide. "Wow who is that?" you asked once more not waiting for Lucina to answer the first question which she just chuckled. "That would be Silebian, sometimes she likes to be called Silence or Sile though because she is a mute" You looked at Lucina then at Silebian feeling bad for her "Though don't feel bad for her it just makes her angry, she actually does very well without her voice at all. She does get what she wants when she wants it" Sile looked over at the two her tail flickering a little bit as she just stared and then she gets up and walks away up a hill, ut turns to take one last glance before disappearing. "Don't worry she does that to everyone besides she wouldn't be able to speak anyways so lets go." she smiled and turned around to go back the way you both came and back to the path.

ID: EU032F
Gender: Female
Rank: Marionette
Breed: Feline
Type: Silence
Mutation: Mute
Accessories: None

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