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You walk along the path even further then you stop and see a colored creature sleeping. You walk up to it and see its a sign that says
"This is a feoraptor she is sleeping please read her information and do not disturb"
You the walk over and see paper with information on it and you read it. You then looked over and see another one and he seems to have many different colors and you are in awe by them
He looks at you with flaming eyes and then turns around and walks to the trees. He seemed somewhat angry by how he looked at you but you look at the next sign and read his story.
You are shocked by it and shake your head "I feel bad for him..." you said softly
You sigh and then continue on to let Sleeping Beauty sleep the day away, and to leave Beast's Strength to think and be by himself.

Name: Sleep's Beauty
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: EE::TT::GG::HH::mm
Notes: She inherited her father's lazyness which should be pretty rare in female feoraptors. However, She does have a very big temper problem if you try and wake her. Better to just let her sleep

Name: Beast's Strength
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: ee::TT::gg::HH::mM
Notes: His name was not always Beast's Strength, at one point it had been Rainbow's Strength. He was born into a clutch of 3, him, his brother Rainbow's Prince, and his sister Rainbow's Delight. Rainbow's Delight never really had much interest in her brothers, so Prince and Strength became best of pals. They were basically joined at the hip. If one ran, the other was at his heals, and if one decided to reclessly go out on his own, get the picture. One day just that happened. They both went off on their own far away from their parents to explore and have fun unsupervised. This would be the last time they played together before their lives were completely turned upside down.

A Demon interupted their play, in retrospect it might have even been Quillin himself, but no one knows even to this day. The demon turned them, and their once brown eyes turned firey and hateful, showing their demon side emerging. They both were captured by the demon and forced to train and become his slaves. Strength slowly became happy with his training and soon turned into a great warrior, but Prince never enjoyed the training. The Demon noted their diffences and for the hell of it, pitted them against eachother one day. They had both been trained well and it had been quite a battle, but it didn't end. Prince escaped in the middle of the fight, leaving Strength angry and wishing for their fight to be continued at a later date. The demon renamed Strength and set him off on the mission to find and destroy his brother who he once loved more then life itself. To this day he is still on his quest to find his brother.

Shriek: Angsts Pain

Name: Power's Build
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: EE::TT::GG::HH::mm
Notes: She's a good hunteress, and strangely enough, though she is just one feoraptor, she can take down prey that would often take more then one feoraptor to take down. She would make a good lead hunter in a shriek.

Shriek: Hunters Peak

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