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Story to come soon
Name: Rainbow's Absence
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: EE::tt::gg::HH::mm
Notes: In looks he takes after his father almost entirely, as far as coloring goes. Genes are slightly influnced by the mother, but thats to be expected. His collar around his neck was given to him by his father, as he was favored for being the first hatchling of his to look anything remotely like him. They where very close when Absence was young, however eventually he had to leave. He was in the clutch before Delight, Strength and Prince and he is their full brother. He has a rather regal mentality, though he is not nessesarily vain, just increadibly prideful and noble and valiant.

Shriek:Diamond Edge

Name: Feline's Silk
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: EE::tt::GG::HH::mM
Notes: She is extremely graceful and quiet. Not only quiet because she doesn't talk much, but her footing is very quiet, so she is able to sneak up on feoraptors or prey soundlessly and quickly. She's a real sweetheart, truely wouldn't hurt anything if she didn't need meat to sustain her.

Shriek: Oasis Edge

Name: Indigo's Soul
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
Genetics: EE::tt::gg::HH::mm
Notes: He is a very mystical feoraptor. While some might rely on facts, he often pays more attention to the theory that "not all things can be explained". Because of this he is somewhat of a black sheep amoung fellow feoraptors. He takes a liking to the supernatural and is a very good story teller because of it.

Shriek:Diamond Edge

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