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The Guardian brought you to a dense part of the large forest area and stopped "Look up my friend" she said calmly. You look up and to your surprise you see a creature with large ears, dragonfly like wings and a long worm like body. It sees you and flies down fluttering right infront of your face. Lucina giggled a little bit and smiled "He seems to be interested in you."
You replied "Well I can see that what is he exactly?" you said while watching him flutter around your head.
"Why he is a furlie very cute creatures don't you think?" she walked up beside you and Midothien landed on her horns for a few minutes wrapping his body around them. He then took off back into the deep forest area and Lucina just smiled "His name is Midothien go over there and look at his information if you wish" there was a sigh that read off all the furlies information there was. She then started to walk down the path but waited for you until you were done and then you followed her once again

Name: Midothien

ID: F005

Gender: Male

Mutations: None

Name: Lily'lime
ID: F013
Gender: Female
Mutations: Hind legs

Name:Bliceack (Bl-ice-ack)
ID: F014
Gender: Male
Mutations: No wings

ID: F015
Gender: Female
Mutations: None

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