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Name: Cadearn (means "battle king" in Welsh) Male
They call him "The Gray King", "The Merciless" and "The Mountain Ruler." Alone he sits eternally, on the peak of the highest cliff, unfathomable eyes scanning the horizon, searching for a sign of movement, a sign of disobiedience to his rules. He alone is the Watcher, the keeper of the mountain, the keeper of rules, laws, and the entire land. Not a single mundane has ever laid eyes on the majestic, yet, hiddenly cruel creature, as he lays silently, solemnly, almost as if he was an oracle, waiting for a message from some higher being. However, he contemplates, what higher being could there be than him, the King, the Ruler of the Peak, where no one has sought to voyage before? He alone can scale the treacherous sides with a flap of his mighty wings, with all the mystique and aura of a long-vanished griffin, haunting the skies with his cry of leadership. He is the Gray King, the King of the Peak, they whisper, the merciless hunter, the strict rule-writer, the enforcer...but most of all, he is a Legend, nothing more, but still haunts those under his power, for, although you may see nothing, who is to say that means there's nothing there? info and name by Rhi