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Name: Senka
Gender :Female
Stage: Adult
Differences:has tufted ears,the talon gene,and the white of her eye is filled with blood to make it look black
Personality and History: She is pretty kind hearted yet she loves to have fun and scare others. She is very sneaky so she can sneak up on anyone. Her eyes are totally black making her very different from other Sirens. In her past when she grew up some sirens didn't want to be around her for the fact that she was different. So she became shy yet loud at the same time. She ran around scaring others to try to get a laugh and when it didn't go her way she would just disappear for a while. As she grew up she became more open and she just one day got up and left her family and decided to go out on her own. She then ran into a young newborn puppy Koray, and she felt like she had to stay to protect him. So Lucina the guardian of the forest decided to let her stay and now she is here.