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WMW Spring Smash #3
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The Godzilla Tower Blog-Thingy!
Sunday, 14 May 2006
New Junk!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Rampage: Total Destruction
Topic: Update!
Long-term viewers will note that I have a habit of disappearing for weeks on end, and yep I did it again. Well, I’m back with an update to the site. First off, the “Arcade” section has been moved to the WMW site for space purposeless, so tell me if there is any technical issues that arise from the move. Also, I added new stuff to the “cartoon and comics” section to include monster stats for monsters appearing in Godzilla-based stuff (such as the old Hannah-Barbara cartoon or the Marvel and Dark-Horse comics). I shall be adding to that section until it’s done. There should also be the sporadic movie review as I continue my quest to watch every giant monster movie ever made (although I’ll probably fall short of that goal).

In other news, I have decided to add a new section to the site called WMW2. Here you will find a bunch of new co-writers displaying their work. It’s essentially a proving grounds for monster wrestling writers; if they write good here then they can move on to more prestigious positions on the site. Yes I am excepting more people, so if you want to join in then send me two sample matches and I’ll set you up. You can go there at the following address:

For those living under a rock, there is a new video game out dubbed “Rampage: Total Destruction”. Fans of the series should not resist in buying this game, because it’s pretty good. It’s also unbelievably priced (amazing how I originally spent 30 bucks for the original Rampage when it came out, then bought the sequel for 60 bucks, and now for only 20 bucks I can get both of those plus a new 3-D version). You will probably be seeing my usual review/guide posted for the new Rampage game fairly soon.


Thursday Thrash #6 is up. Expect to see more stuff added to the site soon.

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 27 May 2006 9:58 PM EDT
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Saturday, 1 April 2006
Let Us Try This Again
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Those Zone Fighter and Ultraman Episodes That Finnaly Came in the Mail
Topic: Become a WMW Co-Writer!
No, this is not an April Fools joke, I am seriously asking the public if they want to join up as a WMW co-writer. Yep, that's right, now is your chance to write your own monster wrestling action and put it up for the whole world to see! It has come to my attention on how important a weekly monster wrestling show is, and although I cannot do much work myself (busy writing something else), I can still get the ball rolling for someone else to start up their own show. So thereby, if you believe that you are a good writer and love thinking about various ways for monsters to fight, then send me an e-mail with the following questions answered.

1. What is your name? (fake internet name, your show name)
2. What is your e-mail address? (the one you want everyone in the world to e-mail you with)
3. What day of the week do you wish to update on? (give or take)
4. You may create your own title belt. What do you want it to be called and what is the stipulations? (for example, the Mecha Belt can only be held by mechanical monsters, the Monster Island belt must be earned in a match on Monster Island, and the Cartoon World Belt can only be earned by a Cartoon Monster).

Also, send me two example matches. One must be a one on one match (for example, Godzilla vs. Gamera), and the second must be a tag-team match (for example, Ghidorah and Gigan vs. Kumonga and Kamacuras). Try to make them good, and in the same format as if this was the actual show.

Be forewarned about what I expect. You must know what a spellchecker is and proofread your work so that it is high quality. Yu cannnotalk lika thiz!!1! Also, you are an announcer of the show, so act like you are giving a play-by-play of the events in front of you. Yeah I know I don't always do this myself, but try your best. You are welcome to have a fictional co-announcer or other characters as a part of the staff, but it's not required. There is no limit to how short or long a single match is, but give or take 1,000 words (including preliminary descriptions) would be ideal. You do not need to include pictures in your e-mail, but you will when you actually start writing your own show. Yes, your own show, which should be updated every week and (hopefully) on time. You and you alone are running the show (unless you take on a co-co-writer), so be sure you can handle figuring out things by yourself. I will not generally help you once I let you loose, so don't expect me to do all the tricky stuff for you.

Now if all this does not sound like a good deal, then go ahead and start your own monster wrestling federation. If it's good, I'll link to it. We need more monster wrestling around here, so if anybody wants to start writing these things, then please do.


OK, we now have five shows running here (and I recieved word that there will be another one soon)! We still have plenty of room for more, so feel free to join in! Just make sure you pick a day of the week besides the ones taken.

Sunday Slam - Paranoia Incarnate
Monday Mash - nobody yet
Tuesday Terror - This Seat Reserved for a Future Writer
Wednesday Whack - Invisible Penguin
Thursday Thrash - Iguanoman (sporaticly)
Fatal Friday Fights - Tim and AJ
Saturday Scare - Kavu

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 5:35 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 26 May 2006 11:43 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Yet Another WMW Episode is Up!
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Topic: WMW Spring Smash #3
Well I gone and done it, I made another WMW episode! Earlier than I expected, I might add. In an effort to see if quantity is truly better than quality, you will note that this is by far the largest WMW show ever made! Not the longest monster wrestling thing ever, though, that record goes to the final MWF eposide, but still it's the largest one on this site so far. Still, I think I did a pretty good job with this one, but I want to know for sure so please post here what you think of it. Now this will probably be my last big WMW work for quite a while, Summer Squash is not going up unitll July or August, but hopefully I can get something else going in the meantime.

*Spoiler Alert*
The first comment is by me, explaining some things about the events of Spring Smash.

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 9:42 PM EST
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Another Update
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Topic: Reviews/Games/Stats
Well I finally finished reviewing all the Daiei movies, which includes the pile of stock-footage called "Super Monster Gamera" and the whole Daimaijin trilogy. I've also finished my little review/guide for the Gamecube Godzilla fighting game. It's not one of my better works, but it's still something.

In other news I have worked on the stat pages in an effort to fill the museum with every kaiju ever made. I do believe I am pretty much complete with all the important monsters; I just need to remember to actually watch the movies and fill in the "Fighting Power" stat. Now if there are any monsters that you believe are missing from the museum, then please do what a number of people have already done: send in stat pages. If I believe the monster you've made a stat page for and e-mailed me is adequate for mentioning (keep in mind I'm only looking for movie monsters, not TV shows like Ultraman {unless you are willing to make 500 stat pages}), then I will post up your stat page. Just be sure to make it in the same format as the rest of them and include a picture, preferably a 200 x 200 jpg, and try to be as thorough and accurate as possible. Thank you.

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 5:23 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 15 March 2006 5:25 PM EST
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Saturday, 18 February 2006
WMW Winter Wham #3 Is Up!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Stuff That I Am Playing Now
Topic: WMW Winter Wham #3 Is Up!
Finnaly, after over three years, I made another WMW show! Winter Wham 2006 is now up and running! Not only does it feature the longest single match I ever made, but it is the second longest WMW show on record (only behind Thursday Thrash #2, and I had help from two people on that one). Please read it, and post a comment here to tell me what you think of it! After that, please vote for WMW's next event, Spring Smash. Thank you, everyone.

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 4:46 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 18 February 2006 4:54 AM EST
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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Read Here First!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: this blob-thingy
Topic: Read Here First!
Hello, and welcome to the Godzilla Tower Blog-Thingy! I figured I do this instead of re-opnening the BBS. Here you will find the lattest news about the site, as well as info on upcoming projects. This is also the place to leave any comments that you have about the Godzilla Tower website. Your likes, dislikes, ideas, wants, corrections, and opinions all go here. Feal free to also use it to discuss pretty much anything you want. Just keep in mind that you should be curteous and not go around insulting people. Watch the language as well. Otherwise post away and have fun! -Iguanoman -Chairman of Godzilla Tower

Posted by movies/GodzillaTower at 5:37 PM EST
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