Kamacuras (Final Wars)

A.K.A.: Kamacura, Kamakura, Gimantis, Giant Mantis

Height: 40 Meters

Length: 90 Meters

Weight: 20,000 Tons

Regular Abilities: sharp pincer claws, flight capible of high-speed manuevers

Special Abilities: can camouflage itself based on surroundings

Weakness: electricity


Film Appearances: Godzilla: Final Wars


History: One of the many monster that the Xillians used in their world-conquering effort in 20XX. This one was used in the attack on Paris. Kamacuras was also the fourth single monster sent to stop Godzilla. He laid in wait outside of Kanto, Japan, but when Godzilla came to shore and knocked over the bridge Kamacuras was standing on, it fled to the hills and camouflaged itself. Godzilla knew the bug was there, so flushed it out using his thermonuclear beam. Kamacuras flew into Godzilla to fight him at close range, but Godzilla threw the giant mantis into a nearby power line which electrocuted Kamacuras to death.


Fighting Power: **

Faster, more agile, and deadlier than the original Kamacuras from "Son of Godzilla". Still weak though. Relies on agility and surprise attacks, but if those fail it has to fight at close range, and it’s not too bad at it. Then again, once it is nailed by a good attack, Kamacuras life is over.