

A.K.A.: Gap-pa, The Triphibian Monsters, Stupid-Bird-Lizards

Height: Changes from scene to scene.

Weight: Depends on height.

Regular Abilities: Can fly, swim, and walk on land, bashing things with head crest, pecking, generic stomping, glowing eyes

Special Abilities: Oral-originating self-controlling heat rays, generate electricity when agitated with metal.

Weakness: Can’t stand high-pitched sounds

Film Appearances: "Gappa, the Triphibian Monsters" (1967)

History: A race of bird-lizards living on Obelisk Island. When a baby was taken away in 1967, the parents followed it to Japan. They destroyed part of the local village, part of some city (the one next to Mt. Fuji), and part of Tokyo before getting their baby back and flying off into the sunset. It is assumed that the one with the bigger head crest is the male.

Fighting Power: ***

These monsters come from an average kaiju flick and get, well, an average rating. They generally do generic stuff, and even have a generic heat ray. However their versatility is notable. They can swim pretty well, can walk around pretty well, and can even fly pretty well to. Another notable feature is the way that they just do a little hop and start gliding around. However, other then that they're still pretty average for a giant chicken.