Giant Sea Serpent
Length: 85 Meters
Weight: 4000 Tons
Regular Abilities: mouth full of needle-sharp teeth, constricting body, a good swimmer
Special Weapons: none
Weakness: none known
Film Appearances: King Kong Escapes (1967)
History: one of those "random attacks" that King Kong is constantly pestered by. This one appeared off an island that Kong was staying on, and happened to attack the human female that Kong had his eye on. Kong tossed boulders at it, and then hoped in the water to fight it. The sea serpent constricted the best it could, but Kong managed to wrestle it off, and the serpent swam away.
Fighting Power:
**A fairly basic large thin-bodied kaiju. Generally wraps around it’s enemy in an attempt to suffocate it, and if that doesn’t work, well nothing will. Still, the sea serpent has pretty good defenses, with boulders and punches having little effect on it. Still, it did attack something stronger than it could handle, and realizing this it moved onto something that it could handle. At least it knows when to quit.