God Porno

A.K.A.: God Nesuahyrrah

Height: 40 ft (rough estimate)

Weight: a lot

Regular Abilities: big hands with claws, sharp hoof feat, limited speech capability

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: none known


Film Appearances: Flesh Gordon (1974)

History: The final monster that Flesh Gordon faced in his adventures on Planet Porno. This monstrous beast was sent to prevent the plucky band of heroes from stopping Emperor Wang’s plan of using a "Sex Ray" to conquer the Earth. Grabbed the leading lady but after fighting around the complex Flesh eventually defeated the monster.


Fighting Power: ***

A fairly basic monster with your fairly basic abilities to do your usual monster stuff. Displays a hint of intelligence, and even has been known to speak. Puts up a good challenge for any hero-type that goes against him.