Cretaceous King Ghidorah

Height: 40 Meters

Wingspan: 50 Meters

Weight: 20,500 Tons

Regular Abilities: grabs with teeth from three heads, slams into things with body, hurricane-force winds generated from wings, can regenerate severed parts even from a single severed part, flight at mach 3

Special Abilities: can travel through space in a meteorite-like encasement, shoots fireballs from mouths

Weakness: none known


Film Appearances: Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998)


History: a space monster that came to Earth over 65 million years ago but was (mostly) defeated by a time-traveling Mothra


Fighting Power: ****



Grand King Ghidorah

Height: 60 Meters

Wingspan: 80 Meters

Weight: 50,000 Tons

Regular Abilities: grabs with teeth from three heads, slams into things with body, hurricane-force winds generated from wings, can regenerate severed parts even from a single severed part, flight at mach 3

Special Abilities: can travel through space in a meteorite-like encasement, can use gravity field to fly even with loss of wings, gravity beams from mouths (can charge them for more power), can bring up a protective barrier, can shoot electricity from wings, can create a special energy-dome around itself

Weakness: none known


Film Appearances: Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998)


History: the same Ghidorah as Cretaceous Ghidorah. Came back to Earth to drain the energy of children, but was defeated by Mothra (for good this time).


Fighting Power: *****