First off, let me apologize for doing what I vowed never to do: abandon the site. I always hated it when people go along and make a nice website and then suddenly stop updating. Despite this, I myself have done it as well, and this will be the first time I have updated in over 3 years and 5 months. That’s a very long time, and I feel extremely bad for doing such a thing. Still, I do have an excuse: college. In my efforts to get a BS in geology, I had to do a tremendous amount of reading and writing. Taking the mental effort to work on a hobby such as this would have exhausted my mind. Well, it’s not all that exhausting, but it still lowers the quality of my work, the work that I actually get graded on in a class that I paid for. This however does not account for my leave of absence without warning. After a while I decided that I should say something, put something there to warn the public that updates would be excessively rare. Unfortunately, though, a certain service change lowered my 50-megabyte capacity down to 20. In order to do any updates to the site, I had to delete over 10 megabytes of data (I had over 30). I never could bring myself to do that, so I never updated. Well, until now.

As most of you know, a number of kaiju movies have been released on DVD over the past couple of years. I have recently obtained these movies, particularly the recent Godzilla movies as well as the Gamera trilogy, and as is tradition I have written movie reviews and stat pages for them. I am never sure if anybody actually likes my reviews, but I myself enjoy doing them. They’ve piled up to the point where I couldn’t just hang onto them anymore, and so I’ve decided to finally update the site, even if it does mean the deletion of certain parts of the site. The following had to "go":

  1. The Picture Gallery (a huge waste of space considering you can get these pictures anywhere)
  2. The "About the Chairman" section (my likes and dislikes change so often that it’s kind of annoying to keep this updated)
  3. The Video Box Art (a somewhat unnecessary use of bytes, please ignore all the broken pictures on the movie reviews)
  4. The "Win Our Award" section (very few applicants, plus I needed just a little more byte space on the site)
  5. The BBS (I might get another one someday)
  6. The Polls (painful to get rid of, but they were hard to keep updated all the time)
  7. Broken Links (of course)

Finally I had to dump the "Create-A-Monster" section. It has a heck of a thing to keep updated all the time considering the amount of submissions I get. Plus since I will rarely (if ever) do any WMW matches, there is no way I can let this take up any obligations. I decreed new rules for submitting a monster with stats, found in the "Originals" section, and in accordance to these rules I’ve taken the opportunity to delete all but a few created monsters. What are left are monsters that actually have original artwork, stuff that people actually put some time in. I have always been disappointed with the lack of quality for most created monsters, most being a derivative of some other monster. So thereby the ONLY monsters to be excepted are ones that are actually ORIGINAL! This means that you MUST have ORIGINAL ARTWORK and NOT be based off something else. So NO "Super Duper Hyper Godzillas", and NO RECOLORS! Essentially I will now only except monsters that I personally believe to actually be "good", but even still they will not be in WMW, just for show. Sorry.

Speaking of my cold-hearted nature, you may have noticed that I have been ignoring e-mails for the past couple of years. It was my belief that if I couldn’t update the site, then I couldn’t respond to anybody. May not have been the wisest of decisions, but that is what it ended up being. So if you have sent me an e-mail in the past couple of years, especially if it contains pieces of fan-art or fan-fic, then please e-mail me again. I’ll try not to ignore you this time.

So anyways, the site is updated finally. I will try to add a few things here and there occasionally, as to not be completely "dead" anymore. Still, updates will not be very common, so don’t worry if nothing happens for a while. I’m still debating on what to do about WMW; maybe I’ll make some more or maybe I won’t, not sure. Only time will tell.



-Chairman of Godzilla Tower