

A.K.A.: Kameba, Giant Turtle

Length: 20 Meters

Weight: 28,000 Tons

Regular Abilities: powerful teeth-lined jaws, neck can extend great distances, tough shell

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: none known

Film Appearances: Yog: Monster From Space (1970)

History: A jungle turtle mutated and grown huge when it’s body was possessed by space amebas bent on conquering the planet. A combination of natives of the local island and explorers looking to make a resort released bats which weakened the control over Kamoebas. Ganime (a giant lobster) fought Kamoebas, and they were swallowed up by a volcano.


Fighting Power: ***

A slow-moving animal that makes up for it with a strong armored shell that it can retract into. Kamoebas also has an extendable neck allowing it to bite an enemy from a distance, as well as a somewhat long tongue that has a habit of shooting forwards. A strong and tough monster, but lacks any true ability to make it stronger than most.