A.K.A.: The Roc, The Two-Headed Vulture
Height: 25 ft (just a guess)
Wingspan: 75 ft (another guess)
Weight: A lot
Regular Abilities: Pecking, beak-biting, talon-slashing, wind gusts, flight, picking things up and flying around with them
Special Abilities: None
Weaknesses: Two heads aren't always better then one
Film Appearances: "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad" (1958)
History: A legendary monster. One particular legend is found in the story of Sinbad the Sailor. On his 7th Voyage, Sinbad came to the island of Colossa, which had at least one parent roc (they could reproduce asexually) with one nest of eggs. One roc chick was forcefully hatched and eaten by the crew. Later on the parent flew in, killed two crewmembers, and lifted Sinbad to the upper nest before mysteriously vanishing.
Fighting Ability: ***
This particular adult roc didn't do much more then flap around, blowing people off the cliff, and then picking up Sinbad and dropping him to the upper nest. It seems as if it wanted to feed it's young, but no young was there, and for some reason it just flew off, never to be seen again by Sinbad. But still a giant two-headed vulture probably would be just as capable in battle as any other monster, especially with its ability to fly. Vultures are quite the strong bird, and are able to rip carrion to shreds real quickly. Despite being mostly scavengers, they have been known to kill. Rather are not two heads are an advantage or disadvantage in brainpower or coordination is unknown, but there is an extra beak to rip things up.