

AKA: Shin Hayata

Height: 40 Meters

Weight: 35,000 Tons

First Appearance: "Ultraman" Episode One: "Ultra Operation #1

Powers/Weapons: Ultraman, the ultimate hero, possesses a large array of beams and weapons to combat evil. These include:

Ultraman also has the ability to fly at Mach 5 speed, and can run at 700 kph. He is also adept at a variety of martial-arts moves, a very skilled close-combat fighter. With his chops, punches, and kicks, Ultraman is the ultimate close-quarters fighter.


History: Ultraman hails from the Land of Light, a planet located in Nebula M78. An alien soldier from the Land of Light accidentally came to the Planet Earth escorting the evil monster Bemlar to The Graveyard of Monsters. During the journey, Bemlar broke lose, heading for Earth. The soldier transporting him gave chase, but unfortunately crashed into an air-vehicle piloted by Shin Hayata, a member of the Science Patrol, an organization dedicated to investigating strange phenomena. Hayata is killed by the collision, but the alien soldier revives him by combining his life force with Hayata's. The alien gives Hayata the Beta Capsule, a pen-like device that enables him to transform into the all-powerful Ultraman. Hayata and the Science Patrol have repeatedly thwarted countless enemy alien attacks, due to the guise of the super-hero Ultraman.


Fighting Power: *****/*****

Ultraman is the ultimate hero. He is brave, powerful, and a talented fighter. With his immense skills, Ultraman has thwarted many a foe, saving the planet on numerous occasions. Using his incredible martial arts techniques and powerful beam weapons, Ultraman can defeat any threat.




Ultraman is from a TV and Movie series made in Japan from the 1960's to today. Traditionally poor distribution in the U.S.

Written by The CEO of Monster Island