
A.K.A.: Baran

Height: 30 Meters

Weight: 15,000 Tons

Regular Abilities: Spikes on back, claws, teeth, swimming skills, gliding flight at Mach 1.5

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: Attracted by light, anti-saline chemicals

Film Appearances: "Varan the Unbelievable" (1958)

"Destroy All Monsters" (1968)

History: Varan was woken up by anti-saline chemicals when he was sleeping at the bottom of a salt-water lake on the island of Kunish Hiroshima. He wandered around and got shot at. He was eventually driven back to rest at the lake by a concentrated form of the chemical. He later was put on Monster Island, and made a small contribution to the fight against Ghidorah.


Fighting Power: ***

He is your basic Toho kaiju. He excels at wandering around and destroying buildings while getting shot at by the military. However, this one has these sharp spikes on his back, is a good swimmer, and can glide around on his arm membranes (like a giant flying squirrel). He is small compared to some monsters, but makes up for it with great maneuverability. Although he can buzz around slicing opponents with claws and spikes, he doesn’t have too much in the defense departments. But, not to bad. This basic kaiju gets a basic rating.