

A.K.A.: YMIR (based on a Norse god)

Height: Estimated to be about 25 ft. maximum

Weight: A lot

Regular Abilities: Punching, kicking, stomping, biting, tail-whipping, good grip.

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: Electricity (causes paralysis)

Film Appearances: "20 Million Miles to Earth" (1957)


History: Species of animal on Venus. An egg was taken from its home planet by an American team of Astronaughts so that they can study its respiratory system to invent a better way to breathe air on Venus. Ship crash lands, egg hatches, monster grows at an exhilarated pace due to Earth's atmosphere, monster recaptured, studied, escapes, battles elephant, goes to coliseum, and gets blasted off.


Fighting Power: ***

Fights like a tough skinned human with a tail. If you didn't know what stop-motion was you might mistake the one in the movie for a guy in a rubber suit. He only attacks in self-defense, but when he does, he is a vicious fighter. He excels in tackling things, and punching them into the ground. Quite strong, quite fast, and quite vicious. He also has an advantage where he has no heart of lungs to target. Bullets have no effect. But, even though he has a great fighters spirit, he aint all that spectacular. He aint too bright and he has no special power. But, not to shabby overall; after all, he is one of the few American monster to actual fight something in his movie. Against an elephant, he's unstoppable.