Typhoon, TyronnadonHeight:
65 meters normal mode 100 meters rage modeWeight:
16,000 metric tonsRegular Abilities:
Same as USA godzilla exepct stronger ahd has mega crunchSpecial Abilities:
sonic rour, thermal blastWeakness:
cares a lot for its mate the fist USA godzillaHistory:
No one knew what mated with the Usa godzilla and when the godzilla deid in 1998 it was unown that was not the first one. On 2006 the couple of monsters was found and when godzilla was kiddnaped Tyronnadon went rampit and befriended gojira and anguiris who then helped it free its mate and since then they lived on monster islandFighting Power: *****+
From: John
E-Mail Address: godzilla_428@hotmail.com