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Doctor Hannibal Lektor: Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight, Will? It appears quite black. ---------------------------------------------------- Doctor Hannibal Lektor: Save yourself, kill them all! ----------------------------------------------------- Doctor Hannibal Lektor: If one does what God does enough times, one will become as God is. ------------------------------------------------------ Will Graham: I know that I'm not smarter than you. Doctor Hannibal Lektor: Then how did you catch me? Will Graham: You had disadvantages. Doctor Hannibal Lektor: What disadvantages? Will Graham: You're insane. ------------------------------------------------------ Doctor Hannibal Lektor: Dream much... Will? ------------------------------------------------------ Will Graham: It's just you and me now, sport. ------------------------------------------------------ Agent Jack Crawford FBI: You feel sorry for him. Will Graham: As a child, my heart bleeds for him. Someone took a little boy and turned him into a monster. But as an adult... as an adult, he's irredeemable. He butchers whole families to fulfill some sick fantasy. As an adult, I think someone should blow the sick fuck out of his socks. -----------------------------------------------------
