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Stuff you can buy (yay!)

The Videos


-You can get it in loads of places, because its quite old its now quite cheap

Silence of the lambs

-very difficult to get hold of, your best buying it over the net. That way you can get hold of the special bpx set etc...



For DVD information go to the link at the botom of the page

Posters and photographs

- Again, the best places to get these are over the internet. The Hannibal movie poster is still available to buy in some shops (eg.forbidon planet) but the other two are more difficult to get hold of.

Sound tracks

- I don't know anything about a Manhunter soundtrack but theres definatly a Hannibal one (in most music shops) and i bought the Silence of the lambs one recently in HMV so its still around. I warn you...i payed nearl £20 for mine, its cheeper to get it of the net again (all hail the world wide web). The soundtracks are very classical style so if your a 'pop' freak i'd stay clear (unless you just want to have it in your collection like me)

DVD information
Soundtracks (a little bit extra)