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My Sanity test

Right, it's nice to see people have the same intrest as me but it worries me a little. I'm not saying you HAVE to be mad to like the Hannibal Lecter series of books and films...but it does help! Please realise that this is for your own good and take this small test.

Right, results

If you chose Mainly A's or D's then i suggest you check yourself into a looney bin right know my dear. Either your completly nutters or you were taking the piss during this test, i pray for mankind that it was the later!

If you chose mainly B's or C's then your fairly sane, more C's makes you around 90% sane and B's is about 70%. That's pretty good. Your selfish (which is healthy, you're considerate (Clarice wouldn't want to talk about Lecter...anyway, she might get angry if you bring him up!) and your fairly bright (you noticed Krendler was a prick and Verger was...well rather foul to say the least. WELL DONE