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In Silence of the Lambs

we only see them interact a few times, always through the glass/bars. The attraction is still obvious. With her its a child like intrest because of his insight into her personallity and his blunt honesty. With him its not as easy to tell. He maybe glad to see a woman again but i doubt that's it. I think he found her charming and enjoyed her rather child like aproach to the situation with Buffalo Bill. She was polite and respectfull, something most people don't tend to be to serial killers (or anyone nowadays).

There were rules given to her for her own protection, they were:
1)Don't get to close or touch the glass (later the bars)
2)don't except anything he passes out to you
3)don't pass him anything sharp like a pen or a pencil
4)Don't tell him any personal information
One day later she's excepted a towel of him, told him plenty of stuff about her personal life and touched the glass (after Miggs throws the semen in her face and Dr.Lecter calls her back). She seems to trust him which pleases him.

Later of course, the last time she sees him (when she's not ment to be there) she pulls away from the guards and runs back to him so he can pass her the Buffalo Bill case files which unknown to her at the time he'd wrote a little clue on). She launches up over the rail and gets hold of the case files. He keeps her there for a few seconds as he strokes her finger with his and says goodbye.

He escapes soon afterwards. He phones her and tells her that he's not going to come after her ("the world is a better place with you in it") which is quite touching. This is the point when viewers start saying "awww he likes her" and "oh my god i should not be finding that man sweet or attractive in any way...he's a cannibal for god sake!". Admit it, you thought it didn't you?

In Hannibal

the ending is a lot different as the producers thought the book ending was too weak. Also, the film ending leaves it open for another film.

It runs the same until the end were Clarice doesn't approve of being fed Krendlers brains and handcuffs Lecter after he kisses her. She's got her hair trapped in the fridge (by Hannibal) so Hannibal is left with a choose. 1- Stay and get arrested. 2- Free Clarice and drag her with him. 3- Hack one of their hands of.

He goes for option number three. He makes a couple of comments like "above or below the wrist" and "this is really going to hurt" which leaves the viewer feeling sorry for Clarice. So he pulls up a knife and hack...we don't see it but we hear it. The in the next scene, Clarice who's freed herself runs out to find him with (shock horror) both hands. Last scene- Hannibal Lecter on a plane wearing a sling on the hand she'd cuffed. For those who don't get what I’m going on about...he hacked his off own hand rather than hers. Its sweet in a kind of freaky, messed up way.

It's a little obvious what that shows too. He likes her to much to hurt her and she runs out at the end unarmed without the cuffs. That's not what you run out like if your trying to catch a bad guy is it miss FBI women? It makes you wonder what she was going to do doesn't it? i expect she was still in shock, dazed, drugged to hell, confused and maybe a little guilty which probably clouded her judgement but it's still an intresting question.