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In Hannibal the book

These two are rather obsessed with the other, neither would admit it to anyone, not even themselves though. Actually, Dr.Lecter does a bit but i don't think he does fully. He does some pretty obsessive things like spying on her when she's jogging and licking her car steering wheel. She goes down into the basement at Menthis were he was held and cant resist going in his cell because she'd only ever seen it from the otherside of the glass. They are apart for a lot of the book, the first half...more actually but their obsessions still come across.

In the latter stages, Clarice rescues Hannibal from the crazy Mason Verger who's about to feed him to some very nasty pigs. She gets shot by a couple of tranquillisers while doing so. Dr.Lecter carries her away and takes her to the house he's rented. Although Clarice wants to catch Hannibal Lecter she doesn't want him to die in such a way like Verger has planned. This shows a small amount of feeling on her part. He carries her out when she's been injured, saving her life. A rather un-Hannibal Lecter like thing to do.

The ending of the book in some ways is very week. Hannibal and Clarice go of together which didn't really suprise me. The bit that I didn't approve of was the fact she turned to cannibalism. If he'd agreed not to do it I wouldn't have minded but I couldn't see Clarice doing that. Although there is a part of me saying that I’d eat Krendlers brains too...he was a little sod!

The ending of this book proves the HL and CS shippers point though for obvious reasons. The last section of the book is three years on and he hasn't ate her yet so it seems like they are happy, living la Vida loca, in Buenos Aires.