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-The real Jim Garrison plays Earl Warren

-In Bull Durham, Kevin Costner's character stated "...I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone..."

-Perry Russo, who was a key witness to conversations taking place between David Ferrie, Clay Bertrand, and Lee Harvey Oswald, plays a man in the bar in the beginning of the film, where Garrison and Lou were watching the TV coverage on the shooting. Mr. Russo yells about how they should give the shooter a medal for shooting Kennedy

-In 1973, Harry Connick Jr.’s father, Harry Connick Sr., beat Jim Garrison for the position of New Orleans Parish District Attorney.



Academy Awards

-Best Cinematography

-Best Film Editing





-Numa Bertel: Jesus Christ, anybody could get a rifle in Texas. Play Sound (59 Kb)

-Garrison: I’m gonna have to obtain you for further questioning by the FBI.

  David Ferrie: Why?  What’s wrong?

  Garrison: Dave, I find your story simply not believable.

  David Ferrie: Really?  What part?  Play Sound (312 Kb)

-Senator Long: Average man would be lucky to get two shots off and I’ll tell ya the first would always be the best.  Here the third shot’s perfect.  Then they got that crazy bullet zigzaggin’ all over the place so it hit Kennedy and Connelly seven times.  One pristine bullet that dog don’t hunt. Play Sound (376 Kb)

-Jack Martin:  Clay, somethin’.  Yeah that was his name.  Clay, Clay-

 Garrison: Bertrand?

  Jack Martin: Bertrand, yeah.

 Garrison: Clay Bertrand.

 Jack Martin: Well I don’t know, I don’t know.  Maybe not.  I gotta go.

 Garrison: No, no that’s right.  He was in the Warren Report.  He got Oswald a lawyer.  Was Kennedy ever discussed Jack?

 Jack Martin: I don’t know.

 Garrison: The assassination, Jack?

 Jack Martin: No!  Never!  Not with me.  Look I gotta go, that’s all I’m gonna say.

 Garrison: Hold on Jack, hold on.  What’s the problem?

 Jack Martin: What’s the problem?

 Garrison: What’s the problem?

 Jack Martin: Do I have to spell it out for you Mr. Garrison?

 Garrison: Nobody knows what we’re talking about here, Jack.

 Jack Martin: Oh, you are so naïve. Play Sound (829 Kb) QUOTE OF THE FILM

-Willie O’Keefe: You don’t know shit cause you’ve never been fucked in the ass!  This ain’t about justice, you think this about justice?  No, this is about order.  Who rules.  Cause, see fascism is comin’ back. Play Sound (220 Kb)

-Shooter: I didn’t pay two bits for a target just to have someone else shoot at it.

  Fake Oswald (Frank Whaley): Hey, I’m sorry buddy.  I thought I was shooting at that son of a bitch Kennedy. Play Sound (253 Kb)

-David Ferrie: Oh man, why don't you fuckin' stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin' big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin' shooters don't even know! Don't you get it?! Play Sound (371 Kb)
-Dean Andrews: If I answer that question you keep asking.  If I give you the name of the big enchilada you know.  Then it’s bon voyage Dino, I mean like permanent, like a bullet in my head, you dig? Play Sound (285 Kb)


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