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The OO Agent Web Page

The OO Agents

On Her Majesty's Secret Service, only the best are chosen to be on the service, and to wear the 00 Number. This web site is dedicated to the OO Agents who regularly lay their lives on the line for queen and country; and always come out like OO7; alive.

In these links, there are many 007 items, along with other information on the movies. I will be putting up a compleate lising of all movies, etc. for your enjoyment. We are still under construction, so pardon the missing links.

There is a new Bond Movie Section, under "The OO Agent Movies". It will provide facts and information about all the Bond movies.


10/6/00 After a brief soree from the web page, I have returned for a whole new season of improving it. Anyway, the Bond 20 TEASER is up and running. Come see it in the Rumors Section. Look for better updates, more movies, and more links in the coming days!

6/17/2000 RUMORS ABOUT THE NEXT BOND MOVIE UP AND RUNNING! I have put up an extra link showing all rumors running around the 007 World about the next movie, the title, the actors, and the plotlines. The movie comes out in 2002; get your data on the "Bond 20" in the links!

5/14/2000 The World Is Not Enough Archive fully complete. Extra downloads are in the process of being added -- in one week, Tomorrow Never Dies will be up and running...along with rumors about "Bond 20". It's almost done...patience friends!

4/20/2000 I have finally completed the GoldenEye Archive in "The OO Agent Movies" it took alot of work, and I hope it's as good as it seems! It'll be right up there with The World Is Not Enough Archive, which is also open. Be patient, my next project is Licence To Kill and Tomorrow Never Dies.

Results of the last polls: "Who Was The Best Bond?"

Pierce Brosnan 19%

Timothy Dalton 2%

Roger Moore 37%

George Lazenby 2%

Sean Connery 41%

*693 people polled. Thanks to all who voted!

Links On This Web Page

The OO Agent Movies

The 00 Agent Facts

The OO Agent Photo Archive

The Q Branch

The OO Agent Downloads

External Links


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is owned by Patrick S.

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