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Snow Dancers

Since the Dancers aren't really... characters... I'll just say a few words about them.

The Snow Dancers are these kinda pretty snowy white creatures. They look as if they are wearing a frilly dress. Their power is being able to freeze things with ice and snow. They're pretty quick and don't give up easily. They make the funkiest noises to, it's gets a bit annoying after awhile to. And I think its funny as heck near the end where Uranus and Venus lift their arms into the air and the dancers grab their hands and drag them off screaming. heh heh heh. The Snow Dancers are also kinda like the main villains monster things (like the Dark Moon Family had droids). They work for the Snow Queen and are very loyal and at most helpful. I wouldn't mind owning one. LoL. Well, I'd say that's the Snow Dancers in a nut shell. bye!
