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The Real Thing

The crew of Titanic

Almost everyone knows something about the disaster of the Titanic. She was the largest ship of her time. Many cold her "The Ship of Dreams". With all of the excitement one didn't think that a disaster was possible. They thought she was unsinkable because she was very big. Nobody thought that Titanic's maiden voyage would also be her last...

The Titanic was a British luxury liner ship , designed by Thomas Andrews. He was part of the White Star Line Company. She was launched in Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912. The experts believed she was unsinkable because of her 16 watertight compartments.

In the night of April 14, 1912, she struck an iceberg about 153 km south of Newfoundland, and sank early the next morning, April 15. The hull was damaged badly and Titanic sank in less than three hours. This is considered one of the worst disasters in maritime history. Of the more than 2200 passengers and crew on board, about 1515 died.

There are many theories about how and why Titanic went down. Many investigations found that:

  1. the ship had been going too fast in dangerous waters.
  2. there wern't enough lifeboats for all of the passengers on board, only for half of them
  3. the Californian, another ship close to the scene, was unable to come for help, because the radio operator was off duty and asleep.

In order to prevent future disasters, there have been many reforms, such as lifeboat supply for EVERYONE on board, lifeboat drills, maintenance of full-time radio watch while at sea, and international ice patrol. "Titanic is not a myth. It existed, and it still does" (James Cameron's Titanic).

In September 1985, the wreck was discovered by Robert Ballard. It was covered by 3800 meters of deep and dark ocean. In July 1986, U.S. researchers explored the interior of the wreck with the use of the three-person submarine Alvin. They found out that the ship had broken into two parts.

Many tried to raise the Titanic from it's dark grave. All of the attempts have failed. But, bits and pieces have in fact been raised to the surface. Many people are against this, calling it "grave robbing." They believe that everything should be left down at the bottom of the ocean in respect to the 1513 lives lost that night.
And so do I.

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