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UFORCE Newsletter VOL III #051700

By Christopher Montgomery

UFO RESOURCE CENTER ******************** UFORCE NEWSLETTER VOL III #051700 Late Edition ******************** "THE TRUTH IS IN HERE"


In today's newsletter, we bring you a startling revelation. The information that we are about to present to you, confirms what many people already know...there is some form of life on Mars.

The person who did the enhancements, has asked to remain anonymous. Although they did not say why they wanted to remain anonymous, we have our suspicions. You see, here in the United States of America, there is an active campaign to silence anyone who can provide proof of extraterrestrial life forms. (See attached image Mars_UFOenhanced 2.jpg) We are asking for your assistance in this matter. If you or anyone you know of can assist us, please contact us as soon as possible. This person must have a PhD or Doctorate, and be willing to step forward and confirm that the image enhancements were genuine. I would be greatly surprised if this person would be an American, for fear of losing their status and job position in the country. The help would probably have to come from Russia or the European sector.

Let me explain...

When we were initially preparing this news release back in March of 2000, I attempted to contact local media representatives to assist us in publishing this information. My search began at the Seattle Times newspaper in Washington State. The story goes like this...

I contacted the Seattle Times in Washington state and asked to talk to the news room at the paper. I was forwarded to the receptionist. The man on the other end seemed pleasant enough...and asked me what the news story was about. I said that it was science related. The male receptionist informed me that the man that I wanted to talk to was named Eric Sorenson. He thought that he had seen him that morning and that he would transfer me immediately


I informed Mr. Sorenson that I was preparing a news release and that I was offering the Times an exclusive.. He asked me what it was in regards to. I gave him the scoop, so to speak, and informed him that we had been doing enhancements on some old Viking photographs from the surface of Mars, and that we had discovered that there was indication that we found evidence of life there. I also informed him that NASA was informed, and their reply was such that they suggested they were only matchbooks on the pavement. I didn't get a chance to tell him that this was before we received the latest enhancements from one of our volunteers.

He probed my mind as to what I was talking about, and that was when I told him that we had discovered a form of vehicle on the surface. There were dozens of these images. *snip* "Give me names and phone numbers, addresses..." he asked disbelieving..."I want to see them." Sorenson's rudeness was unproffessional.

He began asking me what I felt were leading questions. He then indicated that he thought I was in need of some mental help. I asked him why he thought this was so. "Because usually, when I get stories like this, it is from people who hadn't taken their medication!" How rude, I thought, that someone should talk to me like that! "What if I was to let you take a look at the images and decide for yourself?" I asked. Well, the science reporter for the Seattle Times wanted none of that!

Sorenson then informed me that ..."It is a waste of time..." and then asked me "Have you taken your medication today?" He then recommended that I go and "take my medication." I told our skeptic that I would like to talk to his editor. He said fine and hung up in my ear before I could politely end the conversation.

I called his editor, and she was not in ...(talking to Sorenson, perhaps?)


The gist of the message went something like this: I requested for an official statement as to why the Seattle Times would not publish my story..I also asked "how do you spell Sorenson...Ms. Otanis(?) I explained that I did not think that it was very proffessional for a Seattle Times reporter to behave in this manner. I was a highly publicized writer, having written for magazines, numerous web sites, I have written books and I am generally well know throughout the world. I left my name and number, and the time that I called, not expecting a call back!


Eric called me back approximately one half hour later, and apologized. He had just spoken to his editor, (Ms Otanis) and she had asked him to call me. He informed me that "we get a lot of calls like these," and also that "they get a lot of calls from flakes. I told him that my ears were still burning from our last conversation, and that "I also get a lot of calls from flakes," but indicated that I try to be as respectful as possible. Throughout the entire conversation, he was very polite!

It sounded like we would both be in hot water with the scientific communty if we could not present a credible story for their publication.

He wanted the press release to include the names and addresses of (people) scientists involved with the project...along with their credentials. I offered to include the images with the news release. He said that would be fine. I informed Sorenson that we had just gotten the image enhancements from Australia, and that we still did not know what we are dealing with.




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So there you one wants to stick their neck out for fear of reprisals by their peers and the public at large. This is what we are up against. So, we contacted the Mutual UFO Network in San Diego, California. When presented with the image enhancements, we received this reply...(and I quote)

Hello Mike:

THANKS for the e-mail re the Mars situation. Our group is scheduled to meet on April 9th...too late for your deadline I believe, sorry.However, I will check with some available members immediately to see if we can come up with something.

Regarding credentials, most of us have at least a BA/BS, others Masters and a few PhD's...the great majority have been also membersof MUFON for several years...many of us have been involved with 11-10's on abductions, landings, etc.; I have not met a single "cook" in our "ORION" group yet...some of us older members were with A.P.R.O. of Tucson, AZ . Please listen to our UFO reporting line at: *snip* which covers all of San Diego County (roughly larger than the state of Conn.). (end quote)

Great, I thought. We finally we found someone with the right contacts that could put their approval on those images. We were saddened by the results of our querry...they declined assisting us in our investigation.


Here is data on the enhancements by this person wants to remain anonymous. They said that (quote)

"It's a crumby old Aldus Photostyler that came with my first computer years ago. I tried all the other new ones but they have so much on them that's never used I went back to the Aldus. I couldn't tell you exactly what I did, now. Had I known I could have kept track. I enlarge, cut out the piece in question enlarge again and start working. Most of the time I have to 'blur' the MGS images, before working on them since they seem to be to sharp to begin with...but not sharp enough to make out any details. My usual method is enlarging, bluring, sharpening and contrasting which continues until I get something I can see. Couldn't tell you in what order, it just depends on the photo. Sorry, but I never expected to be in on anything I'd have to describe to anyone! I've never really kept track, just do it until the photo gets as clear as it's gonna get." (end quote)

Oh well, so much for scientific procedures.


Please tell a friend about the UFO Resource Center!


We have coordinates for no less than 40 locations where these objects can be found on the Martian surface. They have been locked away in a secret vault, to prevent anyone in NASA from using that information to remove the objects in question from the old Viking photographs. A sample of those images can be found at this image directory:

Everyone of them is identical. Mike Van Dusen discovered the strange anomalies, and more data regarding this discovery is forthcoming once we get someone to verify that they are in fact a real artifact. We suggest that you do your own enhancements...see for yourselves....this is the real deal, folks. Once we locate a scientist who is willing to come forward and back us up, we shall publish our "OFFICIAL NEWS RELEASE." Until then, the popular press and news organizations won't touch it.

You can rest assured that it won't be anyone from NASA.

Christopher Montgomery is a writer living in the Seattle, Washington area. He is the Director of an organization entitled A UFO RESOURCE CENTER.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UFOs A SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY by Christopher Montgomery. This book (available on disc) examines the UFO evidence. It exposes the Condon Project's red herrings and how they actively participated in a plot to cover-up the truth about UFOs. It is a book that you can download from Please do the advanced search for author, subject or title. A must read for anyone who wants to stay informed about the UFO phenomenon. ______________________________________



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Copyright (c) 2000 Christopher Montgomery and the UFO Resource Center; All Rights Reserved


Correction: In our last newsletter, Volume I #050200 we stated that the program UFORCE Director Montgomery was to make a guest appearance on was called Night Hawk, hosted by Billy Dee. The actual name of that radio program is "Night Search" and the Host of Night Search is Eddie Middleton. Billy Dee was the Co-Host.



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