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We are a privately funded, International UFO organization that conducts research and gathers field reports and UFO evidence for our alien/UFO database. UFORCE has become a clearinghouse for any or all-available information that comes to us from a variety of named and un-named sources. Your UFO reports are welcome, and please state if you want your name and email to remain anonymous. This UFO RESOURCE CENTER is requesting financial support from the corporate sector, and a press release (below) will detail this 5-step program. Access to our web information is liberally provided to all, but in the days and weeks to come, specific areas of the site will be taken down and re-placed with our new systems. We will provide copies of any literature that we have archived, on a cost per page fee. Read more about the changes that we are making at our organization, by way of this link--->

Answer: The answer is actually quite simple. Every cent that you contribute to our UFO Resource Center, will be applied towards bringing the global community together, linked by a network of downlinks with fully equipped reporting and research centers. These affiliate stations, would become a part of our growing community of web-stations that comprise our reporting network, all of this digital information would stream would be sent by encrypted by a digital stream and then, de-scrambled on the receiving end and fed into a reliable fiber optic cable system on the central computer side. This would enable directors an alternate access, which would be advisable, especially in the more remote regions of the world.

EACH UFO RESOURCE CENTER volunteer that staffs a remote satellite reporting center, would be hand selected from that region, possibly by a referral, and would be given a special review by the appropriate UFORCE staff. Each reporting center's location would have to be evaluated based upon a number of variables, which we will not go into as of this writing. We are looking for UFO sites that have the absolute highest number of verifiable UFO contacts, per continental region. These sites would be evaluated with this in mind, to facilitate the goals of other Directors involved in this effort. Having said that each satellite would be evaluated, based upon a number of factors including the projected number of verifiable contact as well as other factors, including political and social obstacles, which would possibly overshadow the good faith implementation of a downlink-reporting center. Documented contact would occur somewhere on or near this global reporting system, regardless of geographies and/or level of contact. One possible scenario which would drive the cost of hardware slightly higher, would involve additional technology, including the wireless transmission of data; via a modem that was linked to a wireless transmitter, beamed to a satellite and then redirected by satellite to a receiver at our tracking center (central database), aka UFORCE International (UKRAINE) These satellite organizations would be critical, if we are to meet our financial and scientific expectations and goals for fiscal year 2001. Our goal is to start a grass roots movement of educated world consumers, who will spread the truth about the benign and non-threatening nature of those who fly the UFO conveyance, and to show once and for all, that the time has come for one on one direct contact with those alien intelligences somewhere in the world. They may already be attempting to make contact in the cloistered and sheltered environment during shuttle missions to the International Space Station. They have been photographed at or near the astronauts while working on the facility, and these close approaches may be to see if the astronauts are boding any ill will towards them. UFORCE accepts the possibility that someday, mankind may complete the contact between the ET and our own specie, creating secure and non-threatening passage for our brothers and sisters in space. We remind you that the possible technological spin-offs from this interchange would be mutually beneficial for our entire planet. We are there fore encouraging an open and free contact between our liaisons and others from similar projects presently working along the same lines of thought. But investors will soon realize that there will be a benefit from this research, and now they can get this information by simply supporting our organization. It would be a major trade off to exchange technological data for necessary funding, which would have numerous applications in the telecomm and aerospace industries. We must not disregard the possibility that our Earth may one day be a spaceport that the archeological record suggests it once was.

This out-reach, must embrace all facets of the human condition, and be a pilot program for similar organizations interested in creating their own unique encrypted networks with Perl C++ and encryption technology built right in to the reporting system computer systems. This would be the template from which future outposts could be established, a model for future generations. We would like you to consider that other aspects should be examined, including level of education, family size. Other relevant social-economic issues could also be explored, and the preliminary assessment could be conducted by a form on-line, which would detail their submission agrees to the decision of the board and that all decisions are final, pending a review of their case. All applicants must complete phase 1 screening before interview, and this should begin immediately; cultural background and religious heritage for of any given area, the educational and program presents some interesting possibilities for advertisers, investors and those who want to contribute to this UFORCE grass-roots out reach program.

Your investment will bring us that much closer to our goals for the year 2001. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you would like more information about how you can sponsor a down-line reporting center or let us know your thoughts about this world transition project that UFO Resource is participating in, contact us either at our e-mail address which is OR by snail mail to UFORCE, CHRISTOPHER MONTGOMERY, SEATTLE BUREAU HQ, PO BOX 5597, KENT WASHINTON USA 98064

Your financial contribution is needed, so roll up your sleeves and prepare yourselves for what may be the biggest single reunion in man's recorded history! Thanks for helping us to achieve our financial responsibilities and goals for our part in this World Transition Project, a Division of the UFORCE GLOBAL NETWORK_2001 YOUR INVESTMENT WILL BE APPLIED TOWARDS OUR NETWORK OF COMPUTER DOWNLINKS. EACH ONE OF OUR INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORS WILL BE CAREFULLY SELECTED FROM A LOTTERY POOL. ONE FINALIST WILL BE CHOSEN WITH A NUMBER OF CONSIDERATION IN MIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,

1. Their knowledge of the UFO enigma

2. Their level of computer literacy and application expertise. This may pose a real challenge in some more rural areas; in many cases, a computer would be rare, so sites would have to be considered, based upon other factors including education. Applicants could be screened on-line by an encrypted form for consideration, and would be added to our affiliate and staff pool.

3.The level of UFO activity would also have to be considered, because if we were to achieve our goal of a mass, televised close encounter of the third kind would depend largely upon the proximity of those places where they are historically most active.

4. By virtue of their proximity to our target range and their aptitude down range. The completion of this network of UFORCE reporting centers is closer to reaching our goal in the year 2001

5. We are planning on completing the network of UFO reporting centers on the world wide-web sometime during the year 2001. It is our goal to meet the financial demands that this mission will entail. Each one of our satellite stations would be strategically located in well-traveled areas, on every major continent in the world. These stations would set up to cost the least amount of operational dollars possible. We anticipate each station would be manned by at least on trained UFORCE International volunteer, that means that it would cost a minimum of $1,500 - $5,000 dollars for each database down-link, not including traveling and set-up expenses, operational overhead and the recruitment and training of capable staff to provide staffing for these 2001 system’s downlinks.

We project that the minimum investment for just one satellite down-link would cost no more than $2,500 on average (US dollars) for hardware. More expense could be expected, depending upon the expenditures incurred during setup and deployment of the specially equipped, satellite downlinks, all reporting to one central database. And who thought of it first? The UFO Resource Center, that’s who!

UFORCE INTERNATIONAL is a privately funded, International UFO research and database-clearing house for any or all-available information that comes to us from a variety of named and un-named sources. Your UFO reports are welcome, and please state if you want your name and email to remain anonymous. This UFO RESOURCE CENTER is seeking financial support from the corporate sector, and a link to the UGN press release (below) will detail this 5-step program. Access to our web information is liberally provided to all, through your generous support. PLEASE NOTE: There are specific areas within our database with access restricted to only those who have sent their donation, or invested in our research organization; we welcome your interest into this exclusive scientific information, which is only accessible at our password protected areas of the UFO Resource Center web site.

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Despite the fact that the UFO Resource Center has one of the lowest operational expense budgets of any research organization in the world, it has never made a profit from its public-access UFO web sites; physicist and Entrepreneur, Montgomery was forced to seek out private investors in the last quarter of the year 2000, which has proven to be successful.


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