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Re-examing UFOs and Biblical Theory


By Christopher Montgomery

INTRODUCTION: I am writing this introduction to the article on Christmas eve, year 2000. Many of you may not celebrate Christmas at all. I am sure that many of you celebrate other traditions that occur at this time around the world. My focus today, is popular Christianity, and my research on Christ is the focus of that study. My research into the UFOs of the Bible, has led me to a startling new theory. That theory is, that the UFO phenomenon, presently reported around our world in ever growing numbers, is a sign that has preceeded the collapse of civilizations since recorded time. This fact was echoed by famed psychologist Carl Yung, who was so alarmed by this possibility, that he risked his reputation as a psychotherapist to present this evidence as his warning, that the UFO phenomenon was a very real presence and not one to be ignored.

It is popular to make fun of those who profess a belief in the subject of our Christmas story, the Messiah, Yashua or Christ. There are many popular assertions presently being popularized by hype, misconceptions and out-right distortions of what worshipping Christ is all about. Out-right bigotry. I ahve witnessed several instances, and acquaintances have pointed out others, that biggoted slurs are becomming common place on popular radio programs, like the Tom Lycos show and others I will not mention.

Is it this the popular concensus amongst media giants, that Christianity is stupid? Or, is it simply any belief in God, or higher being, religion or faith, which shows thatperson's ignorance? I heard one television talk show host for the program "Politically Incorrect," suggested that the deeper one's personal belief, the greater their ignorance! I am not sure if they do this to increases their ratings, or if they honestly believe it.

I would be the first to agree, that there are certainly aspects to popular eschatology that leave alot to be desired, beginning with interpretation. But remember that civilization has enjoyed a long period of relative peace, following Christ's crucifixtion, which has taken us well beyond the regular interval of the rise and fall of all civilizations before present. The cycle in years given by Stichen is approximately 1,300 years. per rise and subsequent fall of civilization. This cycle has historically been an accurate measure of many civilizations that preceeded us in the historic past, beginning with the rising from the ashes to the downfall and complete collapse from its decay. What I am saying here, is that each complete collapse of any great empire or civilization was preceeded by the appearance of what some would call the UFOs phenomena today.

Sitchen proclaims the appearance of Niburu during those times was more than coincidental, and that its close proximity to earth preceeded the arrival of Annunaki. It was this advanced race of people, that bred with Adam's offspring nephum, producing the "Fallen Ones," or nephilim as they were called in Genesis chapter 6. Coincidence, or historic fact. Sitchen believes it was these Annunaki people that in-bred with our race and resulted in the rise and fall of civilization past.

My argument would be that the Annunaki were what Genesis called the "sons of God," which married the "daughters of men" and produced "men of old, men of renown." (Genesis chapter 6) Apparently, Stitchen has not examined the same archeologic and pre-historic record that I have, and I believe that this small err in interpretation has been the topic of heated debate by theologians ever since. One point that I would like to underscore is the fact that according to my interpretation, these Annunaki, or sons of God, were not the fallen angels that many speculate. The office held by an angel is messenger, and they would be what some would call the workers that tend to the mundane tasks of care-giving to the heavens and relative worlds therein. By their very nature, the angels, fallen or otherwise, are not sexed, nor could they produce offspring as some have suggested. Furthermore, I would argue that these "giants," as the translation calls them in the King James and the Hebrew Torah, were not the result of inbreeding by angels, nor did they produce them. The key here is the statement in Genesis 6 that states that they were present BEFORE the sons of God came down, and therefore could not have produced the Nephilim, or giants

"There were giants in those days, and also after that, the sons of God came down and took for them women of whom they chose....Their offspring were men of old, men of renown."

THEORY: NEPHILIM WERE DINOSAURS Has anyone ever considered, that the fallen angels were spirits, who chose to rebel against God in the great "war in the heavens," as described in Revelations, in the HOLY BIBLE? Is it that much of a stretch of the imagination, to suggest that the nephilim were in fact dinosaurs? Their bones can be found in the archeologic and geologic record, which was what Genesis chater 6 was describing, not the product of fallen angels, nor of the Annunaki as sons of God.

HYPOTHESIS: THE FACTS ARE NOT ALL IN, THEREFORE, HISTORIC RECORD IS RIFE WITH DISTORTIONS, WHICH HAS KEPT THE FACTS FROM COMING TO LIGHT. We must consider all of the evidence, before we can lay claim to any discovery, regardless of how popularized that theory may have become. Whether a result of hype, distortion or misrepresentation, there are several key elements to this story, which do not add up, and beg to be re-examined. OBSERVATION Regardless of Sitchen's interpretation of Nibiru and it relation to the arrival of Annunaki, other aspects of the archeologic record do not agree with his hypothesis, including speculation on the origins of Annunaki, and what relation their appearance had with the orbit of what some have suggested was a planetary body or bown dwarf like Nibiru. No one has determined, with any certainty, that their appearance here had any relation to Nibiru's. Lets start at square one, clear the slate and re-examine Stitchens theories of Nibiru in light of other observations that I and other archeologists have presented here. Sitchen's archeological discoveries were fascinating on their own! They are worthy of high regard, for their contribution to the pre-historic record. Leave it at that until such time as additional supportive evidence can be produced, to either substantiate or refute the dark star theory. Let's not cheapen his discovery and contribution to science, by jumping to conclusions about how this discovery fits into the remaining historic facts. A NEW HYPOTHESIS IS BORN There is another theory which I present here, that Nibiru is a dark star, and that its presence is a threat to our civilization. The potential affects from its gravitational forces could be something the ancients wanted us to remember alone, and may not have been a launching point for any advanced civilization's including the Annunaki's. I know this. I know that the evidence suggest that there is a highly advanced race of beings, present in our universe at this present time, and their presence here may or may not have relevence to the UFO phenomenon today. Does their presence here, coincide with the close proximity of Nibiru, and subsequent arrival of the Annunaki as some have suggested, or is that just a coincidental part of the execution of a Master plan, whereby these visitors are present by design during major events in earth's historic record. Let us not ignore any of the evidence surrounding our human origins; rather let us examine all of the record which is there waiting to be discovered, at various places around the earth. Then we can state our testimony, and proclaim to all the truth about what the facts suggest happened during the prehistoric record. That could only be possible, when we include all of the evidence of what actually occurred during the earliest record of humankind. Therefore, we must not exclude any part of the historic record, whether kept by Sumerians or by Moses, all must agree, and if there is conflict, find whatever may be overlooked before re-examining the archeologic record. Then we will be able to establish what is scientific fact and what is hype or fiction. To take such a narrow view, and then to amplify this misconception, is both heretical and certainly not good science. It may sell alot of books, and it would even cause us to re-examine the record. But not if we are presenting a hodge podge of disjointed and unrelated supposed events, that do not agree. CONSIDER THIS: RE-EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE! I have in my possession a full 2 hour documentary, that features video footage of Egypts leading archeologist, exploring miles of subterranean tunnels under the sphinx and inside the base of the great pyramid of Egypt, all showing signs of flooding, and a great deluge that washed them clean with sand. There is Biblical Evidence. You see, it says in Genesis 6, that the "sons of God came down and took for them women of whom they chose." But then it says later on in Genesis, that God was displeased because man he created had disowned Him. God said "My spirit will not always strive with man," and said this because "He Is FLESH!" now we can take that literally, to mean that it was man's very nature, that led to the fall of mankind by way of the flood.

THE FLOOD WAS A NATURAL EVENT, and had mankind been listening to God as he did in the Garden he would have been warned just as Noah did.

LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THE FLOOD: There was not one drop of rain prior to the flood, so when God told Noah to build it, it took a great deal of faith. No one had ever seen rain. To imagine continents splitting apart would have been an even greater stretch of their imagination. At that time, every drop of moisture came up from the ground, like a mist and watered the earth, which seeped from the underground reserves which exuded from the underground lakes. The flood was world-wide, not localised. Many archeological sites that can be traced back to that period show signs of a great flood; these are sites I have personally examined. Don't take my word for it, go see for yourselves. There is a lot of evidence that what is now underground caversn,were once filled with...H2O! This fact was first revealed by myself, and subsequently verified by scientists, when they discovered that a continental shift had led to the break of this one singular continent, also known as ATLANTIS forming the continents that we see today, thereupon releasing a vast reservoir of water, shooting into the skies great torrents and sheets of water, to rain down from the "flood gates," This is a geologic fact, often ignored by scientists but true and verifiable. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM UFO As the pillar of Fire rested upon the temple, and God literally lived in the holy of holies, he knew that their blood sacrifices were just a preparation to show that we could live with God if we could please God. But only the best, unblemished jewish priest would be allowed to enter where God dwelt from that cylindrical UFO. That is why, when we celebrate Christmas, we should rejoice, because God sent his Son, Jesus Christ as atonement for our sin nature, our flesh. He inspired Mary by inception from a UFO filled with the Holy Spirit that had overshadowed her near a well where she and Elizabeth were drawing water. It sounds like a classic UFO encounter if replayed today. Christs inception was pure, as was his conception, untouched by human hands in any way, so by devine hands His seed was planted. All of this, so that someday we too could be like the angels. This is a feat that we could never achieve alone, even with all of the ascended masters in the universe, no one would do except the one who arose from the dead and held the keys of life...and death in his hands...and He had a direct connection with the UFO. The Star of Bethlehem UFO and Jesus Christ. Although they try to dispute it, the Star of Bethlehem was not a star that could be devined by mystics or soothesayers. It could not have been a astrological potent, because God does not allow that form of worship FORBIDDEN. I will show that the star of Bethlehem had to be a UFO, and it was this devine sign, that gave Christ his divinity and connection with God. Every single prophet before Him had that unique and particular one else. When Christ arose from the dead, angels were seen in his death chamber immediately after his dispappearance from the tomb. You see my friend, everything that I say here is true, and mark my words that this too shall come to pass...because God has a plan for us and it started with the birth of his son by a virgin, in a manger in a little town of Bethlehem. So I present to you, some research I did on the STAR OF BETHLEHEM, and I explode the myth and reveal the truth about this important event in man's history. Jesus Christ was and is the King of the Angels, the King of Kings, and the Lord of lords. Our salvation was assured when He died on the cross, fullfilling God's requirement for a perfect, unblemished blood sacrifice when he gave his life freely on a hill called Skull Rock, or "Golgotha." God placed his seal on Chirst in the form of UFO activity. What began with a birth signified by a UFO and ended by his ascension into a UFO cloud, Jesus was the promised one, in the tradition of all the prophets before him, This was God's assurance that God would keep his promise to all of his sons and daughters, that we be like the angels, that we may live eternally, as sons and daughters of the living God, inheriting our promised land, through our space brothers and Jesus, who died for all of us. Merry Christmas Christopher...




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