We do not like to edit material that we publish. If the US Government didn't play these silly baby games with UFO groups around the world, we wouldn't even bother editing it! But for the sake of this person's sanity, we will do it without asking. We do not want to compromise our mission to inform the world about what NASA and the United States Government doesn't want to tell you. NASA means "never a straight answer" or is that "need another seven astronauts?"
They knew about the problem with the O-2 mixture in that space capsule, and had received prior warning by XXXX about the danger before hand. They chose to ignore the warnings, and seven astronauts died a horrible, fiery death. THAT is why we are playing with fire. I fear for my life. In the name of truth, we march forward, patriots.
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 01:27:50 EDT
Subject: Re: [uforce] UFORCE Newsletter VOL III #051700
To: uforce-owner@egroups.com
Shot in the dark interpretation, attached.
Great photo, Chris. Very intriguing. I have something similar in my files
somewhere. Will look for them. XXXXX Roswell photo analysis team
might like to get in on this. I believe you can still contact XXXX at
Gary *snip*
See attached image marsufo_1.jpg
Now, compare this to the original enhancement. The Mars UFO, which as attachhed to our last newsletter was sent in by a person who wants to remain anonymous. The following jpeg is the original enhancement
Special thanks to Mike Van Dusen (Gmike@webtv.net), Director MUFO and AVSE for his discovery and sharing of this significant find on MARS.
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