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Tips & Tricks Before Heading To The "Chat" Arena

By Christopher Montgomery

Tips & Tricks Before Heading To The "UFO Chat" Arena
1) You'll need a user name and a password before you enter chat. We have elected to show your ISP number when you chat...this is to protect you against the potty mouths that sometimes cyber into our rooms. They can be booted, and instructions for booting is found in the chat room. This UFO chat room is a resource when used properly. It is up to each one of us to use it responsibly

1b) REPORT VIOLATORS: If you find someone in the chat room who's being offensive, they're not in there to chat about UFOs or related paranormal subjects; get their e-mail address, their ISP number and chat name. Please report the offensive immediately. Contact us at or call 253-859-1727 to report the violator. Violators of UFORCE chat policies will be restricted from chat privelages. Please state their offense: ie- language was sexually explicit or immoral...the person was a racist and made racist remarks...etc.

2) Rules of UFO chat: no snerts, cybers, trollers, or those with a personality, emotional, or mental disorder. Mature crowds only, or you must, be accompanied by "Mother." Conversely, you may not berate others in the chat room who *are* members of angelfire...Okay, okay. You may *berate* them, but no harassing.

2a) Rules of ufo chat: State your business or the topic of chat when you initiate. If your topic is not related, make sure you state that when you chat. It is a good policy to introduce yourself, ie: say "Hello Room" when entering the chat room. Let everyone know that you have arrived and are not just spying, or lurking. When leaving, it is polite to say goodbye.

3) Ready to get a good browser yet? (Netscape 4.7 is this editor's favorite.) Download Netscape Browser here free!

4) Try subscribing to the "UFORCE Newsletter" for a wealth of information... Particularly, browse the internals links. I highly recommend this newsgroup.

5) If you must lurk---lurk thoroughly, ignore the flamers. They may not notice you if you don't say anything in the chat room...but they may notice that you have logged your handle and email (if you gave one) are listed.

6) See "WARNING" below*

7) Keeping this in mind, Go to UFO chat-1!
Go to UFO chat-2!

Chat rooms can be a source of intelligent and stimulating conversation. It is sad that certain people abuse the freedom and that chat rooms provide. In the interest of your safety, we present the following information to protect those who utilize our chat rooms.

WARNING: Fact-Fully one-third of children under the age of 18 have been approached by sexual deviants in chat rooms who have tried to arrainge sexual encounters. Don't allow your children to become victims. Educate them about the dangers*

WARNING: Fact-Women who have arrainged to meet with people they encountered in chat rooms have been preyed upon by seriel rapists and seriel murderers. It is very easy for them to get a new identity and email address without providing any background information. Protect yourself! DO NOT give out any personal information. DO NOT Meet with someone that you encountered in a chat room. It is risky behavior.*

WARNING: The US Government occassionally places shills in chat rooms and newsgroups. They may approach you to release government secrets or to agree to receive them. When arraingements have been made, they will arrest you for federal violations.

They have been known to discredit ufo web-sites by using foul language and leaving it in the chat room. They will then contact several search engines and file a complaint, to discredit the owner of the ufo chatroom and to reduce the site's ranking. Don't fall for their trickery. If you suspect that this is their intent, contact site administrator immediately, using the phone number and email address above. Thank you!

UFORCE assumes no responsibility for chatroom content. It is up to the users to boot the offensive parties and report them to A UFO RESOURCE CENTER. This has been a public service announcement from the UFO Resource Center.


_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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