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Chupacabras! The Legend Begins

Joseph L. Palermo, O/M, Executive Producer

Dream Masters Studios, LLC

In Depth Chupacabras Information Finally Released In Streaming Media Program ST. LOUIS, MO - June 24, 2000 (DMSLLC) -- DREAM MASTERS STUDIOS, LLC., of St. Louis, Missouri is set to make history with the new release availability of the 1 hour, 49 minute "Chupacabras! The Legend Begins," a feature documentary by Dream Masters Studios executive producer Joseph L. Palermo.

It was the 1995 wave of Chupacabras sightings and reports that reached from Puerto Rico to Miami, Florida and then stretched west across the southern boarder of the US and North to New York, accompanied by the possibilities of dimensional portals that finally caused a 10 person investigative team led by unusual phenomena researcher and author Marc Davenport of GreenLeaf Publications to embark on a five day expedition in Puerto Rico in search of unusual phenomena with a special emphasis on the Chupacabras creature. "Chupacabras! The Legend Begins" chronicles the portion of the expedition, coordinated by Joyce Murphy of Beyond Boundaries, Inc., involving the Chupacabras. "Accompanied by ufologist Jorge Martin, we shot on location in Puerto Rico in February of 1996..." comments Joseph. "Jorge guided us into interviews with police officers, four eyewitnesses to the creature and to an interview with the Honorable Jose "Chemo" Soto. The highlight of this expedition came as we finished with Mayor Soto and word came down that the Canovanas Civil Defense was preparing to leave immediately to investigate a fresh Chupacabras attack. We had the time and we went along."

CLICK THIS BANNER for Ordering information on CHUPACABRAS! The Legend Begins This program is unlike any other on the Chupacabras. Instead of a three minute, select highlights "bite" as most media are structured, the viewer has time to take in the witness and their's like being there.

The additional punch to this program is the Dr. Carlos Soto "necropsy report" footage brought back by Chupacabras researcher Bob Buck from a secondary trip to Puerto Rico in response to the interest of a major Japanese publication.

Dream Masters finally got the needed editing system to complete the program in 1998. A few months ago, Joseph began contract negotiations with StreamSearch.Com for encoding, hosting and webcasting. "There is a free 4 minute preview and then people can watch the whole thing for $3.99" reports Joseph. "And we're just in time with this program. In late April (2000), there was a surge of alleged Chupacabras activity in Chile and Mexico. It is my hope that this program can assist the people of these, and other, countries understand the nature of this creature better."

DMS will be placing other unusual phenomena based programs as well as dramatic features and series with StreamSearch for pay-per-view in the near future. To view the FREE preview, go to , search for "Dream Masters Studios", which will take you to the FREE preview and PPV page. The video will look better if viewed with a high speed connection.Joseph L. Palermo, O/M, Executive Producer -

Dream Masters Studios, LLC , Voice Mail: 423-2827 (Outside of St. Louis call at .10 cents a minute by dialing 10 plus 10-297-1-314-423-2827)Remember StreamSearch.Com , "The Remote Control of the Web!" To see the FREE 3:44 PREVIEW, or $3.99 PAY-PER-VIEW, go to this page:

"Chupacabras! The Legend Begins"


UFORCE thanks Dream Masters Studios LLC for providing us with this information. A UFO RESOURCE CENTER, your one source for UFO related news and paranormal information!
Delivered-To: UFORCE
Reply-To: "Joseph Palermo"
From: "Joseph Palermo"
Subject: In Depth Chupacabras Information Finally Released In Streaming Media Program
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 21:54:43 -0500

CONTACT: Joseph L. Palermo, Organizer/Manager, Dream Masters Studios, LLC.


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